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Posts posted by tuulem

  1. EA aren't in the shampoo business are they? :D


    Don't give them ideas! If they could find a way to make us buy a bottle and have the contents as DLC, they'd be all over it.:p


    Back on topic, you can get a Diplomat's Meditation Hoverchair from one of the vendors in the Cartel section of the fleet for 100k credits and 10 CM Certificates provided you are at Champion standing with the Underworld Exchange,

  2. There are some schematics that you can learn from your trainer, you might have to travel to Ossus for the current "End Gear" schematics (to craft the 258 gear).


    As for the schematics that are dropping from the Command Crates, this is the only way of getting them prior to Onslaught. When we get the expansion, these will be moved to a vendor somewhere, where we should be able to purchase them with credits (various reputations may be required, no further details have been mentioned).


    You can read more here, third question down in the post:


  3. In your Collections, you can see what you have available to use and what you can potentially buy. Using the drop down menu at the top, you can filter it to show everything, collected or uncollected.


    The items and sets that you've collected will be lit up, or have brighter images (however people want to describe it), and these items can be in one of three states. Unlocked for your current character, unlocked for another character, or fully unlocked for your account.


    You should see one or two small squares on the bottom left of the picture of the set you are looking at if you've bought it. There will always be one with an open box and two arrows, and sometimes one with the Cartel Coin symbol and an upwards pointing arrow. The second box means it can only be claimed by one character and will need to be unlocked for account-wide use.


    Here are two pics so you can see what I'm talking about: https://imgur.com/a/NLkyjWl


    To transfer a set to your inventory click on the box icon. This will dump the whole set into you inventory, providing you have enough free spots to receive it all. From there, you can drag the items you want to use as an outfit to your designer slots.


    You have to equip the entire set on a single character to unlock that set in your collection (can put it on a comp as well, that also works), and you will need to use more Cartel Coins to unlock the set/item for use over all your characters. The unlock costs vary depending on the quality of the item, gold/platinum items are usually 400CC, silver are 240CC and bronze are 60CC (There are some exceptions, older gold items can cost much less to unlock and the toys are a bit wonky with their unlock costs too). Tunings cost 600CC.

  4. It's pretty much summed up here as to why he has a beef with you.



    From Wookiepedia:

    Thanaton and his ally, Darth Skotia, believed Zash to be a corrupting influence, particularly given her supervisory position at the Korriban academy. Together, they worked to block her ascension until 3643 BBY, when Zash manipulated her apprentice into murdering Skotia so that she could access the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas.


    Thanaton's attempts to punish Zash for the murder backfired and the Dark Council instead promoted her to Darth Zash, replacing Skotia as Thanaton's immediate subordinate. To Darth Thanaton's chagrin, Zash used her new position to pursue knowledge of immortality and spirit transfer by way of her apprentice, sending the slave-turned-Sith into the Dark Temple and the galaxy beyond to gather ancient artifacts of power. Zash's gambit ended when she was killed by her own apprentice, who then took the title of Lord Kallig. Around this time, Thanaton ascended to the Dark Council and used his place on the Empire's governing body to pursue the death of Kallig, who he believed was equally as corrupt as Zash.


    You can read more here - https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Thanaton



  5. Your former master broke The Rules, and therefore, according to Thanaton, you have to die as you are/were a part of her power base. I'm a little hazy on when that conversation happens, but I think when you meet him for the second time after Zash's ritual spectacularly backfires.


    After you stubbornly refuse to get dead on many occasions, I think it just turns into a matter of pride on his part; he refuses to be bested by an apprentice, who just so happens to be a former slave (and quite possibly an alien too).

  6. Whist you get your personal reward for hitting your individual target of 15,000 points straight away, you have to wait until the next conquest starts before you are automatically given your guild reward (at whatever time that is according to your timezone).


    Note that only those who hit their personal target will get the guild reward.

  7. I didn't notice that, but I suspect it's because Ziost missions aren't "heroics" but rather daily missions.


    On the live servers if it's a planetary heroic, it's once per day per legacy at 400 CQ points and the weekly areas have the spammable missions at a smaller reward, 120 CQ points. Looks, to me at least, that the repeatable parts have been misflagged.

  8. Not going to rehash all of the feedback on the actual dailies themselves, it's all been covered by people before me. A few other things I've noted that haven't been brought up yet:


    Empire - Opening the Skies

    The access cards still drop even after the turret has been sliced, although the turret control console no longer glows.


