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Posts posted by Fezzie

  1. The Enclave was founded many years ago in Star Wars Galaxies. It began with a group of like minded friends and has grown over the years through many MMOs. We came together again to play SWTOR and our family of friends grew. When we were moved to The Shadowlands server, our guild name had to be altered. We are now known as The Enclave Legacy, because we are the legacy of the original group that began 10+ years ago.


    We are a relaxed, yet dedicated group of adventure seekers! We enjoy both PVE and PVP. We are an adult (18+ only) guild that enjoys helping members to get all the fun they can from whatever aspect of the game they enjoy!


    Currently, we have two Ops groups for S&V SM (HM coming shortly), TFB HM, and several 16 man Ops for Golden Fury, TFB, and S&V. We are very active raiding guild and need a few DPS to finish out our 8 and 16 man teams. While we are primarliy looking for DPS, we will not turn away other classes that want to join us.


    If you looking for a Republic guild, love to laugh, and have a good time while achieveing your goals in SWTOR, we may just be the guild for you!


    Contact Kateara or Fezzie in game if you have any questions. You can also visit our website at

    The Enclave Legacy and submit an application.

  2. The Enclave was founded many years ago in Star Wars Galaxies. It began with a group of like minded friends and has grown over the years through many MMOs. We came together again to play SWTOR and our family of friends grew. When we were moved to The Shadowlands server, our guild name had to be altered. We are now known as The Enclave Legacy, because we are the legacy of the original group that began 10+ years ago.


    We are a relaxed, laid back group of adventure seekers! We enjoy both PVE and PVP. We are an adult (18+ only) guild that enjoys helping members to get all the fun they can from whatever aspect of the game they enjoy!


    Currently, we have two Ops groups for S&V SM (HM coming shortly), TFB HM, and several 16 man Ops for Golden Fury, TFB, and S&V. We are very active raiding guild and need a few DPS to finish out our 8 and 16 man teams.


    If you looking for a Republic guild, love to laugh, and have a good time while achieveing your goals in Swtor, we may just be the guild for you!


    Contact Kateara, Hold'en, or Fezzie in game if you have any questions. You can also visit our website at

    The Enclave and submit an application.

  3. Embarrassingly, I just started using my cleanse a week or so ago. It just was one of those little icons on right bar that I never really paid attention to... :t_redface:


    Now that it is on my radar, I'm constantly using it, especially on the ball carrier in Huttball.


  4. One of the hardest lessons in life, whether you have disabilities or not, is to not take things personally. It's a hard one to get down, but learning this lesson will help you in growing as a person you want to be.


    There is a lot of great information, tips, and experience in this thread. It is so refreshing to see OUR community come together and show their heart.

  5. Another gripe I have is with the legacy and surname system, where it makes it very difficult to identify someones name upon seeing them in the operations frames and visa versa.


    This drives me insane! I'm trying to distinguish my teammate's name only to find I'm searching the raid frams for his legacy name...


    It would be nice if everyone removed their legacy name and titles, but I understand this isn't the land of Oz...

  6. No, no, no....


    Make sure you log on right as the servers come up and then run to the forums to whine when the first little glitch happens.


    Then threaten to consider to cancel your account if said glitch is not fixed RIGHT NOW.




  7. I've noticed there are quite a few more healers on our new server in PVP. Sunday morning, the Empire side had 7 healers and one tank. I believe we had 4 healers on our side. All we did was fight each other with very few kills. It was a bit fun, but will be frustrating if this trend continues.
  8. This!


    Because most people will recognize grass and snow easier and with quicker reaction time and by the time any of us become useful in PvP we ALL know where grass and snow is.


    Also... (sorry Fezzie)


    Women... they further prove my point. Check studies that have been done and women are naturally bad with directions and my girl who is brilliant, at the age of 31 if I asked her to go west her head would possibly explode. No offense intended but it is fact.


    We DO have a lot of chicks on this game...


    No offense taken. I'm a woman that plays and I'm directionally challenged. I know, I embrace it.


    Again, it's personal preference. If you're calling out east/west, this healer will take a bit longer to get to you.

  9. Unfortunately, I'm directionally challenged. I'm the person that will tell you to turn left at the next corner, when in my head, I want you to turn right.


    When a person calls out "West/Left", I have to stop and think about which direct that is. Is it their left? or my left?


    Grass and snow are instant recognitions and I know exactly where to go.


    It just comes down to personal preference.

  10. As a healer, this thought never crossed my mind. If people are taking damage, I heal. If they aren't, I put up whatever dots I can or dps a bit.


    Many times in Huttball, I will heal the middle before positioning myself to "Rescue" the ball carrier. My stats in Huttball are consistently low. Now I have a way to get around that! Thanks for the idea!!




  11. I got yelled at last night for "Rescuing" a JK that was going to Force Leap in Hutt Ball. Unfortunately, my mind reading abilities were not working and I didn't know he was planning on Leaping at the same instant I "Rescued" him.


    I know I'm not the best player, but come on...

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