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  1. New to the game and still leveling up and currently in a guild of good people but I am looking for more (no offense to them, I only intend on PvPing and they aren't a PvP guild.) Despite being new to the game I am not new to MMORPG's or PvP. I've been playing MMO's for roughly eight-nine years now and PvP for that entire time at the highest level on every game. World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Rift, and even Diablo 2/LoD back in the days. I've got max level characters on all of the named games and each with a massive amount of PvP time logged. I've lead my own PvP guilds in a number of games as well as lead PvP pre-mades for a few years if I combine all of the time I've been the target caller and over-all leader of pre-mades. Right now I am not searching for any kind of spot in a guild that necessarily requires me to make any kind of executive decisions just some where to finish my left 15 levels and a guild that has PvP on the schedule with a dedicated group of players who were PvP orientated/focused and who intend to take PvP serious or who are already doing so. Feel free to contact me on here or in-game. I'm online quiet a bit from the house and from work. My character name is Azoryel and I intend on having my character at max level in the next 48 hours and to immediately start games at any level I can get in while gearing up and getting my bearings. Looking forward to finding an already cemented guild, thanks for your time!
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