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Everything posted by CptBrit

  1. This. Know your companions like you know your class.
  2. Well the "General" chat is more or less the same except it shows your avatars face next to the line of text Griefing still happens all the time infact what i'm saying and as far as I know CCP just say "Ignore List" Problem solved. An automatic answer saying "Any situation that can be solved by PvP is not a matter for Customer Service, If someone personally insults you, we are sorry for the inconvenience. Please ignore the individual in question and you will have no further contact with them." I've been insulted a couple of times by members of my own faction, lucky for me i'm thick skinned and really can't be ar*ed with whether some Keyboard Warrior thinks i'm a virgin or gay or the ultimate insult........... a Noob! OH NOES!
  3. I honestly think he/she is completely serious and it scares me a little...
  4. I thought he answered quite well on the Faction Imbalance. I mean what should Bioware do? Stop people rolling Empire? Anyone who thinks that should S-T-F-U. (It doesn't affect me in the slightest as I've got 8 chars anyway but still.) He said they were considering offering incentives to play Republic and as an Empire Player (I'm with them for the looks because everything does look better lol but then I thought that in the Films too. Well other than X-Wings) I've got no problem with that as long as it doesn't give them too much of an advantage maybe a Exp boost for the first 25-30 levels or something I don't know. Also where was the bit on cross-server PvP? I must have missed it was listening to it on my Phone while I played SWTOR yesterday... (I'm against it btw)
  5. In Vanilla, there was. Like the Island off the Coast of Hillsbrad... That used be something that all Noobish Explorers bumbled into, INSTA DEATH FOOL! You wouldn't even get on the island and if you were still questing in Hillsbrad you were quite lowish Level (Especially if you were Horde). The Mobs would aggro to you before you even realised there was any mobs on the Island.
  6. How would they do this? It only tells them that what planet they are on? Is someone going to scour an Entire planet just to find one person? Sad. Ba*tards. Too much effort for Zero Gain other than "Ha I killed you" Even though my Server pop is really good, this would be slightly awesome Can't see it happening though lol
  7. Its not always about CC. Its about Target Choice. You will - Unless you skipped most of the game - beable to take out the normals/strongs who accompany an Elite/Champion quickly. Now once those are down use whatever CC you can (just because it doesn't stun them for one min doesn't make it NOT a CC, If you can only stun droids for one min i'm taking it you are either a Smuggler or an Agent? you mean the classes with TWO early on stuns, Not got Smuggler up that much but Agent gets Flashbang and Debilitating Blade use those lol) and build up your energy whatever, activate your 20min healing CD skill, whatever you can do to get more HP, even if its just taking a few vital seconds off your Medpack CD. Bosses that can't be CCed at all are rare in Quests. But just follow my Three easy tips - in an earlier post - and nothing will stop you. PLEASE DON'T TRY TO FORCE BIOWARE TO DUMB DOWN THIS GAME BECAUSE YOUR REPAIR BILL IS TOO HIGH!
  8. You can do it in EvE thats what i'm saying You make a character based on a Race but you could go over and join the opposition "Faction" if you want. I'm not saying I was faction changes in this as EvE and SWTOR are COMPLETELY different games, but comms are still mostly text based and you can talk to the Enemy after a fight... Or during if your that good lol. Like I keep saying give us an option to ignore certain players who are the "I just ***** you hard rofltrolololol" kind. Personally I would very rarely get in touch with opposing faction players except maybe if they nearly beat me but I get a lucky crit and kill them "Congratz good fight thought you had me then!" I was going backwards and forward with a Republic Trooper last week on my Merc. She had the better geared companion but I had the better gear (I'm basing that just on HP of course, so thats what I 'thought') only just though, She killed me the first time while I was with Mako, then when Gault came back off a mission I killed her easy. It went back and forward like this for about 10 minutes, We both - after each dying at least 4 times - just had one last Mexican Stand off and backed off towards our individual questing areas (We were both doing the Nar Shaddaa bonus series. Well I was and i'm guessing she was too). I'd have loved to get in touch and cyber high-five him/her for the best World 1v1 PvP i've had in SWTOR. IGNORE LIST...
