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Everything posted by Der_Falke

  1. - Giradda the Hut sells only "Ember Makrin" wich will only costs 4****** no Ranked tokens needs anymore. Giradda is selling nothing else ! - The Jawa dealers sells only one rare ghoral bird egg (Hadiir) wich will only costs 4******, same for mnek the muja fruit costs 4****** and izzar sells "Spiced Aric Tongue" wich only costs 4****** same for decoration .... Synth fabricator droid ..... and all other dealers as well .... Feulsia stato .... Do we have a Q&A in Bioware? Otherwise i will join
  2. Hi, I have also some suggestions for the new content to be released with 5.4 and later: 1. Definable gear requirements for Flashpoints What gear is required for a certain flashpoint is determined by different factors. The gear is one important factor but there are also others like the difficulty of boss mechanics and how skilled the players are. So it can be that a skilled group can easily clear some content while being undergeared while others can struggle even if they are overgeared. So it would be good if it would be selectable on the group finder which gear level to expect for a certain flashpoint. So for example if you have a premade group it might be possible to carry one not so good geared player. Therefore it would be good if is possible to override the gear limit and lower it from its starting default. 2. Reasonable loot drops for FPs The drops should always be in line with the difficulty of the content. So on FPs with a high difficulty valuable gear should drop and not for example some old 216 pieces. 3. Subscriber rewards should be reintroduced Last year subscribers got monthly some reward. Although the value of some of the rewards were debatable it showed that Bioware take care of the subscribers. Things like the story chapters or the companion were well received. Though this year there was nothing. Not even some small things like for example a vehicle, a weapon or a color crystal. This should be changed again as the subscribers are the most loyal customers. 4. Remove the artificial restrictions in decorating the strongholds There are people who like to decorate their strongholds that they are nice and shiny. For these people there are some nasty limits. The first is that the number of hooks is tightly coupled with the conquest. This is a problem because it forces you to fill up the stronghold with a lot of crap to get to the 100% and limits the number of available hooks because otherwise you would have to squeeze even more decoration into it. So I suggest to modify this dependency. Lower the limit required for the 100% conquest bonus so it is possible to reasonable decorate the strongholds. 5. Provide decoration that fits to strongholds If a new stronghold is introduced there should be decoration available that fits its look and feel. There should be a vendor to buy some basics like chairs and desks. In addition there should also be a reputation vendor for cartel certificates to be able to earn a decoration 100 times instead of only one time in the cartel market. In general the limit for some decoration should be increased. There are some things like the “Felusia Stato” basic decorations vendor that you can only have 4 pieces of it. This was ok when there were only 4 strongholds but now this is just stupid. I suggest to increase the limits of decorations to a reasonable number. 6. Make PvP not the only source of Unassembled components Unassembled components is a nice idea. Though the problem is that PvP is the only source for it. So it forces a lot of players into PvP that actually do not want to grind it just to get these components. I would suggest to get unassembled components also for "group" content in a reasonable number. E.g. drop something like 1-2 pieces for HM Flashpoints or for killing the endboss of an SM OP drop 4 pieces. 7. Provide some new events Events are a nice but for a long time the same events are repeated over and over again. It is time to introduce something new. One thing would that you reactivate the Chevin Grand Acquisitions Race event, because it is the only one that is not repeated regularly. If this is too difficult there could also be some new events, event if they are based a bit on rehashed content that already exists. For example you could make some kind of treasure hunting on Rishi, or rehash some parts of the HK-51 story. There is for example this part where you have to jump from one flying car to the other. Make there for example some race. So one finishes the path from the start to the beginning the bigger the reward.
  3. Hi, i didn't read the posts before, i only wanted to say following: I miss "progress" in starfighter - if the ship is done it's done - each year each character has to be equiped once again but not with starfighter - maybe thinging over a "season" that after the season the starhsip will be resetet and you can earn titles, emotes etc There is no option like ground pvp (odessen) for mixed teams(republik / imperial) so there is popping up more starfighter why we earn "unassembled components" for starfighter - we are playing a ship not a character on ground - so other rewards would be more suitable
  4. Hi, I would like to suggest that the legacy level limit from 50 is going to be removed. Why? I would like to show others how much i like swtor and to show others that wich legacy level therefore i have. Additional i would like to have at legacy level 200,400,600,800 each time a bonus on PvE content from e.g +1% Mastery so if you are playing a lot and you "revitalise" the servers that you get at least a small "bonus" for playing and grinding planets. Could be also for example playing on alderaan in pve content +1% mastery (so you can select which planet for example each 10 rangs you would like to be get a small boost in damage) or in sm operations +1% to all stats or to certain stats, so the programmers have not do to a lot that people still have some targets which are useful and helps players to be better in content.
