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Posts posted by laiboch

  1. Could you also look into adding:


    Disproportionate availability of medals to different classes. IE some classes have access to damage, healing, objective, kills etc while others do not causing it to be easier for one class to get 8 medals than others. All class should have access to the same number of medals over all.


    Lag and performance issues with animations etc.


    I agree 100% with the cut scenes in those WF's Perhaps they could flag your toon so it only playes if desired or on the first time entering the WF?

  2. Remember the Bioware team is hard at work and values community feedback.


    With this patch they did extensive testing and even when a large number of the testers told them the patch was not ready they took those valued opinions, ignored them and pushed the patch anyway.


    Looks like the same Bioware.


    Should check out the forums on Dragon Age some time... people bringing up real issues and getting the same basic response. Nothing.

  3. They just tried to do way to much at once....


    Bioware really need to start thinking about how they make changes...


    Make one change test that single change re-test then deploy.


    It is always better to make smaller changes that can be fixed by a small rollback of server content then huge changes that end up causing chaos.


    I would suggest next time pick one thing at a time.

  4. my only DILL PICKLE with this whole boondoggle is they shouldve known better. ive been an IT manager for over a decade.. and i would never implement so many changes all at once. we all know you can only test so much in a test environment. so why go live with all these changes all at once, i for one am glad they didnt do the ranked warzones. that would be just another layer of broken failness .. instead of a massive change like this.. why not just release it piece meal. that way if something breaks its much easier to diagnose and fix..



    there ya go :D



    Because that is how smart people do things not now EA/Bioware do things.....


    Really think about it...


    Take Dragon Age I good game, but when players are making mods for the game that are better than what the Dev's can come up with you know there is an issue....


    As for 1.2 UI changes = good


    PVP changes = ehhhh pvp is more bugged now than it was before.


    PVE changes = ehhh same as pvp changes...


    New PVP and PVE armor = Fire lead artist that approved it..


    Class "Rebalancing" = Fail

  5. I agree with the OP 100%


    The biggest issue is that PUG's with a lot of fresh 50's are getting rolled so hard and so fast they can walk away from half the matches with nothing but tire marks on their face.


    I have seen Huttball matches end in under 60 seconds and the losing team that really tried to take on the 2 premades they ran into walk with 0 comms...


    I do understand that they put in a minimum score to get credit to stop AFKers, but with adding all those extra coms for fast wins means that instead the winning team walking out with good rewards and the losing team at least getting something its turning into an all or nothing bet and for PUG pvpers that means massive numbers of games they get nothing or almost nothing.


    Its no way to progress, and more so it actually has done more to hurt PVP and PVP progression.

  6. /signed


    Here are the issues that many people are not really thinking about when they say "W T F I went in for 45 seconds and got 15 medals L2P"


    There are groups of medals that different classes simply cannot get, and some of those groups are very easy to build up. This creates a situation where one group of players has to really work at getting 7-9 medals and others can put guard on a healer and walk out with 3 free medals on top of what ever they actually work for.


    On my Sorc I can pull 16-18 medals in a win and 10-12 medals in a loss, on my Marauder 8-9 on a win 1-3 on a loss, and the reason is my Sorc has access to both the healing and damage medals where as my Marauder does not.


    Yes I am sure that people will say LTP blah blah blah and all that, but its not a L2P issue its an issue with how many medals are open to a class.


    My Sorc has access to Healing medals, Damage Medals, kill medals and objective medals. So do Mercs, Troopers and Agents.


    Other classes do not. So Yes some classes can get 3+ with out trying but others cannot.


    Lets take a healer... you can either do the damage your self or just step into a fire etc .. pop relics hit your biggest heal. Instant 2 medals 2.5K heal and 5K heal in one pop... Hit a few AOE's Easy 10 kills AOE the objective point easy 3K objective points.


    There you go even in a faceroll you get 6-7 medals.


    Now take a pure melee with no heals.... they have access to half as many medals in the same amount of time.

  7. Here is my take on things...



    You get a pop come in and your team is down 4 to zip... right click and leave...


    Why? even if you go out and do everything you can your odds of getting enough medals to get anything out of being there is almost non existent... so you just leave.


    The second people see they are about to get rolled by a strong group they are like rats on a sinking ship running over the women and children to get out.


    I do like the new medal system, but for new PVP players the instant 10 medals for rolling a match does very little to build the PVP community. If anything it does a lot of damage.

  8. It amazes me how idiotic some of you people are.



    First off all, as far as damage types are concerned.


