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Posts posted by Acks

  1. Do you seriously think that Palpatine was stronger then Revan. I'm pretty sure the ancient force users far surpassed their future counterparts.


    Hey Revan is my favorite Star Wars character but Palpatine is equal if not stronger than the Sith Emperor Vitiate which means Palpatine is more than likely stronger than Revan.

  2. His potential doesn't make him stronger. It just means he could have been allot stronger than he was in his lifetime.


    True but at the end of Force Unleashed 2 (SPOILER) it is really unclear if it is in fact Starkiller or a clone. IF it was Starkiller he could have reached his potential who knows.

  3. Who said that?


    "Galen Marek was exceptionally powerful in the Force, with the potential to become one of the most powerful Force-users of all time. Darth Sidious believed that Marek had the potential to become an equal to himself"


    This was taken from his wookieepdedia page.

  4. Read the TFU novel. Starkiller was nearly engulfed into total Darkness just by being in the presence of the Emeperor. There wasn't a fight between him and the Emperor, that was just game mechanic.


    As far as I am aware cannon wise Starkiller had the potential to be stronger than the Emperor.

  5. I don't think you watched that fight... Dooku was struggling, Sauraman's face looked worried and he distracted Yoda by nearly killing Obi and Ani. And then fled.


    True but overall I just find that Starkiller had a much better chance of beating the Emperor than Yoda and for that I give him a higher place on the list.

  6. (Im not including the ancients because there is not alotof known information on them besides small tidbits)


    Thought I would just give my opinion.


    Reasoning behind list.........


    Pre Mustafar ANAKIN = Greatest Potential force user in history.

    Post Mustafar ANAKIN = lost 30% of his potential essentially making him a bit weaker than the Emperor

    LUKE SKYWALKER = What Anakin would have become thus making him the strongest known force user.

    STARKILLER= stronger than post Mustafar Anakin and had the potential to be stronger than the Emperor (The Emperor stated this). Making Starkiller's true potential unknown but still very high.

    REVAN= strongest Jedi of his time. if you read the novel he stands toe to toe with the Sith Emperor Vitiate who literally consumed a planet of all living things to add to his power. In my eyes Revan was stronger than post mustafar Anakin and even Yoda.


    1. Pre Mustafar Anakin

    2. Luke Skywalker

    3. Starkiller

    4. Emperor Palpatine

    5. Lord Vitiate

    6. Exar Kun

    7. Revan

    8. Yoda

    9. Darth Bane

    10. Post Mustafar Anakin

  7. If you read the book Revan holds his own against the Sith Emperor who arguably is the strongest force user revealed to date. The guy devoured an entire planet to add to already crazy power.


    So in the end Revan>Vader post Mustafar. If Anakin remained Anakin he would have eventually became more powerful than any force user in history.

  8. TOR has RvR as its end game which is a thousand times better than that piece of crap arena system in WoW.


    RvR if you do not know stands for realm vs realm meaning huge battles of over 50 vs 50. they have an entire planet dedicated to it.

  9. Im not bootlicking im just showing my appreciation. Game may have flaws im not denying that all im saying is that Im loving the game and wanna show some support biowares way cause they have never let me down..........(minus Dragon age 2 lol)
  10. Just wanted to thank Bioware for the awesome job they did with the game. I find TOR to be the most consuming (in a good way) MMO to date. The voice acting and story truly brings an amazing element that really brings the game to life. Once again thank you bioware and keep up the good work!



    Ps - haters gonna hate just keep doing what your doing.

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