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Posts posted by Tamyn

  1. Oh man, the accents... Something else that pushed Andronikos out of the running (the 456755 other NPCs voiced by Steve Blum in the game dont help either...)


    Too true, ha ha. I forced myself to romance Andronikos once, but I refused to let my Sith marry him.


    A couple of you were talking about

    Watcher Two being tortured or something... That never happened in my game. Does that happen when you fight Jadus? I always talk him down.


  2. This is BioWare -- it will probably entail something horrible happening to our LI if we don't comply. :p


    He already threatened Lana once ("she'll die if you don't let me take over"), so if he wants to try to scare me again about Lana I won't care. :p

  3. Definitely Holiday is a reflection of the sort of person Cedrax is, and it's pretty skeevy. While some might argue about Doc being as bad, I don't recall him hitting on Kira


    Doc definitely does hit on her if you're a male JK (my JK had fun saying she's taken), and later Kira complains about him in a companion conversation too I think. I might be harsher on Tharan if he was the designated romance like Doc is.

  4. Theran gets what he deserves from Holiday. He's literally the creepiest. skeeviest, most repulsive male companion I've come across in the game yet (one of my JCs is female, and I want to kick him in the nuts and take a shower in bleach after he hits on her... bleagh).


    I think Doc is worse. He's standing there hitting on you while his ex is on the holo ranting about how he ditched her at their wedding. Kira finds Doc repulsive. Even Kaliyo says he's a bad lay. I don't know why the devs thought a man that every female character despises in-game would be attractive to a player. It just makes him look pathetic, like Anomen. He gets no respect from others, why should I like him? Pity? :confused:

  5. My issues with Holiday are two fold...One, I can't stand the tone of her voice and the 'dollish' way she talks. It makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm in danger of spraining them. Two...There was only one remotely interesting male in the JC storyline (before Theron) and that was Cedrax, who I wanted to romance with my JC (Iresso is dull as dirt, I had to keep checking for a pulse.) And of course it didn't pan out, because of that trampy twit of a hologram...but Cedrax turned out to be even worse than Iresso. Can't stand Cedrax's voice either...so it was just as well. Thank the maker for Theron Shan! :D


    Seriously, I just hate the way Holiday is presented ( I get why guys like her) the voice, the baby talk...yuck.


    That's exactly why I hate on the holobimbo. Clingy, yucky voice, and baby talk all over Cedrax. Eww.


    Wow, that's exactly the journey my Consular went on. Tried to romance Tharan Cedrax, hated Holiday's voice, mannerisms, and possessiveness, found Iresso devoid of personality and unappealing (my JC's voice acting is so flat she needs a guy with some attitude, not a sycophant), then ended up with Theron Shan. Theron's the only thing that convinced me to finish my Consular story line at last.

  6. I'm with Luna and Tamyn, I'd gladly space the bish.


    I always try to let her Force-ghost grandpa kill her, but then she's like, "Oh you don't really mean that!" and forces herself onto my crew. :mad:


    Same with Jaesa.



    Sith Warrior: Master, I'll kill her for you.

    Baras: Okay!

    Sith Warrior: Die, Jaesa!

    Jaesa: Oh, you're so wise! You're just trying to teach me that the Jedi are corrupt!

    Sith Warrior: No, I really want to kill you.

    Jaesa: Let me be your apprentice now!

    Baras: I'm impressed that you got her to be your new apprentice!

    Sith Warrior: *facepalm*


  7. Doesn't get much better in Chapter XI if you kept him during Chapter X. Not only is he being an arse towards Senya yet again pushing her last buttons but regardless of the choice you make, he'll either huff that you're letting poor innocent civilians fight the battle with you or he'll huff that you're throwing some guns their way and leaving them to their own demise. Either way he's not happy with the result, again.


    There are few things more grating than someone who constantly complains no matter what. :mad:

  8. In case I wasn't clear enough, I hate her guts. I hate her nasal high pitched whinging voice, and the way she's always yapping...'don't make me go against my teachings.' I asked my hubby, 'what is that thing she says that irritates me all to hell?' and without missing a beat he says, 'Everything.' And that about sums it up.


    I was about to post that I hate her nasally voice and her high-and-mighty attitude. Glad to see I'm not alone. "Don't make me go againtht my teachingth!" She acts like I'm a light-sided Sith even when I'm dark. She keeps talking about how we're "changing the Empire from within" and I'm thinking, "I never said I was doing that!"

  9. Where are Ashara, Nadia, Jaessa, Temple, Elara, Risha, and Akaavi???? How long do we need to wait, being forced to deal with those that we do not care about at all?


    Uh huh. All female love interests. Well I don't miss any of them at all, so "we" don't miss them the most. I have to be just as patient for Quinn and Vector, my favorites. Hopefully it will be more rewarding when they show up because of the wait. Maybe we can sympathize with our characters a bit.

  10. Um, I had a character logged out in the rakghoul area and when I came back, the game booted me out of it automatically after 10 or so seconds.
  11. I think it's high time for some male force user romances :)


    Agreed! Why is every romanceable Force user a woman??


    I'd have a better use for Marr than that :D If the boys get that thing...er..Vaylin...then I want a way to have Marr join me from the afterlife. I do adore me some Marr :D


    Or have Scourge be a romance. I love him too. I think I need help, lol.


    You're not alone. ;)

  12. you hardly get any nodes, do you?

    name your server?

    If it's Europe, going to have to go use a 60 token, so I can have some fun Euro side , too. :p

    Time to go Witch, err, I mean Bot hunting. :cool:


    It was on Jedi Covenant. I thought I was hallucinating at first. This guy was standing on the sky for half a second then popping all around the screen. I drove around and there were no slicing nodes anywhere I usually found them and only about 10 people on the planet. The guy's name didn't show up on the who list and when I typed his name it said he didn't exist. It was so weird. He was flagged for PvP, oddly.

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