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Posts posted by Loseriticus

  1. Man, for some reason, I cannot keep all those dumb military recruits alive with smugglers. If one of them died I just let Vastil be killed to start over. I'm very careful, always approaching from a distance, sending in Bowdaar to get aggro, and picking them off. The last time I was almost done--16 out of 18 sand people when a group spawned right on top of me. Of course, a recruit was immediately killed. I just said forget it and finished it. Two out of three ain't bad. That's war for you!
  2. If you've ever gone to Vegas, the slot machines are (in my opinion) the worst possible way to gamble. You could take photos of slots players and make a collage called "bored unhappy people" as an art project.


    Craps, on the other hand, now THAT's a fun game.


    Actually, I think people who play slots absolutely love it. The people who think it's boring and dumb don't play them. You might be confusing their look of concentration with boredom. I see slot players holler with joy just from winning 20 bucks.

  3. I really believe that Bioware failed to completely test this encounter with a variety of classes and companions.


    Also the encounter comes off as being a flashpoint style fight (heck, there is even a fight just like it in one of the Kuat flashpoints).


    Personally, I'm not going to waste my time leveling an Imperial alt through Makeb again. I have yet to meet someone in game with good things to say about that fight, even if they did it in one try.


    It took me 8 tries (yes 8) before I was able to do it. My Sith Marauder is level 55, but I never kept up with gearing her, and I stopped gearing Quinn because I hate the SOB traitor. Even so, I didn't have too much of a problem with Makeb up to that point using Jaesa.


    It took me 3 tries to eventually understand what was going on and the strategy needed. I then did dailies to earn cash to gear up. I still wasn't maxed out in gear but I fiqured it was good enough with a mix of 120 to 156 blue and purple rated gear on my Maruader.


    The next four tries were just so aggravating. I had so much trouble targeting. I kept getting knocked off my feet. I would see the red target appear and I would immediately move but I couldn't get out of the way fast enough. And, most importantly, Quinn kept dying!


    On my eight try, it was weird--everything went as planned. I concentrated on the refueling droids, sneaking in hits to the Archon every once in a while. I destroyed the generators. Then I took down the Archon. All very quick and simple. Both the health of Quinn and my Marauder never went below 75%. So I'm not sure what was so different my last time because I was trying the same strategy as before.

  4. I have spent four hours on this and I must be stupid. I am a 53 Sniper running about 19.5 k health and have Vector with about the 18k health. He can keep the little guys down for me. I can get the two terminals and two lazers down and sometines three but that is it and have cycled them three times. I can get the Droyd to about 30k and have tried to just kill it but my stuff does not dent it. The conversation says to just keep the auto defenses running and it will down it, but it is not happening, is there something else I am missing.


    This is getting expensive. Please, any suggestions would be appreciated. I also know that once I do kill it it will be really easy.




    This was a giant pain for my Sith Marauder. I stopped using Quinn a while back after what he did. But I had to dig him out again just for this. I died like 5 times before I finally did it. I kept getting stuck in crevices and things, and I would forget to keep Quinn in my line of sight so he could heal. It's just one gigantic exercise of running around.

  5. The options for dialog are made to lie to us, why?


    Why is this game trying to make you indifferent to other people, as if good=dull, bad=fun, neutral=none, so yes people like fun so no wonder lots of darkside jedi around.....that is not right.


    As if a straight man would say only darkside things....thats lightside not darkside, people know this.


    then they feed you their classic line:

    Bioware: "We are surprised Sith are winning"


    They made it to lie to you. they knew it, people go for fun in a game guys


    Later all Im off this game


    I don't understand your complaint at all. I don't see how you equate evil actions == "fun." I certainly don't feel that way--all my characters are lightside--including my Empire toons. In fact, I think it's far more interesting to play a Sith as lightside. People make their own choices. That's a reflection on them--not Bioware.

  6. I got these legging armor for my trouper. They are gray with orange strips. I have a dark blue/brown dye. But the only color change is the stripes turn brown. Is this a bug with some armor? This isn't the first time I've seen this. Otherwise, I don't understand why the primary color can't change and only the secondary strip color changes--what would be the point in that?
  7. Who did you choose and why?


