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Posts posted by Loseriticus

  1. As the above poster state, if you do decide to come back wouldnt rather have all that youve built up when you do? That said...if you are dead set on doing this, I certainly wouldnt say no (though I would rather you held on to it in case you return some day). My main is a jedi knight named Vorian Dor.


    Out of curiosity, is there another game thats caught your attention?


    If I came back, I would probably like to start fresh from zero. Whole new character, new backstory...etc.


    My master Katkia Taleria has just sent you an important message!

  2. Im newbie-ish, about two months in, Im sure theres newer around though. Regardless, sorry to see you go and hope you land someplace else you enjoy.


    Oh no, nothing like that. I've been around since the beginning so I'm basically all played out. I was an Asheron's Call player for years as well. Left, then after a few years came back for a while for fun. I may do the same thing with SWTOR--revisit it after a few years.


    What's your character's name on Jedi Covenant?

  3. So yeah, lots of people making noise about unsubbing (myself included) and I just reminded myself in another thread that the HK-55 bonus chapter post Season 1 has a pretty steep sub requirement: Jan 11th - August 1st and I wanted to warn others who might have forgotten that you have to stay subbed that entire period to get access to the reward chapter.


    My own personal sub is set to lapse some time in early September due to the 6 month option, so I should be covered, but others wanting as much actual content as possible might have just shot themselves in the foot.


    I know, I know, hypocrisy and all that, but you're only going to be more angry if you started staying subbed for so long because of that chapter reward.


    Anyway, friendly heads up.


    I'm done--my sub is up after August 1 and I don't care one bit about the HK chapter. I'm leaving not because of anger or anything--it's just that I'm done. I've subbed since the beginning, and I'm just played out. I may revisit it in a few years--or maybe not.

  4. Strange, witn a sw first I tried to convince broonmark to give up the hate and move on (light side choice), the conversation just ended and I had to restart. Then I convinced the broonmark to join and leave the wookie to live too, so I got yelled by the smuggler-lady that I should have saved the wookie and not broonmark. Seemed like she thought the wookie died or something?


    Yeah, something's messed up--as usual. Same with the Twilek courier who doesn't show up until you log out and log back in. So I'm wondering, am I missing the light side choice result? What is supposed to happen?

  5. im guessing I'll actually need a second person to do it' since it's in heroic missions with no solo option for some stupid stupid stupid reason. Bad fail bioware. I don't happen to have friends interested in this game so now I'm being punished for it by missing out on the content of the story


    When I first tried it with my Sith Marauder, I kept getting wiped out. First, I needed to make sure she had bare minimum armor--at least 208s I think. Then I had to make sure my companion was at least rank 20. And then I had to make sure my Alliance specialists were all ranked 10 so I could get the special buff plus those special abilities from those alliance crates at the Star Fortress.


    And then--I still kept getting killed because it took me many, many tries to figure out the strategy for the fights. First with that droid thing, then with the three fights at the reactor station when you have to drain the Exarch (that was the toughest for me to figure out how to beat them), and then with the Exarch himself.


    Once you do it, and do again and again, it becomes pretty easy because you know longer have to think, "what do I do here?" The only problem I had was at Voss with that self - healing Exarch. I didn't have any problem with the self-healing Exarch at Nar Shaddaa though. Anyway, I slapped about 5 augments on my Maraurder which put me over the tipping point to be able to finish him off.


    So I'm all confident thinking I won't ever have problems again with the Star Fortress Heroics--until I started to play my Jedi Sage healer. I am finding that with a healer toon, it is much, much more difficult. Still, I was able to beat it for four of the planets. However, I still cannot beat the self healing Exarch at Nar Shaddaa. With my companion as a tank, he cannot do enough damage and I can only interrupt the Exarch healing himself once and then he does it immediately again! When my companion is set as DPS, I cannot heal him fast enough from the damage the Exarch deals out. I also tried setting my companion as healer but I cannot deal enough damage as a healer.


    So, I'm trying to get my companion leveled up--he's already at 31 and I still can't do it--and obviously I have to rethink my strategy with playing with a healer.

  6. Hi, I've finally decided to use my free level 60 and I'm thinking of making a shadow because I want one without having to replay the consular storyline. How did you use your free 60, was it similar to this?


    I ended up deleting mine almost immediately. It felt weird playing a ready made character without a history compared to my toons that I "raised" from the very beginning.

