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Everything posted by Sharukoz

  1. Pay a larger tax? 70-80% of the items I list sell. If your sale percent vs list percent is drastically different than that you’re doing something wrong. If an item doesn’t sell in a retail store do they keep it in their stores taking up space? No they get rid of it and get something in that does sell. Yet you’re here arguing that worthless/not wanted items that take weeks to sell are the primary reason not to change how the GTN works for the 99%+ of the items that sell daily/weekly. I am not able to follow your line of logic. Yes it would curb people legitly selling stuff they price to sell. The impact would be minimal compared to people who are pricing stuff at 10,000% of the market value if implemented correctly could eliminate people pricing stuff with the intent to scam people.
  2. If something doesn't sell or doesn't sell well then don't sell it! Most items (90%+) items that sell of the GTN have a high - very high turnover. Yes if you're trying to sell some obscure thing that no one really wants and sells for very little credits then you probably shouldn't be selling it in the first place. This is the "suggestion box" forum last time I checked, and I'm posting something I think would improve the economy (note I didn't say increase) and help reduce shady player behavior on the GTN.
  3. I think you should talk to those children with grade 3 math and reading skills to see if they can help you with your grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Having a 5-8% deposit wont kill the GTN (the % I listed before were just placeholders. 5-8% is a more realistic amount to have as a deposit). I have ran multiple markets on the GTN over several years and a 5-8% deposit I lose if something expires wouldn't mean much. So long as you're serious about what you are selling you will make money overall. It cuts into your profits yes (obviously) but as I said in my original post credits are far to overabundant in this game and too easy to make.
  4. So I am not here to debate whether the crazy pricing we've all seen is a scam or not. I've been hit myself and lost millions to it and since then I pay extra close attention when using the GTN. My issue and why I'm making this post if why is there nothing being done or change to combat this type of behavior from players? First thing credits are way over abundant in this game in the first place I know a few people will a billion credits and where as I am closing in on 100 million again (including liquidatable mats) even though I don't play more then an hour or two a day outside of raiding. There are a few easy changes that could be made to discourage this type of behavior right now and limit the amount of credits being transferred and created in the first place. First off there is no negative aspect of listing items at 10,000% of their actual value with how the GTN is set-up. An easy change to discourage this behavior would be to: Increase the deposit required to list an item (5-13% depending on length of auction) of the buyout price. If your item expires or you cancel it you lose your deposit. If your item sells you get your deposit back minus the GTN commission. Implementing these changes would discourage people from listing worthless items at ridiculous prices. Most of the time their auctions don't sell and if they keep re-auctioning their items with these changes they will lose credits. This will also lower the amount of credits going into the economy as right now there is way too many going in.. It is way too easy to earn credits right now. One issue or comment I see people making is, "hey wait a minute there is expensive stuff that is worth 10 million like mounts I want to put on the GTN". These changes wont prevent you from selling them but it will encourage people price them at the price they think they will sell at and/or use trade chat to sell them.
  5. Please fix sorcerers and other light armor classes sustained survivability in PVE. On fight with any sustained damage going out to the whole ops we are really a crutch based on the 25% more damage we take compared to medium and heavy armor classes. On fight like Revan and Coratanni (HM) you're limited to 1 sorcerer at the most just because of the armor type they wear (and a lot/most groups killing it use 0 sorcerers and light armor). I have no issues with that we "should" be taking more damage then heavy armor classes but 25% more is too steep.
  6. We killed it within 11 pulls this week and had at least 5 deaths to triple probes. Three of which were mine.
  7. On master blaster 8 man hard mode I've seen lots of single and double probes but this week we had people dying to triple probes during this fight. I've never seen this happen before this week and it doesn't seem intended as there's really nothing you can do taking three consecutive 19,000 hits. Is this a bug? http://s1377.photobucket.com/user/Brooxi/media/Probe%20death%201_zpsbphw02rf.png.html http://s1377.photobucket.com/user/Brooxi/media/Probe%20death%202_zpsnwq5hahi.png.html http://s1377.photobucket.com/user/Brooxi/media/Probe%20death%203_zpsajmabvhy.png.html As you can see in the first one I took three consecutive 19,000 hits in 0.409 seconds, the second one in 0.355 seconds and the last in 0.578 seconds. I wasn't the only one getting these either this week other people were dying as well. In about half our pulls before we killed it this week we had someone getting triple probed in less than half a second.
