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Everything posted by instabean

  1. 'The Harbinger' on the US West Coast was where a fair amount of the Australian guilds were deployed and thus is pretty much the unofficial Australian server. The secondary PVE server is 'The Jekk'Jekk Tarr' which is also US West Coast. As far as PVP servers goes, 'The Swiftsure' is where Australian PVP guilds were deployed (US West Coast) All of the above information is available on this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&key=0ApTWvw8Y4QNHdFdPWTYwY0hObFV0ZzMyakRHRkQ5bmc&output=html Which came from the Southern Cross Guild facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Southern-Cross-Gamers-Southern-Cross-Gaming-Guild/113102332072001
  2. There is a customer service number in America/Canada and Europe....but it would probably be cheaper and more entertaining to dial an international sex line You can try using the below form for support: http://www.swtor.com/support/form
  3. Hate to use World of Warcraft as an example, but it's the casuals that pretty much pay the bills. http://blog.raptr.com/2010/12/17/raptr-world-of-warcraft-cataclysm-report-top-11-of-players-generate-50-of-total-playtime-hours/
  4. Not everyone chooses to spend 20 hours a week on what ultimately is entertainment that one pays for.
  5. Whilst your average gamer is playing TOR in between other priorities such as work, kids or other things that take up time. http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/games/blogs/screenplay/gamers-getting-older-20110615-1g45f.html
  6. I got my physical copy from Amazon, got it on the 19th. Of course, you could ask someone to download the client and transfer it to your hard drive and run it from there (I don't know where you are based so if this isn't an option feel free to ignore it). When you run the client you will put in all your account information in the client launcher login
  7. As long as there is a server called 'Mon Calamari' something so I can make "Chuck some Mon Calamari on the barbie" jokes!
  8. Oh I plan to be Inebriated all right. Yes, I can see that it will be a contributing factor for getting wiped on operations/raids, it's why I plan to group with friends who can laugh about the experience and not be all 100% focused on the end result (Your mileage may vary) Grouping people on the internet is like herding cats who can talk back.
  9. I'll take your word for it Xenofell. I have never played WOW so I can't compare it to something I have never experienced. Being in Australia I'm used to delays in all facets of life
  10. Fair enough point AlkalineKitten. I plan to group with friends for endgame once the Oceania servers are implemented. As I have never played WOW, I have no basis of comparison to go off here. For those used to a different mechanic and timing, I acknowledge it would be finger nails on blackboard jarring.
  11. Neither you or I have decent data in front of us Vindor, so we can't comment with any certainty. Are the 100,000+ views unique users?
  12. The market will dictate the outcome Vindor. If it is really a huge issue then subs will drop like a stone and Bioware will have to move quick to fix it. I'd rather not listen to first world problems. Everybody wins!
  13. I will be doing storyline quests long before I even think of PVP (I'm not wired that way, Team Fortress 2 is probably the only online game against opponents I play as I have local servers...so dying is due to my own stupidity ) When the financial reports for Electronic Arts come out July next year I will be looking at the costs of SW:TOR, if only to have a reasonable figure of the damn cost of this MMORPG Thank you for your reasoned response.
  14. Make or break is a pretty bold claim. It's important for PVP.....but this is hardly a FPS where the delay means death. For people like me who are PVE it's a bit annoying but hardly game breaking, as I have the story to look forward to. For some of the older folk who are playing this for the story/universe and wouldn't know rotations if you hit them with it, it's a non issue as their reflexes mean they don't mash keys like crazy. Since I already have 400ms latency playing from Australia, I'm used to it. This reminds me of Critical hits for Batman: Arkham City, I could never get the timing right which would result in dying all the time, so yeah, I ended up mashing the left mouse button. Until I have raw numbers of how many cancel their sub due to this issue, I'm going to refrain from commenting much
  15. Corner the market with Collector Editions like crafting materials! What, Slicing was altered you say?
  16. Avatar's budget = Anywhere from 230 Million to 500 Million depending which figure you believe. Star Wars: The Old Republic > Avatar (which I thought was a rubbish film, I watched it on a flight) as far as entertainment per hour cost thus far. Oh yeah, all the earnings Avatar made was spent settling lawsuits: http://www.theage.com.au/business/murdochs-avatar-profit-may-be-lost-on-lawsuits-20100304-pknl.html Vote with your subscription.
  17. Here's hoping...currently both the Europe and the America servers are taken down at the same time for maintenance.
  18. Collie = City of Collie I take it <forehead slap> I'm in Perth so my information on lag times should be relevant. I have one character on the Europe Servers for when the US ones are too busy, so I wouldn't delete your character quite yet Try to get on The Harbinger and The Jekk'Jekk Tarr servers for PVE and The Swiftsure for PVP, as a lot of Oceania players are on there (makes joining guilds easier) The Harbinger has more Oceania guilds deployed there than The Jekk'Jekk Tarr from memory
  19. You should have lower latency on an Oceania server. I'm based on the West Coast of Australia, pulling about 240 - 280 ms latency on a US West coast server, about 400ms on an Europe English server. Going by prior experience with Team Fortress 2, a server in my city has a ping of about 30ms - 80ms, an Australian server based on the East Cost about 80ms - 120ms, whilst an an American server would be anywhere from 250ms - 500ms (Which is death for a first person shooter) When the Oceania servers come out I'll be rolling my force users alts (especially Sith).
  20. As long as we have servers named The Harbinger, The Swiftsure and The Jekk'Jekk Tarr I would be happy. I would be ecstatic if somehow they could duplicate the above three servers in real time and host it in Oceania, so our US brethren could invade at their leisure whilst we have a decent ping Failing that, expand the above three servers for March and give priority access to Australians/New Zealand....we already have invaded the above three servers anyway
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