    Sorcs = Sage


    There is ABSOLUTELY nothing that one class has over the other when it comes to different damage mitigations on their spells. TK and Force Lighting are EXACTLY THE SAME. They are mitigated the same, their base damage is the same and the 50% slow applied to the target when hitting it with the spell is true on both classes.


    The ONLY difference between the two classes in general is the animation of their spells. Project's animation causes for a delay in damage. It has been confirmend by Devs that this is currently at 1.8 sec between cast time and the rock or the droid hitting the target. Some people may find this unacceptable because the Sorc's equevalent ability Shock, is pretty much instant damage at the time of cast.



    Second off all... the reason you're getting murked by lower level Sorcs or whatever is...



    1. You don't cleanse their DoTs. Both of their DoTs can be cleansed INSTANLY after the're applied. If you actually pay attention to them casting Crushing Darkness, you can litereally cleanse it off before it does it's first thick of damage. Not only that but the sound that Affliction and CD make is ridiculously unique so you don't even have to pay attention to know it's on you.


    2. You aren't using your interrupts and stuns properly. Your stun should be saved for your burst rotation. If you want to finish them off you need to keem them in place. This way you can interrupt their bauble cast or force speed. Also, using Mind Sap to interrupt just ONE Force Lightning can and will result in you winning a fight against them.


    3. They're just better then you. Simply, they out skill your game play and you can do **** about it.


    Last night for example, I had a Sorc switch over to my side and barrage me with insults cuz I literally destroyed him in few sec. I was holding the right door on Voidstar by myself since everyone was fighting on the other side. That guy strolled up, started casting Crushing Darkness on me... which you should never do. At that point I've already casted my Weaken Mind on him and the procs off it were already rolling. Soon as his Crushing Darkness and Affliction hit me, they were cleansed and I tossed a Project at him which procced twice hitting him for around 2+k. My Tele Throw proc was up so I casted the whole spell on him in 1.2 sec which procced my Presence of Mind. During that 1.2 sec cast I already had my Force In Balance up on him wihich crit him for about 2.5k and as soon as my GCD cleared I insta casted Telekanetic Wave at him due to Presence of Mind, which crit him for 2.8k... At this point, this fool try to force speed out, I just stunned him, tossed another Project and TK and he was dead.



    All it takes is a little knowladge and desire to learn. Most people who beat you in the game do it for a reason so insted of asking for nerfs, you should learn. Also, if you're gonna ask classes to get nerfed... make sure it's not your class first, lol. If they do anything to the Sorc, they're gonna do the same exact thing to the Sage.



    I'm at work right now. Tonight when I get home, I'll grab one of my Sorc buddies and fraps some footage for you people.





    Before you idiots start flaming me.


    Fulkan, 50 Sage, belgoth's beacon


    Amen sir, Amen

  9. the title is nerf inquisitor not the other classes. Its titled that for a reason. Please stay on topic.


    News Flash!


    Sage and Sorcerer are Mirror Classes


    Shadow and Assassin are Mirror Classes


    I am sorry that sages have Gimp graphics and look stupid, but the reality is that Sages can pull the exact same damage and healing as a Sorcerer.


    Neither class has the best burst damage instead they depend on layering damage by stacking dots. Any decent burst class can drop a Sorcerer/Sage 1v1 that's just the reality of the class. Sorcerer/Sage get their numbers by standing back a bit and putting out constant damage. If they get to much attention then they die in seconds.


    The funny thing is watching people point out the damage they do in PVP, but with a bit of logic you realize that the reason for this is the Sage/Sorcerer is in their prime element there. People are forced to cluster to take objectives making their AOE's lethal. None of their abilities are about burst they are all about layered consistent damage, but even then any burst class can still turn around and target either a Sage or a Sorc and burn them down before those dots can finish them off, and then all the Sage or Sorc can do is try and get some space to start up their dots again.


    I also still find it amusing the way people complain about Sages and Sorcerers when ANY burst class can drop them in seconds. When I play my Sentinel I actively hunt down and destroy Sorcerers because they are easy kills for a DPS class. On the other hand Bounty Hunters spamming Tracer Missile can just stand there and wipe out about any class. This is changing in 1.2 and they will have to do more than spam one attack which will be nice.


    I guess it just goes to show you that players that don't understand a spec in a class will make up anything to justify their fabricated BS.


