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Everything posted by HayleyBekah

  1. They really do need to be fixed...it breaks the immersion that the game creates when you've played with characters appearing a certain way the entire time and then they return looking like different people entirely. They've shown it can be done...they just need to actually do it.
  2. Ugh...I don't want to talk to their support on the phone :'(
  3. Having similar issue and kept getting an error when trying to submit my ticket. Purchased coins for the Warbound Crusader Hypercrate. Got the coins and went to buy the hypercrate. It subtracted the 5500 CC from my balance for the hypercrate, but it errored out without ever actually giving me the hypercrate (or putting it into the unclaimed items section for me to claim it). Checked my ledger and it went through...but I have nothing to show for it. :mad: Gave me Error Code 16 (in the cartel market)
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