  8. Interesting as in as I was vendoring some stuff to finally finish off my goal I had been working on for months I sent away 2,120 credits to an alt to make it look nice being an exact number? With a) being the one in the beginning, b) being the one with 1.2 and c) being Spending a good chunk of over 40 days played time over a 4-5 month period running crew skills, grinding dailys, playing the GTN and other legit ways to make credits ... c) is the correct answer. Anyways I guess it was a mistake to bother posting here way to many haters for some reason ....
  9. Warrior of the Shadow is a low pop server. I haven't seen anyone else reach 100m doing it the "legit" way so I thought I would .. Its a nice big number that 98% of people will never see. Thought I would just make a post on it ... Took several months of work.
  10. Well they are merging them soon apparently...
  11. What if this guy actually did do what he said and posted he did.. and did it legit? As apposed to some guy who claims he didn't and giving any random excuses possible to say otherwise?
  12. If you look in the screen shot that I took for the credits you can see I am the only one online. Seriously why all the hating?
  13. I have never used any credit glitches of any kind. I didn't have early access .. I bought the game on the 20th ... My first character I leveled was an assassin (to 50) decided I didn't like that and re-rolled a sorcerer. After I hit 50 on the sorcerer is when I started to collect credits but by the time I hit 50 slicing had already been nerfed. My guild hasn't even been online since D3 launch .. Not a single one of them.
  14. http://i46.tinypic.com/wmb606.png Playing on "Warrior of the Shadow". Should have had this done over a month ago .. I had limited play time lately and I spent 8m credits pre-1.2 and another 2m after.
  15. I don't buy game cards.. never have probably never will. Seems silly to ban people over just removing the game card and time from the accounts... The people who bough the "stolen goods" are still out the $$ and should get the message to buy game cards from legit sources.
  16. In regards to this article here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/action-being-taken-against-fraudulent-payment-activity This sounds ridiculous to me... Why would you ban people who don't know that they are purchasing "stolen goods". Why not just game card and time from the account?
  17. So yes I am on a slightly lopsided server (not my choice when I started on the server it was full like all the others and I decided to play imperial's). Pre patch 1.2 I use to get Huttball up to 75% of the games which I didn't mind at all because I really enjoy playing Huttball. But now post 1.2 I basically never see it and that has lead me to half the time not even bothering to finish my daily for the rated war zone comms... I have 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 interest in playing voidstar or civil war and I just leave as soon as I get stuck in them because I hate them. So who do I have to pay to be able to play Huttball again?
  18. I cant get my last 4 codex entries for the world event ending soon because there isn't enough people on my realm to get a group together to kill the bosses IF the bosses are even up.
  19. If you actually cared and mhmmm... I don't know.. LOOKED ??? Before the patch went live it was very clear that you would need legacy level AND credits to buy stuff. The credit prices for all the legacy stuff is a complete joke... I bought the 2M/1M speeder and two 2.5M white crystals (power & expertise) and I still have over 67M credits. Credits have been a joke to make since launch... if you don't have millions you either: A) Don't Care B) Sit in the imperial fleet and do nothing all day every day.
  20. They are removing them in 1.2 so you wont need to worry about them for much longer!
  21. They have said it is coming and I think I heard possibly April sometime and I'd rather not start over being almost level 30 Legacy now. I have no current plans or desire to leave my server right now but if I ever do decide to I'd like to see an option to transfer all my characters for a cheaper price then $25 per character.
  22. I would love to see when character transfers are implemented to have an option to transfer multiple/all your characters for a "cheaper" price. Example: If one character transfer costs $20.... To transfer addition characters at the same time to the same place at the same time (or say within a 24 hour time period) is an extra $5 or $10 per character.
  23. I have looking over a few pages and I don't believe I saw this... It would be nice if while you're creating a ticket it sent any companion missions that will return up the the far right as "pending" instead of closing the ticket and losing everything you were typing or just finished typing.
  24. Why I didn't make any comments on how it was nerfed to much or not and linked a thread to people who have actually done it.
  25. The sorcerer nerf's posted in 1.2 for both healing and damage are beyond what was needed. I have played a DPS sorcerer as my main and almost any imperial class (exclude assassin) same skill level player can do as much (or more) damage then I can in a war zone. I could see a little damage nerf but not what you guys have in those patch notes.. at least not without some major survivability buff(s). Sorcs are good but extremely squishy but in no was gods compared to other classes to require the nerfs in the patch notes. (I don't have any experience in healing as a sorcerer yet but from what I hear from all good pvp'ers the nerfs are to high for them as well. Here is a thread with some healing sorcerers comments: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363688) I have done nothing but praise the game to anyone who asks about it as I really do enjoy it but these nerfs are above and beyond what was needed. I don't see myself on much at all if these go live as they are.
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