    The single biggest killer of any game are people that cry about things they really know nothing about till the Dev's actually listen and make changes to classes that in all reality were never justified. I have no issue with the coming changes to the Sorcerer, and ill still melt faces with the same efficiency as I do now, and even with the changes there will still be people that simply suck at playing crying about how OP Sorcerers are just because they have that really cool lightning graphic.


    Meanwhile Burst classes will still drop Sages and Sorcerers in seconds, and idiots will complain till the end of time.

  10. I agree with the OP on this issue, and its not because I want a game with a 4 button rotation or anything like that.


    My reasoning is that not all classes have the same difficulty of play.


    A Merc does not need to use more than a few keys to not only play effectively, but out play other classes simply because their class is EZ mode compared to others. I am not downing the class there are several builds that require far more keys. Like 6 instead of 3.


    They need to make all classes equal in play requirements. If one class requires 400 key binds to play the class than EVERY class should require 400 key binds to play, but each class has a huge gap in playability.


    Many people simply use Keyboards that they can macro everything they want while other players are not using macro's at all.


    Its far more reasonable to sit down and streamline every base build so that they require the same number of keys lets say 6-8 instead of having one class have 5 and another having 18.


    The simple solution is to allow Macro's or "combo keys" (combo keys are where you have X number of slots you can put skills into like a macro, but built into the UI) You get the best of both worlds. Players that like having 500 key binds can keep them and players that are sick of spending all their time watching nothing but their hot bars can look up and say OMG there is a cool looking game here!


    Anyone that tries to argue "the purity of the game" as their excuse as to why they shouldn't allow macro's miss the single most important part of the game, and that is to have fun. The vast majority of players are not having fun with the current system, and among other things that is costing a few more players every day. If having a healthy game with a good population means adding in macro's and streamlining classes I would rather have that than a few people that try and equate A.D.D play style to being fun.

  11. Make you a deal.


    First you would really need to focus on the two classes that really need some help.


    Trooper/Merc need to be balanced out they do more damage and have at least as much effective utility as a Sorc.


    Fix Sith warrior and Jedi knights.


    They require far to much work to pull off the same damage as most other classes. Its rather pathetic that you should have to use 8-12 abilities to pull the same damage as a Merc/trooper that can use 3-4 abilities to do better damage at range. \


    After those things are fixed please feel free to look into Sorc.


    One of your key issues and where your argument falls flat is you are taking ALL the potential abilities from 2 different trees and making it sound like a Sorc has all of them, and that's simply not true.


    Players running these hybrid classes don't have half the abilities you are running together. I am sure I could make a post on say Sentinel running abilities from 2 trees together that no sent would actually have and make a huge QQ post and have people crying in the night like frightened children as well. Anyone that actually plays the class knows you are kind of making crap up on the fly and so do the dev's.

  12. Let Ilum burn and die.


    Maybe after a few more online game mags start highlighting the stunning list of failures in this and other area's they will hire some people that know what they are doing and start fixing things.


    I wouldn't put any money on them doing the smart thing.

  13. I am not kidding one bit.


    Having played every class I see the Sorc as far from OP. They do have abilities that need to be tuned. Not just down, but some that need to be increased, but OP running around in heavy armor and immortal? Please. Any Merc/trooper, agent/smuggler, shadow/sin can easily drop them.


    The classes that need work done in a bad way are:


    Sith Warriors and Jedi. They both need to be streamlined and made much more player friendly. They require far more work than any other class in the game to pull off close to the same damage.


    Merc/troopers . Tracer missile/grav round spam needs to be toned down. Its a fine ability to have, but does way more damage than any other 1.5 cast time ability.


    And yes when people like the OP post BS it simply makes the OP look like an idiot, and in no way gets any Dev out there to go "hey this guy said OMG Cry me a river I have to fix that." They see a moron posting BS and in the end any real issues get ignored because of all the lies and QQ posted by the OP and other idiots.

  14. Bioware simply needs to scrap Ilum because every "Fix" there is just making things worse. Take some time and stop putting in knee jerk fixes that do nothing but drive more players from your game. I understand you made a killing off initial sales and all that, but every time a player quits they tell other people about how bad their experience is and that's the worst thing a game company can have happen.
  15. You should reroll sorc, we get all of the above plus heavy armour.


    LMFAO!!!! OMG are you smoking crack?


    Sorcs are a light armor class.


    Bubbles take about 2.5K damage period, and can only be used once every 16-20 seconds depending on your spec.


    People such as the OP and the gent I quoted should simply not be allowed to speak lol.


