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Everything posted by Sintz

  1. Grow up, stop whining. wait in line.
  2. I'm extremely excited for the game, infact I actually can't wait. But what's really bugging me is people spamming over the forums about not getting there early access. ITS BEEN 2/3 HOURS since they've sent them out, yet you are ALL expecting to get in TODAY, seriously.. its getting pathetic, if you get in, congrats. if you don't, please don't start whining because you've pre-ordered 3 years ago..... ITS NOT GOING TO GET YOU IN ANY QUICKER! I'm sure all of you understand the time and effort that has gone into this game, so please don't start QQing because you haven't got an email. I think that most of you need to learn to be patient and actually understand how a huge scale MMORPG like this works at LAUNCH.
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