  9. Damn there is some hostility towards griefing in /say... Word of warning to people who "Don't like the bad man saying nasty things about me" Stay the fu*k away from EvE... even if you get your head round the learning curve, you will shed sweet tears of pain as people Warp Scram you, then nearly destroy you, before toying with you in "System Chat" then ransoming you "Saying give us 50mil Isk or you die" before waiting til you send it, destroying your ship anyway then podding you. Is this nice? No. Is it a part of the game? Yes. Do people "Bi*ch to high heaven about it? Yes!!! I'm all up for full on Cross Faction Comms but just give us the ability to /ignore opposing faction members and simple. If not full then at least let us friend people of the opposing faction.
  10. Hmmm can't really remember having trouble but then like I've send in my earlier posts I've tended to be overleveled on all my chars. The three Golden rules of "How to stop getting your A*s handed to you with Side Salad" are: 1. Make your gear as optimal as is financially possible! Even if you can't afford to make/buy mods that are your level, at least try to keep you gear level "mostly" within reasonable distance from your level. 2. Gear your companion! This will mean the difference between defeat and an easy victory. 3. Overlevel the content. Space mission dailies while repetitive give you a massive boost to Exp and Credits at earlier levels. Also PvP dailies and Flashpoint Dailies can both help alot (Plus you can build up Warzone Commendations for the sexiness that is the Level 40 PvP Gear) in your levels. Follow these three rules and you will enjoy the slight challenge Elites pose (If any at all!) and "Strong" Enemies will fall in droves... L2P... Really... But if your trolling +1
  11. Although I would shout SPOILERS! lol Its pretty obvious with the amount of Agents I see with "*Unimaginative name here* the Double Agent" so therefore i'll let you off Part of me really wants to level my Agent just to the end of Act 1 just so I can see how this happens and hopefully shoot the damn Republic Filth who tries to turn me. My Agent is Lightside. Hes a good guy, helping innocents etc but is Loyal to the Empire (Stole the Turret plans from Grantham etc) Actually can't wait to proceed in it but i'm waiting for a RL to pull his finger out and get this game!
  12. You Guardian or Sentinel? I had zero problems on my Guardian once Kira got some good gear... In fact all I needed to do to "Push the I Win Button" was keep Kira alive and whailing on them with her Double-Bladed Whiffle Bat and mobs died. Fast.
  13. Thank you Was gonna go into the corus too lol but though no first part of song will be more than people can bare anyway /OP (So the thread doesn't get locked!) As much as I would like the emotes, Chat Bubbles for me need to come first, people can't be expected to be looked at General all the time lol
  14. I lol'd I just got the image of Bioware putting 40 young teenagers in a room full of computers with pre-created level 50s and saying. "We want you to test out PvP, also we've allowed cross-faction communication for you, to aid competitiveness we don't mind the odd jibe at one another, but keep it clean and fair."
  15. I'm going down to the pit I'm gonna do just fine Gotta Gotta move fast Because I want that Ball I started out in the queue And now I'm hunting you It was cus of the queue It was cus of the queue Now I've dropped off the ramp and your running to me What the hell should I do? You are stronger than me Now you get into range and your beating on me but your stood on the edge...
  16. Meh would be ok I suppose. I wouldn't really care about Republic's griefing me because if they can talk to me, they can be ignored by me. Simple. What the main thing they should sort out is Cross-Faction mail! What? I can get a mail from a Sith Lord on one of my Republic Chars but I can't send my Jedi Knights second cousin twice removed Bounty Hunter a damn decent crystal and enhancement! Christ Mail in the futurepast is racist! /Say works crossfaction. Don't know about /Yell though.
