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Everything posted by The_Maineiac

  1. I noticed this tonight on my characters trying to finish Makeb. Monday night I had no issues and was destroying everything in my path. Tonight I'm getting wrecked by silver mobs and I'm taking way more damage than I was just before 3.0. Another thing I've noticed is that on Makeb I would never get dismounted by mobs until 3.0 and now I am always getting knocked off my mount by everything. Kind of annoying! And yes, I do have GSI active.
  2. My wife and I are returning to the game and are looking for a casual guild to call home. We were officers in a guild on Mask of Nihilus but we quit before the merge and our old guild is dead. We've started over with new characters since so much is changed we'd like to experience it again fresh. We'd be interested in casual ops and pvp also once we get leveled up but we're both low level right now.
  3. I was hoping not to need a 4th action bar but I'm level 43 now and running out of space. It kind of sucks that the 4th bar is on the left. I'd prefer it on the right side like the other one. Oh well, does anybody have a screen shot of their action bar layouts? I'd be curious to see if there is a more efficient way to set mine up. I'm immortal spec if that helps.
  4. I guess I was hoping for the cool broonmark from the class missions who could stealth and port around but instead I got this pansy who dies too easily. I have better luck using vette to dps them down while I kill up close. He's got all the lvl 82 gear he had when I got him.
  5. So is this guy a bad tank or what? I just finished Hoth and tried using him to complete class quests and he's going down faster than Vette or Jaesa. Doesn't seem like he's a very good tank. My wife's Khem Val does a lot better. Does anyone else use Broonmark for tanking?
  6. Thanks for the replies. I've never played a Bioware game before and was just wondering what the actual in-game outcome was when you got married. I understand the RP and story value. I'll probably end up marrying Vette. Jaesa was a great one nighter but she's bat-poop crazy.
  7. Outside of the RP discussions... what happens when you get married? Does it change the game or how your companions interact with you? I was pondering whether to romance Jaesa or Vette when I started to wonder if it even mattered. LOL So, can anyone explain how things change when you "marry" one of them?
  8. If I equip a shield generator instead of a +str focus will that improve my survivability without gimping my dps too much? Trying to reduce my downtime, especially when fighting strong mobs.
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