    I was wondering if I made the right choice with Kaliyo, but when Temple makes that decision regarding her father--I wanted to blow her out of the airlock. Almost as bad as what Quinn did. Temple's blind obedience to the Empire is just too much. Unfortunately the Sith rats took away Kaliyo so now I have to go with Temple on Corelia since I haven't geared up anyone else. Strange how my Agent seemed to just shrug his shoulders at that--I mean, he married Kaliyo and all!

  8. After getting owned by Patient Zero a few times, I went back to finish Makeb and then went back to the Arcanum as a level 55 to finally take him down. Before I went to face him thoughtI stocked up on those optimized resolve stims at the Medical Droid there. I was hoping the Arcanum would still be on my galaxy map when I was finished there, but I don't see it anymore. Is there anywhere else to buy these optimized stims?
  9. Yeah, something is odd here. I just attempted it with my level 53 Jedi Consular. So far I've had very little problem healing and with Nadia Grell basically ripping a new one for anyone we fight. But I fought Patient Zero three times now and bit the dust. The first time I almost had him but got careless and let Nadia die. I spent too much time looking for my Revive icon and that was the end for me.


    The second two times were weird. Halfway through the fight, he became pretty much invulnerable. I didn't see Patient Zero cast anything, but Nadia was doing no damage to him. She was in turn taking way too much damage even though I had a bubble on her and was healing like crazy. The same thing happened the third time. Fight was going normally, he's taking damage, then all of a sudden it seem he couldn't be touched.



    I think there could be an issue with him. I went in with another player on my Guardian Tank, the other player was a sentinel who was having a hard time, he was a little under geared while I was in 4 pieces of augged partisan gear and the rest Makeb mods & augged, all geared towards tank spec. I had Doc healing in full Tionese & Columini gear (I've been away for a while :p). Anyway were going through making short work of the instance and we get to Patient Zero, and we just can't get him under like 80%. To me, every time he gets low he disappears for a second and pops back out of his chamber, meanwhile the Sentinel is telling me I have to interrupt his heal, I never once saw a cast bar show up during the whole fight, very odd....


  10. I read all the fuss on the forums yesturday at work regarding this event. Last night I hopped on my mara, went to hutta - and I finished my contract for the day in around 25 minutes or less. There were tons of people there, on Hutta running around looking for Shady Characters. But - they spawn quite quickly. I think I got all 5 in like...10 minutes? It was around 7pm on the Harbinger...


    So, what's the fuss?


    Yeah, I didn't have too much trouble finding the Shady Characters on Ord Mantell. I just kept rotating between the spots and when it was open, I went up there, did my thing and left for a different spot. I think that went a lot faster than people who just sat on one spot.

  11. I just got to this point in the story with my light sided Warrior, and I wanted to run him through with my lightsaber. I don't want him on my ship at all. That is unforgivable. I wish there was an option to eject him out into space. I will strip him of all his gear. I refuse to use him. The ship's droid is a serviceable healer.


    i'm surprised he betrayed me, i really am.

    when the voss told me somebody was going to betray me, i really tought that my robot would be the traitor >.>

    never trusted that machine, too friendly...

  12. I just finished my Jedi Consular (sage) story line. I took Iresso with me, and the first couple of times I got wiped without knowing what happened! I was too busy healing Iresso to notice what the First Son was doing. The third time I watched carefully and finally realized it was that Collapse Cavern that was killing me instantly. It was tricky healing Iresso and keeping an eye on the First Son at the same time, but I made sure I had a free interrupt ready when he was about to let loose. I think this story line was the most satisfying for me of all the classes.
  13. On my healer I took all his skills away except heals. So he heals and shoots his pistol that's all


    Yeah, it took me awhile to figure that's what I had to do with healers. On Doc I turned of that steam thing he has, and with Guss Tuno I turned off that electric thing. Now both concentrate on healing. But like others have mentioned, if you take on too much damage too fast, they can't catch up. With my Jedi Guardian I have to make sure I constantly hit -- I forget the names of the skills--but they trigger armor/barrier bonuses, and I make sure I hit them as soon as the cooldown pops, otherwise he can't tank effectively against an elite mob.