  7. My Sith Assassin not done yet getting my companions. From Previous alerts to Little Big Boss. He has also yet to get major influence with the Alliance Specialists(As soon as I try to enter the Alliance base to hand in anything - Chapter XI starts). I do not yet want to do Chapter XI on him. My other 2 characters I have already finished with no problems. But my Sith is not ready but I am not being given a choice. I have reset Chapter XI and relogged in and out of the base but to no avail. Still trying to finish Chapter X first.:confused:


    Yeah, same thing happened to me. I was on my way back to Hylo Visz after finishing Little Big Boss to get Blizz, and Chapter XI started on me. Aric Jorgan is naked in the cutscenes and doesn't even appear with me so I can't advanced the story. I'm going to reset it and hope that fixes it otherwise I can't advance.

  8. I tried 3 different times to do this and now here I am again solo without buffs at final boss zar draya this time.. unable to defeat him. seconds within the fight he kills my rank 50 senya companion.. I tried other companions and bosses too...


    It took me many, many times before I was finally able to do this solo with my Jedi Sage healer. I was finally able to do it, just barely--my companion was gone, I was hanging by a thread, and I popped that force wave ability from Sana Rae to finally finish off Zar Draya.


    It's funny, with my Sith Marauder, I didn't really have too much problems with soloing the Star Fortress Heroics, so I thought doing it with my Jedi Sage would be a cakewalk, but oops...totally wrong on that. It just seems like there's so much more I have to do as a healer whereas with my Marauder, I'm just attacking.

  9. Little rant tbh. I've never seen a worse community than the PVP in SWTOR. If you play a class you've never played before, yet still im trying my best, the players get very rude to the point it seems threatening. Why can't i just play PVP for fun without getting called retarted for not being good in a class i never played. PVP's terrible. :jawa_frown:


    It's that way in real life! Years ago I remember when I used to play golf, if you didn't come with a foursome, you'd get grouped with people--people of all skills, some starting out, some decent, some horrible--but there'd always be some guy in the group whining and crying about having to deal with the beginner. Everybody starts out at some point--I'd always try to help out, offer tips, but...after a while I couldn't deal with these whiny negative people all the time.


    So it's no surprise that this happens in MMOs. Of course it's worse since you don't deal with a real human face to face.

  10. Im almost positive you are at he mercy of EA wonderful CS at this point :eek: and I don't think I would wish that on my worst enemy.


    Thank goodness I just found out that I did NOT screw this up. Turns out I had to click on the Travel to Contact to actually go back to the planet where the Alliance recruit is from. Then you can talk to them to trigger the Heroic mission where you talk to Sgt. Ahkar.


    What I tried before was talk to them on Odessen, which didn't do anything. Kind of stupid that they are on Odessen and also on the planets. All except for Veeroa Denz. She's only on Odessen and you can talk to her there to re-trigger the Heroic.

  11. Okay, because of stupid confusion on my part, I somehow abandoned all the Star Fortress Heroics on one of my characters. I already did all those missions where I destroyed the bunker shield and recruited those alliance members.


    What happened was, I tried the heroic and got wiped, so I figured let me do the solos for a while. When I tried to pick [solo Mode] it wouldn't let me enter. It said I already had an active mission or something. So I abandoned all the heroics.


    Now, the heroic choice does not come up at all. There doesn't seem to be a way to get those alerts back either to redo the bunker shield mission. I'm not sure how I can get the Star Fortress Heroics back!

  12. The new robes have a special effect (like those armor sets that have been coming out in the packs with surging electricity or glowing eyes or floating probes or whatever else while you have your weapon drawn) where there's a glowing "snowball" floating near your character when your weapon is not drawn.


    Ah... okay. I wonder trying to decide if they were worth getting.

  13. I have found a temporary workaround by lowering my AA settings in game. My not work on all machines, but it works on mine with a AMD FX-6300 and R9 280.


    Thanks! That did the trick for me. I just installed the Crimson drivers and didn't notice enemies were firing at me because I could no longer see any effects!

  14. While on the subject of Star Fortress, can you do the heroic mission with just a companion? For instance, I signed up for the Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress Solo but it didn't give me the credit to complete the mission so I tried in Heroic but I could not beat the it. Always die after getting to the 3rd fight with the 2 knights and the other guy blasting you. Could not complete it with just my companion. I do have full set of 208 gears so if I can't beat it with just a companion then I'll move on till there are more episodes to return to.


    Thanks for any info.


