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Everything posted by Descento

  1. Yes, they are all grey for me. I get only Vredits and gear out of completing missions. No im not trolling, what would be the point? And i do enjoy all the side quests. I explore every region of every planet, i like the lore, i like the stories behind these missions. Why rush through the game to lvl 50 when there isn't much there anyway? Might as well enjoy the single-player aspect (leveling and questing)
  2. Maybe they are boring (well, not too much) but they do bring credit, rewards and commendations. I like that. I just cant get over the feeling that if I skip bonus missions, i kindof rush it and miss out on the content.
  3. I dont PvP at all. I do one daily Space Mission tho. And i dont play much, so i tend to accumulate a lot of rest points.
  4. I like the gameplay, it's very fun to level so i'm doing all the class quests, side quest and bonus quests on every planet. The problem is that i'm already level 45 and I haven't even set foot on: Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corelia and Illum By the time i get to a planet, i'm way past it's intended level. I feel like all the missions give too much XP and the leveling is too fast.
  5. There is nothing multiplayer, let alone MASSIVE about it. I quest alone, skip heroic missions and at lvl 45 did like 3 or 4 flashpoints total - all because there is no one to play with. the worlds seem empty, the chat seems dead. i am a sand, sad panda
  6. you are doing it wrong. use Gus Tuno companion.
  7. that's because you're 8 you kids come up with the most stupid posts.
  8. Well, that makes sense. Missiles need to hit the target to do damage. You can press a button and instantly have someone die.
  9. All the kids are rolling Evil Empire character because of the "i hate the world" teenage mentality.
  10. i just nuke the shield generators on the capital ships, and then the whole ship is dead pretty fast no need to concentrate on every turret
  11. The game is still very fresh. Maybe they will add some awesome Relic schematic that only Cybertech can make/use, that would rival the Biochem. Same with other professions. Bottom line is, things are going to change and new stuff is going to come. You cant have everything within 1 month of the game launch. BW needs to monitor the game balance first, and then make according changes.
  12. why not? i think it's very easy to fix. just buff other professions with new, powerful schematics and introduce some other features that require mats/crafting (like enchanting in wow) and people will start dropping Biochem, because other professions would be equally good/needed.
  13. I have a question about Shotguns: are all of them bugged? Even the green schematics that you learn from a trainer - i can't discover the blue/purple version of it through RE?
  14. I'm doing bonus quests on Balmora, and during mission conversations i select the answers that raise my comanion affection level (i can see it pop up in the lower-left corner) but then i look at my crew window and see that the points aren't being registered for my companion - the number stays the same. Is this a bug or something else?
  15. even if you group with 4 people for every single quest in the game, your Social Level still gonna be unbelievably slow i heard people team up and farm endless Eselles flashpoins (low level FP, they rush through it)
  16. you need a poweful video card i got some dual ATI (5880 or something like that) 170-180 fps on average on a 30" display 2560x1600
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