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Posts posted by Tommytwotoes

  1. I have to agree this was the worst removal of content from any patch to date. I'd even be so bold to say this is worse than removing 8v8 ranked. Is there honestly a good reason to ever remove quality content from the game?


    We NEED this pole back and we need it now. It is the only possible way to distinguish ourselves from the clusterf***k of doorknob lickers surrounding the pvp vendors. Without it I am nothing and I may be forced to unsub and delete my account.


    A simple hotfix reimplementing the pole will ease the pain of many pvpers around the world. Please do not eff this up.



  2. Valor is more of a "I have no life" title. It gives people the opportunity to showcase how much free time in the day they have.


    Again.. This would be an easy implementation and it wouldn't hurt anybody.

  3. I know this is not a high priority for most people including myself but it seems like such an easy implementation into the game and it would give people something else to do. Like valor 150 would be cool i loved when the game first came out grinding valor ranks for titles.
  4. Im pretty sure Elizabeth was nice to everyone and never asked for attention or posted any pics of herself...even though she was both much better looking and much more skilled than any other female that plays on this server...


    whoa.... pretty sure im better looking and nicer. who is this elizabeth sloot



    I'm Scopeseven/Scopeate a female sorc healer and op healer. Nice to see a fellow gamer girl on this server! You're always welcome here ;) We should totally play together sometime and show these stupid boys hows its done :p


    Here's me last Saturday just chillin playin some playstation in my dorm! I took it with my brand new nikon!!! :D




    Holla at me in game girly <3

  6. im in beta. report me for all the nda im about to break...


    the pvp reminds me of gw2 where everything is quite chaotic and its hard to see whats going on. this is most likely due to the mass amount of telegraphs going on all over the place and the fact that im still new to it so of course things will look chaotic. even swtor seemed that way at the start. ttk in pvp is also very high but it is fun


    the pve and questing is fun and actually difficult at times. and this is coming from the #1 sorc world. i've died to regular mobs usually because im drunk and not paying attention to telegraphs.. the first dungeons at lvl 20 are hard and not for tards. so tards please uninstall the game or dont install at all because end lvl raiding will be too much for your tiny brains to comprehend.


    i take that back tards can have fun with the housing. it is actually pretty fun because you can do w/e you want with the sandbox style housing they have


    this wont be a wow killer or swtor killer but its definitely better than gw2 was or eso will ever be. it is also in beta so many things will change


    also, doug from dara mactire and the ruin guild will be playing it so i just want to kill them again like the old ilum days on crucible pits.


    i have a friend beta key leftover if anyone wants contact me and i'll hook it up if i like you. scold gets first dibs



  7. healing in wildstar looks more fun imo. better than click on an ops frame. i can see how dps classes may not be fun with all aoe attacks but im still giving the game a shot
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