  14. I must say that I was confused and scared when I logged in this morning and Corso suddenly leaped on the first mob I came to. Now he's Khaliyo, or whatever the BH companion is. While I still enjoy the class, this change makes me wonder; now there is not really any useful distinction between Akaavi and Corso aside from range with the blaster. I will refrain from QQ'ing too much, but Corso's harpoon was the only real reason to keep playing him once you get any other companion. Time to gear up Bowdaar or Akaavi :p


    Yeah, I logged on with my gunslinger, and at first I thought enemies were harpooning Corso before I realized he was leaping towards them. It's funny, I used to hate the harpoon, but I grew to love it as Corso would harpoon my target so I could kick him in the nuts, shoot him in the head, and blaster whip him for some serious damage.

  15. I like the family tree, although I'm unable to set it up the way I really want to. I had created a back story--brother and sister (which I can show on the tree), and then two cousins. I can link them as allies, but only one per person. I wanted to have the brother to be head of the family tree, and have both cousins (allies) linked to him.
  16. I know this thread has already been made maybe several times, but i couldn't find them so i made my own :D. Since i've played most of the class/gender combos to mid level range (still haven't really played male IA, female troop, fem smuggler or fem bounty hunter), i wanted to give my two cents about which class i think was voiced the best. (feel free to debate me):


    So far I've played Male Jedi Knight, Female Jedi Consular, Male Trooper, Female Smuggler.


    I agree, the male trooper voice acting is excellent. The female smuggler is also very good. I also agree the female consular fits the part--a wise, solemn, jedi.


    I thought the male jedi Knight was just average. Something about that voice that just didn't fit right for me.


    Oh, and just to add--the two worst voices I've encountered are Lord Scourge and Ako Domi. Both sound like rank amateurs.

  17. "Have you seen what the Sith are wearing these days? It's like all the fashion designers in the galaxy joined the Dark side" - Random Kira Carsen comment.


    It doesn't bother me *too* much what the armor looks like, but the things that Kira wears are pretty stupid. Who fights in a skirt? For a brief time, my Kira had pants, but then it was back to skirts when I got better equipment. And those bizarre hats.


    Also, who fights with hoods up? No peripheral vision. But I guess as a Jedi using the Force, you can *see* without using your eyes.

  18. Yeah, I play this game as if it were a RPG as well, and I like it that way. In fact, when they first announced this game, I wasn't even interested in it because I did not see how they could ever make it work as a story based MMO because as soon as someone opens his mouth with "LOL", the immersion aspect is ruined for me. So I play with the chat window off.


    Still, it's sometimes nice to group up with a random stranger. I've done that a few times, and they stayed in character, which was really nice.


    As far as being shy goes, I'm not sure how Bioware is supposed to help you with that.

  19. Is anyone else as annoyed as much as I am with these guys? It's part of a bonus to a quest, but the two rather large creatures by his side take up the whole screen and you can see anything. You end up looking at your quickbar to fight, and because he has a knockback attack, my Jedi Guardian sometimes end up swinging at air because he's not close enough. Your companion also gets lost and I don't realize Kira switched off to someone else when I'm trying to take down the creatures first. Then she gets killed by the Creature master.
  20. I keep seeing all these threads in this forum and the running theme is that SWTOR is going to fail is failing has already failed. The time lines for these failure projections range from 2 weeks to 6 months to a year, but what determines if SWTOR is a failure?


    Yeah, I don't understand those threads at all. Okay, some people don't like the game. Some people really like the game (like me). Why do people feel compelled to try to convince me that somehow I'm wrong because I like it? I don't like mincemeat pie. I hate it in fact. But I'm sure somebody loves it. And I don't care if they do. I don't get mad that they do. I don't try to lecture them saying how mincemeat pie is horrible and it's the EPIC FAIL of food.

  21. My trooper just finished Ord Mantell and Aric Jordan joined his crew. Now, the armor pack you get for Jordan is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. It looks like one of those tuxedo t-shirts! A t-shirt with fake armor design silkscreened onto it!
  22. I got Nok Drayen's "fortune" but I still feel poor...Now that Risha joined my crew, is there always going to be two Risha's on my ship? I saw her at the engine (?) compartment, decked out in her new gear, and I was walking past the storage compartment, and there was Old Risha still there.


    I have to admit, I've grown to really like Corso. I hated him when he first joined. But there are some conversations between him and my female smuggler that sounds so real. "Ready for the ride of your life, farmboy?" "I can't believe this is really happening!" The voice actors did a really good job.


    Compared to the relationship of my Jedi Knight and Kira--something just seems off with that. I just don't buy it.

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