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  1. Because trying to check on the website is more of a pain than ever before. I have to log in every time. It can't remember me for some reason. And then "we don't recognize your computer" even when I just logged in yesterday. So then I need to check my e-mail for a one-time password. Then I have to figure out "where is it?" and click "modify subscription". Again it doesn't stand out. You've got to scroll til you find the actual number at the bottom written in plain, unbolded text. Why make this all so hard to find? Obviously don't have the day counter staring the player in the face 24/7, just put in somewhere in game where it can be accessed. optionally, at will.
  2. The lighting is darker and inaccurate to what you see in game. Not to be a cynic, but maybe that's on purpose to get people to spend CC to change colors at a terminal. You can't click on the character to get them to say the voice lines, they only say them on class selection. And what really drives me crazy the most is that you cannot inspect the skill trees for different disciplines while making your character. In fact, you have to wait until you reach a cantina. Just giving a little feedback, because I don't understand it. I also never understood showing off the cool clothes on character creation but locking them behind the market in game. Feels like a bait and switch. But that's been a thing since beta, so.
  3. I just had an idea. Pearlescent Blue & Pearlescent Red. I could perfectly recreate my custom FemShep with that dye! She was an infiltrator but I'd rather make her a vanguard in this game, since my main Shepard was a vanguard. I guess a secondary operative style could come in handy though. I previewed the pearlescent blue on the suppression trooper armor.
  4. Maybe but they only seem to show up once in a while... Still waiting for a new woman for my trooper to flirt with besides Tau. I wanted to move on from Elara but didn't realize it until after it was too late.
  5. I'm looking forward to finding out who the new date nights are for. Even if it isn't much, it's better than nothing, imo. I still feel like my reunion with Ashara was lackluster.
  6. Ok yeah it seems to be working... for the time being.
  7. This is why my characters are stuck at 330. If there's no moddable gear, I'm not going to bother going any further. It'll all be irrelevant and worthless when 8.0 comes out anyway!
  8. We got something. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/935912-ongoing-star-forge-issues-62624/#comment-9820383
  9. Only the end of Star Forge, it seems
  10. I only play on Star Forge, so yeah this sucks. In the old days when Ebon Hawk was down, I'd play around in Shadowlands, but haven't done anything like that since the big merge.
  11. Star Forge issue has not been fixed, despite what devs might have said. I still can't get in.
  12. Despite the other replies, I just checked and this is NOT fixed yet. Stuck on the Desperate Defiance splash screen, just like last night.
  13. You mean 10 HOURS later it still hasn't been fixed? My sub runs out on the 30th. This sucks.
  14. Man... I was just going to check my gtn sales 😕 Now I've gotta be in suspense until I wake up.
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