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Posts posted by Chahur

  1. any idea about guild options in the future, like showing the last time a member logged in, larger area for guild messages or a separate page for guild info, guild mass mail options, more slots for ranks, showing when a member joined the guild (its difficult to promote members if your not sure when they joined), possibly being able to red flag a member that has been booted so all their toons are flagged so they can't join back up by creating a new toon (this flag to be seen only by GM and officers of the guild he/she was booted from), status of a guild bank, possible guild houses.
  2. I personally would like the toggle switch for same-sex romances, some characters I would play as straight and others as bi, for me it all depends on the class of character and the personality of the character that I attach to it. For example I might play a Bi Imperial Agent because I feel that this would be more in tune with the class and things that this character might be required to do to accomplish the mission, or maybe a Homosexual smuggler or a straight trooper (just for example). But I would like the option to turn it on or at least identify my preferences for that character.
  3. I'm a little conflicted, I would say yes to the story line and most of the game. The no comes from the problems the game is experiencing, I haven't been able to play for almost 2 weeks because of lag, which I didn't expereince for the first 2 weeks that I played. The game seemed to play better during the BETA than it does now after the patches, I'm considering cancelling my sub and waiting till some of the problems are fixed. Bascially I'm going through SWTOR withdrawls.


    So I guess I'm more of a Yes than a No.

  4. I personally like the class quest line, the companion quests and the main story line types, but for all the little side quests, not so much. I hate being an errand boy for some lazy NPC, I like my quests to have purpose that advances the story for my character and my companions. I never really liked EQ2, the whole game was nothing but a bunch of meaningless quests that had no purpose and the only progression you saw was leveling. When there is no real progression you might end up missing some quests or something that is really cool.
  5. Can anyone tell me where to find a list of which companions are romanceable? I haven't been able to romance anyone because I play a female character and all my companions are females ( which sucks). And is there a romance scene? If there is, is it any good or is it lame like DA2 or ME2, the whole dry humping thing doesn't appeal to me.
  6. I actually felt that the Republic quests are easier than Empire, getting my companion for my Sith Consulor (sp?) was not easy and I needed a group to get Khem Val, basically the companions for the Empire seem to be more quest related or achieved than with the Republic. Maybe its just me, it just seems that on the Republic side things are just given to you and on the Empire side you have to fight for everything or finsih a quest line to get it. I guess that kind of goes with the theme of the game, Sith are very competitive and have to struggle/fight for every advancement or item they get. I haven't gotten to far into the game yet, so maybe I'm completely wrong in this. I've only gotten up to lvl 26 but it just seems easier on the Republic side.
  7. Yea I take my time, I think my highest lvl is 26, but I have maxed out the amount of toons i can have, I like variety and I like exploring. I understand that some people like to get to the end game content right away and thats fine, I'm not sure if there is any end game content yet but for those that zip right to lvl 50 as fast as they can, hey more power to you, if thats how you like to play. I play around alot with crafting too, i'll sit in a city and send out my companions to craft or harvest resources, while I eat dinner or work on homework, lol.
  8. What I seem to be seeing is that the game seems to be getting worse not better, I played in the BETA weekend when they were checking server capacity and stuff and the game worked really good (after I lowered all my graphics settings), there were a few glitches and bugs but nothing that would stop me from playing. As of yesterday there is so much lag that I can't even move and it even happens in the character selection screen, when there is Maintenance or a patch it seems to reveal more problems than solutions. I'm sure there are alot of things that I missed during the BETA since I only played for a couple days, but I have a couple toons past the level that my BETA toon was and I see alot more problems now. I don't mind the downtime for maintenance or patches as long as they make some noticeable improvement to the performance of the game, I don't particularly care if the cosmetic things are fixed right away, I prefer that performance issues are fixed first. This is only my opinion and I realize that it is limited to only the things that I have come in contact with, so it is possible that things have been getting better and I just have not realized it or experienced it yet. I really like the game but the recent lag issue is making the game unplayable.
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