    I really love seeing people post BS like this because then instead of getting a QQ nerf the dev's look at it and give you the same eye roll that you should be getting.



  16. The also have the issue that they are a far more complicated class to play period. Any other class can put out the same damage with less than half the work, and that's just flat out poor design by the dev's.


    Honestly right now Jedi/Sith Melee need to be streamlined and worked on more than any other class. No other class in the game requires as much work to play, and that is one of the reasons not many people stick with the class. Honestly why fight with 9-12 hot keys when other classes can play effectively with 3-6?


    It really comes down to the seeming inability for the Dev's to actually say we messed up and lets fix this.


    One thing that seems key here is for them first to realize more complicated does not equal more fun, and after they fix that then we can start really working on issues.

  17. Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


    The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


    Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


    -- Georg


    God what a fail on comprehension...


    What we want to see is:


    The 1.1.2. bag changes have removed the RNG element on drops COMPLETELY. It has been replaced by a clear progression to allow everyone the ability to progress in a clear and structured system... Exactly what you guys asked for..


    There is no reason 2 people doing the same amount of work to get the same number of battlemaster bags should not get the EXACT SAME REWARD. Why should one guy get 5 tokens in a week and others get 0 tokens? RNG has always been a fail system. I am honestly blown away by how Bioware a company with so many great idea's actually allowed this fail to fly.


    I really do not understand how someone at bioware can sit in their chair and say OMG!! Brilliant Idea!! Lets use RNG!!


    It is a slap in players faces to put in work only to see someone else "Get lucky" simply because Bioware made a mistake and is afraid to own up to it. Everyone makes mistakes. Just say OK we messed up and lets get on to a working balanced system that does not include RNG.

  18. Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


    The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


    Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


    -- Georg


    No what players ask for is the REMOVAL OF THE FAIL RNG SYSTEM.


    We ask for the ability to actually progress instead of hoping to win the RNG Lotto.


    We asked for a stable system that rewards people for the time and effort they are putting into the game not just getting lucky.


    I fail to see how you get Ohhh we changed the system by NOT CHANGING THE SYSTEM.


    All you did was take RNG Item tokens and change it to OMG RNG Item tokens!!!! It is nice that once you get a few of these you can pick the item you want as opposed to the 100% fail system you had before, but that does not change the fact that the fail part of your system is its core RNG.


    Remove RNG.


    Keep the tokens, but allow players to buy battlemaster tokens and trade up at a 10 to 1 ratio.


    10 cent comm's = 1 champ comm.

    10 champ comm's = 1 Battlemaster comm.


    Simple easy and the issue is resolved, and it really is that simple.


    Then not only will players be able to progress Bioware can actually take credit for the idea and look competent.

  19. The real issue is the OP's analogy is completely backwards.


    The 20-40 PVP gear and weapons have had their cost nearly doubled making it harder to get than running flash points, and with the stats its out dated so fast its actually a negative experience getting it.


    It doesn't stop from there. By the time you reach Rank 60 you should have pretty much received every piece of Champion gear sometimes (like with myself) getting 6 duplicates along the way.


    Once you reach Battlemaster you are in store for your next major disappointment. You find that regardless of the effort you put into PVP and working on gear you are slave to the worst system ever placed in a MMO for getting gear. The Token lottery. Yes you can get 3 tokens with 3 bags, or like most people turn in 12 bags and get 1 or 2 if you are really lucky. This is the major issue with how Bioware is handling gear progression, and it simply is fail. I would really like to say something positive about it, but what it means is that your ability to progress is based on luck. Not effort just plain dumb luck. So someone that has invested weeks can run into someone that has done a few daily and weekly quests and sitting in more battlemaster armor than you, and that's simply pathetic.


    I really like the majority of the game, and feel it has a lot of potential for a very long time, but as long as Bioware's Go to move is RNG they will find that they have more and more dissatisfied players every day.


    A simple solution is to allow you to buy Battlemaster tokens using the lower rank commendations. With the rate you get them a simple 10 to 1 conversion would be very fair and balanced. At least using this method the average player could get 2-3 battlemaster tokens A WEEK. Putting PVPers on about the same progression rate as PVE players.


    Bioware says it wants to make things fair for both sides of the game,


    So the basic conversion would be


    10 Centurion comms can buy one Champion commendation

    10 Champion comms can buy you one Battlemaster commendation.


    You wouldn't have to change any prices or make any other changes. Players would be able to progress with out the frustration currently generated by your RNG system. Its a really simple system and it works! Its fair, balanced and allows everyone to progress with out feeling like they are putting in the time and effort for nothing.

