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Posts posted by kloma

  1. I'll transfer a toon over, if all of the current teams head over.


    PVP wont be better here without GG/Empire/Guerilla, it just means that Zen will be top dog when they can field a full team, or republic or Dark Empire. And any guild will have it's bad apple, someone who wants to exploit or just troll people.


    as for all the excuses about whos better, lets get it on, we've a few weeks left.


    Lets do ranked, until you leave, then you can all leave and people don't need to dispute whos better.



  2. he scored once after leaping to me, then stayed in the endzone fighting. you can see the ball reset at middle, but as his was moving around in the enemy endzone he occaisionally crossed the line and these counted as goals.
  3. the range is tiny? lol....in hypergate me and a sin tank attacked a ball carrier just outside the mid before you go around the rock and toward the pylon, got him under 5% hp with no cc on us, the tiny range roll got him to the pylon in one second, what are u smoking bud


    no, it didn't. either he was not in combat, or it took longer than you're saying, and you guys forgot to slow him.

  4. Yay, I remembered to take a SS for once.. mostly because Kyo poked me. Not sure if any of these make top 5's besides the damage taken and overall heals.



    Crazy game, shout outs to all on both sides. Hopefully I posted this stuff right, I am a scrub at the internet.


    nice! did vanth get a ss of his/her heals too, first ive seen past 2 mil here

  5. Hey guys since patch my shoot first is showing as rank 2, all other abilities are rank 7/8, to be fair i never checked before, i just moused over today after a series of low numbers and thought it was odd. nothing new to train.


    anyone able to clarify what rank shoot first should be?



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