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Posts posted by Tamyn

  1. Lana's unwavering loyalty is actually something I hate about her. I love a loyal companion if I EARNED their loyalty but she follows you around like a lovesick puppy regardless of what you say or do or how you treat her or the Empire. I even went so far as to test this with a recent trooper, every single conversation with Lana I chose the most hostile, rude, or mean option I could, I took every action she hated, fired on the Imperial ships instead of the Revanite ones, and even told her that if I ever saw her again I would kill her and when we meet again on Zakuul I still get the exact same "It's so good to see you!" line and had her act like she worships the ground I walk on. I HATE that. I hate characters with no sense of self, no self worth, no backbone. It's something everyone loves about Lana, the fact that she kisses your butt no matter what and doesn't stay mad at you for more than one throwaway upset line of dialogue in response to a choice. It's also something people hate about Koth, that he doesn't kiss your butt and that he will actually stand up to you based on your actions. I wish there were more Koths and fewer Lanas but I know I'm in the minority on this. I even remember one of the devs posting a statement on the old BioWare forums back in the day that was something like "the most popular companions are those who are funny and agree with everything you do." Even if they didn't want to have every companion have the option of leaving us if they hate us and our actions I wish they would react differently to us. Like some grudgingly follow us because the only way to stop the greater threat is together but they make their feelings clear while others are your enthusiastic BFF because you're always nice to them and all your actions align with their tastes and morals.


    In any case I will be overjoyed if I can kick Lana to the curb. I play most of my characters as pro-Republic/anti-Empire so if that's the qualification for her leaving on her own I'll be set. Those few imperial loyalists will just languish after KotET forever.


    I didn't hate Koth because he "disagreed" with my character. I hated him because of his attitude. "FINE! I'LL FIX THE SHIP ALL BY MYSELF!" What a toddler. And his snide remarks if you send him on crafting missions reek of, "How DARE you make me do any work?!?!" He was too much of a princess.


    And his attempts to be "funny" always fell flat for me. I thought he was trying way too hard. He was also always throwing his opinion around about everything. You can disagree without getting on a soapbox in every conversation for crying out loud. Say it once, then keep it to yourself. Shoot dirty looks or something. No one cares about your overstated feelings.


    He couldn't even challenge my character to a duel or something honorable if he felt that strongly about my leadership. No, he had to act like a rat, run away and steal the most valuable piece of property we had.



    I purposely made him mad because I found him so annoying I wanted to remove him from the picture. I wish I could do the same with Lana (but I don't want to hurt the Empire).

  2. I hope you're right, but Charles already said something about her being driven away if the player commits war crimes against Imperials. :( I think whatever is left of any of the class or KOTFE-era the companions is going to be hacked away, badly, in 6.0, since Bioware really doesn't seem to care that people might want them around.


    What?! Since I am always an Imperial loyalist I will be stuck with Lana forever? *sob*



    Even still, I hated being forced to always take Lana or Theron. Lana was infinately more preferable to me of course because I didn't hate her guts and want to kill her since 5 seconds after I met her like with Theron, but I didn't like being forced to always have to have one of them with me all the time. [or most].



    I hated being forced to take Lana all the time (Lana was forced on us WAY more than Theron). I still hate it when I run my other characters through the chapters. I hate her being "default". I hate her being in the inner circle and I hate her always being the game's number 1 choice for every situation.

  3. To be fair, interacting with Lana's parents might be a bit difficult considering they're both pretty much dead already.


    But that's something you learn only if you spy on the Alliance members and we don't learn much more about her than that.


    But clearly, we know so little about her, that it's a bit difficult to see all her depth compared to Theron for exemple.


    That's the thing. She's what Bella Swan was to teenage girls inserting themselves into Twilight. A half-blank page for the audience to project whatever they want on her to be their "dream woman." There is nothing controversial about her.


    The only thing I like about her is her pleasant voice. I'm sick of her yellow head taking up my screen space otherwise. I'm also sick of her being without flaws. (Making the occasional mistake in judgment is not a character flaw. Especially when her uber powers always fix it right after and she never suffers for it. Whereas when Theron makes a mistake everyone else is on his case and has to clean his mess for him and he gets thrashed.)

  4. When playing a Sith Warrior, when I am confronting General Gisele Organa on Alderaan, I always strangle her boyfriend, then release him when she gives me what I want and then I kill everyone in the room except him. He asks why and I say "I am Sith. It's my nature," or something like that. I also tell him he'll get over it and find someone else. I do that whether my character is light or dark, so I've always been able to say I killed the general to Baras when that slimy politician later tries to backstab me.


    - Slap a customization 2 on Corso asap (Smuggler. Sorry Riggs, but your default is fugly).


    And this. :p


    Also, on Imperial side, I fly to Belsavis as soon as I can to buy customizations for certain companions so I don't have to look at their defaults for long.

  5. If the number of characters you have on the merged servers now exceeds the amount you had originally unlocked per server (say 20 for example), you can't create a new character until your number on the server is lower than what you were previously allowed (19 in this case). Buying a slot unlock would bring you to 21 slots in this example, so 46 still exceeds that limit.


    50 is the maximum number you can unlock; we don't get 50 slots granted freely.

  6. Currently, you only break up with Theron/Lana/Koth because your old flame comes back. Arcann would be a new flame.

    It would be kind of funny if Theron later reveals he was on your side all the while and you can reveal you'd been shacking up with Arcann for some time. They probably won't have the romance start until after this arc though.

  7. I thought of Lana that way after someone pointed out she was uncomfortable with PDAs. Then I started looking back over her words and behavior and did see a little of myself in some of it. I consider myself on the spectrum, after taking several tests and reading about the signs made me realize how many of my behaviors since childhood were atypical. Feel very intensely on the inside, but appear cool and collected on the outside. Tendency to "stim". Not very expressive in my face so people tend to project emotions onto me. Express affection through good works and sacrifice rather than mushy words or a lot of physical touch. Feel more comfortable with animals than people. Can't stand loud noises, crowded places, certain textures, and bright flashing lights. Easily overwhelmed. The books The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron Ph.D. helped me understand about and accept my sensitivity, and The Happiness Trap by Dr. Russ Harris helped me with my anxious thoughts probably more than anything else. I suggest them to whoever is struggling.
  8. Vette's "Kiece of cake" drives me crazy though, nails on chalkboard. I can't explain why it sounds like that.


    Risha drives me nuts when she says, "You're sure to be satisFILED" when she does a crew mission. I can't un-hear that. I know what she is supposed to be saying, but I can hear nothing else no matter how I strain my ears.


    I don't like Ranos' voice. She sounds like a random person off the street, with poor enunciation. I use Shae instead of her on my new toons for that reason.

  9. I miss Theron. I haven't touched the game since they came out with this Umbara plot. I might never come back unless they show the whole thing was an elaborate ruse. Aristocra Saganu is a nice lure though, if he plays a major ongoing role (and can reprise the romance).
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