  20. The kill trading on Ilum is inevitable because of the 100% fail "Fix" that Bioware put into place to stop the site swapping that was going in.


    Why is there kill swapping? Because of faction imbalance. Some servers are so messed up that if you go out trying to do things "the way its intended" all you end up doing is farming munitions for 3-4 hours. Now before you QQ at me understand I am not defending kill trading. I am pointing out that the way its setup currently with the population imbalance in the game is simply doomed to fail. This leaves very few viable options for people that are trying to progress any other reliable way to do so.


    Bioware should flat out remove Ilum from the daily/weekly PVP quests because it is a 100% fail area. Once they fix the other game issues then they can revisit Ilum and try and find a better way to do it, but till then just shut the crap down.


    In its place add:


    Daily: earn X number of objective points in WZ's


    Daily: Defeat X number of players in WZ's


    All the complaining in the world wont change whats there, and Bioware has shown that It has no clue how to manage the area. It's way to big. Has way to many lag issues when you get any number of players together and although Its noble for them to try and create an open world area all the issues there and the fail system actually ends up getting bioware nothing but bad press.


    I would rather see them add in a pair of simple substitute quests that every player can work through with out having to resort to kill swapping while they resolve the issues that span the whole game then waste time trying to fix Ilum when they have class balance issues, content bugs, UI bugs, Lag, Ability lag and the many other bugs out there.


    I would rather see them focus on things that improve the game such as streamlining several of the melee classes so they do not require you to go out and get a G15 and setup macro's using that because you have no other option. I mean really? Why does One class only need 5-6 hot keys to function very when and then another needs to use 8-12 to do the same thing?


    I know many people think the world should stop while they fix Ilum, but that's less than 1% of the whole game, and even though I am a PVPer I would rather see them fix the other 99% and have that running smooth as silk before they even look at Ilum again.


    So Shut down the Ilum PVP area.


    Add 2 Daily quests that players can finish with about the same time requirement as the current PVP daily.


    Focus on crap that actually matters.


    Nuf said.

  21. When you enter a WZ you see nearly only sorcs and BHs with a random of "exotic" class here and there.


    At this point BW should ask themselves questions like:

    1. Are those classes OP?

    2. Are the the other classes skill sets less attractive?

    3. Are the other classes as well constructed?


    Unfortunately the lack of communication from BW's side is disconcerting or the classes are where they want them to be. .


    I honestly think you hit the nail on the head with questions 2 and 3.


    I have A Sorc, Murad, Jug.


    Of those classes I would honestly say the Sorc has a much better flow to it. You have several abilities you need to use, but they work well together.


    My Jug is really fun, but the way its setup is very annoying.


    Same with my Murad. The class could be 10X more fun than it is, but even at the level the toon is at I have 9 Different hot keys I have to manage non stop to do well.


    Bioware SHOULD stop and look at many issues in the game, one of the biggest being playability of each class.


    Sorcs can play well with 5-6 keys being used consistantly and 2 or 3 more being used as need arises.


    Mercs 3 keys.


    Jugs 7-9 keys


    Murads... 9+ and counting.....


    Many of these extra keys could be removed by creating Passives that incorporate the ability into others streamlining the class. This would make the classes more playable and more fun for others. It would also help promote those classes to more of the population promoting a better distribution of classes.


    Much of the X class is OP would be resolved by this as well. In many cases its not that a class is OP so much as the class can do its job with far less hassle than another.

  22. You get credit for a kill if you have done damage to a player and you are still alive when they die I believe and neither you or they have left combat since you inflicted the damage.

    If you die yourself then everything is reset and you get no credit.


    Incorrect. You will still get credit for the kill even if you die. I have had kill medals pop up while in the GY because the player I was attacking was killed after I was.


    Just like you will still get healing credit for HoT's on players that keep ticking after you die.


    Same with damage. you will still get credit for DoT's that tick on other players after you die.

  23. Kill credit in WZ's comes from tagging a target with any amount of damage.


    If you do damage to a target even if its only hitting them once and they die you get a Kill. That is why its separated into sections if you mouse over your kills.


    Total kills - how many players you damaged that died that match.


    Killing blows - how many players you got the killing blow in on. Even if you only hit them once.


    Solo kills - how many players you killed that had full health at the time you attacked them with out any other players doing damage to that target during that time.

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