    Yeah, I had a mix of 200, 208, 216 gear and my companion was level 20 and all four alliance members at 10. I died like 5 times the first time I did the H2 Star Fortress, but that was because I wasn't sure what to do. It took me that long to get the strategy down. Once I did it solo, I could do the others fairly easily. Some of those paladin fights were vicious though and if I didn't time my rotation down right, I'd end up dying. Also, after a while, I started popping my Heroic ability and using those Alliance Equipment bonuses all the time since they have a relatively short cooldown because after a while, those Star Fortresses are really tedious. I'll do it for one Empire toon and one Republic toon, but like the OP, I doubt I will go through all that again with my alts.

  15. My first character is a Human DS Sith Warrior (Juggy) who romanced Jaesa and remained loyal to her - Sardorim, second is a Human LS Bounty Hunter (Powertech) who romanced Torian though also beds Lana - Tytti.


    Played this account, as I lost my old one, when SWTOR first went f2p with only 2 slots and level 20 as Max level. So I settled for what I saw as the coolest classes. That and why go JKwhen I have SW and limited slots?


    Both are still my mains though I favor the BH moreso. Think it's because I love fire. May have a problem, don't judge.


    Evetually made more as restrictions were lifted than subbed down the line. However those two are still my favorites.


    My first character was a fat Jedi Guardian. He's lost weight now though. My main character ended up being a Jedi Sage (I think she was the third character I made). I just like playing healers.

  16. Dont trust the net bud had that message as well but at every chance i kept telling him i found my true love and her message was unreal. Don't worry about valk he is nothing more than a devil on your shoulder trying to get you to use his power (slowly making you two one) love can destroy that.


    I hope at some point we get the old companions back. My female Jedi Sage misses her Padawan. Also, it's mean to separate her from Felix. She's hanging on to that last email she got from him...

  17. Major pissed off with this company. Went to update this morning and log in to find my account isn't a subscriber account. Go online and notice there was a fail last month. I have boith a credit card (which had expired) and my paypal on there for billing. Never went to paypal. Put new card and started subscription back up. I don't have early access right now and since they don't do support tickets I called. ONE HOUR WAIT TIME. Screw that I'm uninstalling the game and removing my subscription. Been paying for two years. Checked my emails and not one was sent letting me know that I had a fail payment last month. This was the games last chance too as I gave up on it a good while back.


    Oh and I can't play any of my other chars cause none of the worlds are downloaded even though it said I finished a full install and update....what the hell?


    I agree that they do not handled expired credit cards well. This happened to me a while back. Just about every other company I've dealt with that has credit info stored TELL you that your credit card expired.

  18. Still bugged.


    Couldn't jetpack up to Engineer. Not sure why its needed as I can reach him with the leap. Did that in the end and the three mobs just kept resetting themselves and I couldnt damage them.


    Respawned beyond them and can not get back.


    I rarely get frustrated with this game but I can not believe that it has been bugged for this long.........


    Yep, this situation is total BS. How long has SWTOR been out now? If I can't get past this I might as well delete my Bounty Hunter.

  19. I've always enjoyed leveling alts. The whole point for me is that they react differently to the same situation, and I want to experience that.



    We don't live eternity, and our times have be to be spent wisely, be it work, romance, or entertainment such as this.


    It is an undeniable truth that SWTOR forces you to repeat the same side quests 4 times on each faction when you start an alt. This means, after your first character, you are forced to spend over 150 hours of repetition with absolutely no entertainment value(unless you enjoy doing the same things over and over while leveling) to get a character to end game contents. That is a whole month of spending 5 hours a day, doing things that is not enjoyable.


    After 12xp, I've tried to raise an alt, spent 30 hours to get to level 30 with all legacy unlocks and available boosts by repeating KDY like 30 times, then decided it's not worth my time. This is literally stupidest thing I could do with my leisure time. 99% games are more enjoyable and shorter than repeating the same SQ in SWTOR. I would rather play Ride to Hell:Retribution(the game that scored 1/10 in GS review.)


    SWTOR does not have enough side quests to avoid repetition, and on top of that, those fillers are not even well-made. The time and efforts it takes to normally level up is simply not worth it. Bioware should seriously consider bringing back 12xp in CC or legacy unlock because otherwise the leveling contents are simply too awful to repeat after the first time and Bioware is not really getting long-term profit by taking it away when people don't bother to play like me.


    I am unsubbing and I somehow doubt something like 12xp will ever come back. SWTOR felt very enjoyable while it lasted. :(

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