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Everything posted by TiaNadiezja

  1. My collector's edition stuff does both. It seems most sensible to me. And, honestly? It's my love of the collections interface that made me realize this was an issue. The collections interface is a really great thing; it's more baffling than annoying that it's not used for this stuff.
  2. The Collections interface is one of the better things about SWTOR's (generally not great) free to play setup. It lets you unlock rare items across your account for a small fee, which I've not seen in any other game that uses lockboxes or single-character cash shop purchases. Given that there's no extra money to be made in NOT putting these items in the collections interface, it seems to me that it would be a really good idea for Bioware to do so. It'd get people looking at that interface, seeing the cool stuff they could pull out of a Grand Chance Cube or maybe a lockbox, and maybe buying some lockboxes.
  3. So... I'm not seeing the monthly reward items (I've got the helmet) in the Collections interface. Are they not there at all? If they are, where are they? If they're not, why not? It seems really unfortunate to "reward" me with something that I have to either have take up a bank slot forever or give up permanently if I don't have a use for it but might at some point.
  4. I really hope so, because honestly I want to space him at this point. And I'm playing my Smuggler pure Light Side.
  5. So... playing through the Smuggler class story. I just picked the game back up after a few years away... pretty sure that when I was playing before (when I didn't even get through all of Chapter 1), I flirted with Corso... once? Maybe? Since picking the game back up, I've never flirted with him and have always flat-out turned down his advances. Which keep coming. He keeps talking like we're in a relationship and it's a surprise to him when I turn him down. Now I'm in Chapter 3, just finished Belsavis, and he gets on that kick again. This time, I turn him down (Corso Disapproves - duh), he rambles on about being in love with me. I turn him down AGAIN. "Nobody's ever going to love you like I love you," he says. I think Bioware was trying to write a friend here, but frankly, he comes off as a "nice guy"-style stalker, and he creeps me the hell out. I want him off my ship at this point. He doesn't make me feel like I have a friend around; he makes me feel like my smuggler's going to wake up one morning to find him laying in bed next to her.
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