  17. What this game needs is Bolters! and Choppas! and erm... Those monofiliment (Sp?) weapons that the Lanky Psychic boys use! Yea proper weapons of War! But seriously I wouldn't see a problem with those been added later on, Just make them in the End game and advertise using the "Normal" Lightsaber. Volla! More Variety while the average Joe sees what they know.
  18. Are you on an RP server? A Sith saying stand and fight like a man was probably roll playing lol I could see a Sith shouting that while swinging his lightsaber at thin air trying to get the stealthed Scoundrel... You shouldn't corpse camp people just because they roll play I'm in a guild with a Sith Warrior who threatens everyone at the start of a PvP Match that "If you fail, I will kill you all in the Emperors name!" or words to that effect... You corpse camp people for been Tw*ts lol Its very "Sithy"...
  19. Great after reading your sig I now have a song stuck in my head... Fingers crossed my boss doesn't walk in! lol
  20. Sorry your having trouble but this isn't the games fault, Just overlevel the content. I've been overleveled on my DPS Merc since Balmorra. Yep I leveled the sh*t out of Hutta and Dromund Kaas so much all the quests were green on Balmorra and with Smatterings of Space Mission Dailies and PvP dailies and the Odd Flashpoint (I've only done every flashpoint once and I don't do the dailies everyday.) I'm now Level only about 1 hours gaming away from 40 and I haven't finished Taris yet. I'm actually now in the opposite boat to you, with most groups of mobs been totally p*ss easy. Yea they can damage me but with a decently geared Mako for Bosses and Gault for everything else (And soon to be Torian full stop!). Honestly try doing a few PvP battles it is actually quite fun now all the level 50's are off playing with one another on Ilum or their PvP Bracket.
  21. I've seen at least 2 variations of Skywalker on Lord Calypho. Sky'Walker & Skywalkher. Without unique Legecy names this would happen more so... Remember when Burning Crusade came out? How many Blood Elf Hunters with variations on Legolas were spawned... Urgh...... Like I said before take your own second name and change it a bit (A lot if you the touchy with people knowing your name type). You can even do it with Fore Names. One of my Characters is named after my Cousin but seeing as though Michael doesn't exactly fit Star Wars in my eyes my Operative is called Mykael which I think suits SW and fits in with the Legecy name. People just need to dig into that sludge between their ears and think! lol No all my Character names aren't the most imaginative (My Smugglers not at all!) but I'd say they all "fit" Star Wars and so does my Legecy name.
  22. Simple Star Wars likes apostrophe's put one of that little ba*tards in your name and Volla! I always try to think up good names in games, i'll never just call my characters Buttcheese, BingleDerry or lolpwn. But when it came to my legacy name I was lost for ideas... I needed something that would fit all my characters and I wouldn't mind seeing it for as long as I played the game. I stuck an ' in my own RL surname... and I think it looks ok (Names in my Sig). I don't want anyone else with it, its MY name not anyone else's. Also the game would be full of so many Skywalkers it would be like they Cloned his x30 Great Granddad/Grandmother. Uniqueness is good. Read what I wrote above... No need to go to a level of Retardness... Also if this lasts that long they might put in a Random Legacy name generator.
  23. The jokes were a nice little feature in WoW... Wouldn't have hurt the budget too much to come up with 2 jokes for each VA and a laugh that wait for it actually laughs!.. I hate having to just put "lol" in chat a /laugh is so much better. Also /Hello and /Bye and a /sit that isn't so camp its un-fu*king-true would be nice too. And Chat bubbles... Though Chat Bubbles would be my most wanted out of the things i've stated i'm willing to wait for bug fixes etc... Just pull your fooking fingers out
  24. Rather than player housing... More types of Ship and Ship customisations would be better (as has been mentioned) Also some PvP Free-Roaming ship battles to show them off!!! Damn I would love something like an X-Wing (Yea I know they aren't around for 3000 years whatever)
  25. I actually lol'd hard... xD +1 Internet to you.
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