  5. thanks for your suggestion - done
  6. Hi, i play pvp regulary since patch 5.1 and it seems that on T3-M4 the imps have found a way to have 9 players in there team instead of 8. It is not every time, but once a day more than once that they have 9 regular player in there team. I have just had once, that on the rep side we had one more. So i would like to have a patch for getting this thing correctly working so if there is a 9th in the team that the player got out. There should be no problem by adding one to a "operation group" to look if there are 8 or 9 in a team.
  7. the point is that stuipd bursting to commandos doesn't work anymore like in 4.0 and previous versions in the game. You have to check if he has his shield up or not. I would suggest to nerf sage. he can run easily run out have enough self healing and two different bubbles
  8. defense skills like mercs? Jugg. best encounter for mercs are snipers. if the merc has run out of his defense skills he is easily to kill like juggs.
  9. Hi, i play pvp regulary since patch 5.1 and it seems that on T3-M4 the imps have found a way to have 9 players in there team instead of 8. It is not every time, but once a day more than once that they have 9 regular player in there team. I have just had once, that on the rep side we had one more. So i would like to have a patch for getting this thing correctly working so if there is a 9th in the team that the player got out. There should be no problem by adding one to a "operation group" to look if there are 8 or 9 in a team.
  10. Hi, like a daily i would like to add the feature "[DAILY] Log in with your character each day" so casual players which has sub that they like to log in to grand for example 200 command points, that's a lot in the first command rangs but later it is nothing so i think that would be a possibility that people like to click on "star wars"
  11. would be very nice, if you could also provide "GMT+1" and not only american times.
  12. Hi, at the moment, the legacy ends with "50". There is at the moment no really advantage for playing the game "all-day" or only all 6 month. The Galatic Command should therefore the new "legacy extension" like having an option to improve oneselfe. E.g. auto-loot system as an option like GW2 (Guild Wars 2) that you don't have to pick up everything which is personal loot or something like getting 1% up to 5% for each stat like stamina, power, krit ...
  13. Hi, i would like to suggest that, like the Stronghold, player can create pvp maps by themselve and send in to the developer, maybe there is an extra option to test the maps (like getting by a "daily missoin" - test a pvp map which you didn't test before and rate it" and get for example doing that 100 pvp-marks).
  14. autoloot still not fixed, especially when somebody is alone it should collect the companion there is no QoL here for that ! Still annoying!
  15. Hi, i would like to suggest making a prio "daily area" like the prio op. Possibility would be to get a extra token for completing the weekly (maybe 10) there to convert it with e.g. 200 Tokens e.g. 224 relict or something for the left side. The idea with extra drops in the hc ops with relicts and implants was given up in 4.0 so there would be a nice solution even in patch 5.0. Falke
  16. Hi, ich spiele SWTOR bereits seit der Beta und suche eine Raidgruppe die zu einer eher ungewöhnlichen Zeit raidet. Ich suche eine Raidgruppe die Nachts (ab ca. 1 Uhr) oder am Morgen (ab ca. 9 Uhr) unterwegs ist. Als ein Spieler der ersten Stunde verfüge ich sowohl über Erfahrung als auch entsprechende Chars samt Equipment. Ich habe bisher primär als Tank und als Heal geraidet und habe beides sowohl für das Imperium als auch für die Republik auf Level 55 mit passendem Equip. Ich besitzte allerdings auch raidfähige DDs falls es daran fehlen sollte. Ich verfüge über folgende raidfähige Chars: Republik: Frontkämpfer (Tank) Schurke (Heal) Wächter (DD) Imperium: Sith-Attentäter (Tank) Sith-Hexer (Heal) Sith-Marodeur (DD) Es würde mich freuen eine neue Raidgruppe zu finden, da ich aufgrund meines Berufes nicht zu "normalen" Tageszeiten raiden kann. Grüße, Falke
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