    Empire - Explosive Assurances

    The green arrows didn't seem like a good idea to me, so I dragged my eldest child to the screen to look at them. He has a Deuteronomy, meaning he's red/green colourblind, and he found it quite hard to spot the green arrows unless he was really close to them. As for the ones far away, or if the camera was swung around so the arrow was against the sky, he said "Forget it, too hard to see." It might be better if the markers were changed to something like the ones on Ossus; yellow with the upwards beam.



    I did solo all three of the heroic missions out of necessity, there was no one else online at 9am Tuesday morning UK time. The trash is Brutal. Capital B Brutal. Would be nice if it was thinned out a bit for all three. I did them on a dps merc and a scoundrel healer, both in 248 gear since I'd not bothered to copy over up-to-date toons and both had lvl 50 comps.


    H2 - Shiny New Toy

    Once I worked out the walker did 'Shock and Awe', pause, 'Shock and Awe', 'Activating Aegis System', when not interrupted, it was a fairly simple fight. Having said that, the cooldown of the missile could do with being lowered to 20s (it's currently 30s). The kolto stations are a nice touch, it's just a shame that if they don't immediately despawn as soon as you aggro the walker, they never respawn after they are used.


    H4 - Beware of Hugo

    On a non-stealther, it's actually a lot faster and much less annoying just to kill the first two mobs you see, then run like crazy towards the gate, die, and rez next to the gate, bypassing all the trash. On my merc I just face-tanked Hugo while my comp was set to heals. On the scoundrel, I set my comp to tank. Had no issues at all, just took a little time on my scoundrel. Hostages can be healed up, but it's not really needed as Hugo can be moved away from them.


    H4 - Reactor Ransom

    More brutal trash that was murdered by my merc and stealthed through by my scoundrel. Boss himself is pretty easy if you eat the casts and use kolto. I did LoS him to see what would happen and half of the reactors blew up, but they seemed to self-repair after a while which made getting the achievement to kill him without repairing the reactors nigh on impossible to get unless you manage somehow to kill him right after he does the cast of doom (can't remember what it's called).



    Pirate Incursion Conquest (I have no SH/guild bonus on PTR)


    Is the choice of invading 6 planets going the be the new norm or just for this particular conquest? Excluding Galactic, which happens along side any others, this throws up five planetary rampages. Five? I was half expecting to see a new achievement for completing them all in one day on the same toon: 'Snap! - Solely responsible for the eradication of half the galaxy.' ;)

    The choice of planets also seems a bit odd and not really in keeping with the pirate theme. I would have expected Rishi and Hoth to be there, but instead we have Ziost and Ossus? But at least you've removed the Ziost rampage.


    Dantooine Reputation - 1500 points

    01-Use Nova Blades' Contraband

    05-Use Nova Blades' ID Tags

    03-Use Nova Blades' Tools

    It's a nice idea, but it will be rendered obsolete as soon as people max out their reputation.


    Black Hole: Raiding the Republic/Empire

    Destroy 15 Empire/Republic defenses

    I thought these were removed due to hardly anyone actually doing them.


    Dantooine dailies & heroics, Balmorra and Taris heroics are currently flagged as indefinatly repeatable at 400 cq points each, where as the Ziost missions are flagged as once per day, per legacy.

  9. Had a guy a few days ago, low level, I think he was around 23 or something. Clearly new to the game as 'clueless' isn't even close to how he was. I'm going to call him Mr. CapsLock, because everything he typed was in caps.


    Anyways, on my sorc, the only lvl 70 in the vet group working our way through Tython. I'm here with Mr. CapsLock, a couple of other DPS around the mid 50's mark. Of course, Mr C dies at the first boss, because the instruction to "stay out of the red circles" is a little too complicated.




    Yes, yes you are, and you can stay that way until the boss is as dead as you. We scrape him off the floor and continue on our merry way until the next boss, where Mr CapsLock has an epiphany and works out what Kolto Stations do. Amazingly, he doesn't die.


    On to the last boss and we lose a DPS to the purple circles as well as Mr CapsLock. I throw a revive to the DPS, and Mr C comes out with this gem:




    Like... what? What on earth does that have to do with.... anything? I am seriously starting to think I have some kind of oddball-attracting aura.

  10. Bear in mind that way back in patch 5.9.3 KotFE/ET chapters got level synched. Tayvor will be lvl 70 when you go back to him.




    But to beat Tayvor...


    Use the consoles on either side of the room when he goes invulnerable and the windows shatter. This will make some guns shoot down the dropships and reduce the incoming damage. And remember to micromanage Kaliyo out of the fire patches.


  11. Given that the maximum amount of digits that can be typed into the naming box during character creation is 20, I would hazzard a guess at it being... 20.
  12. First of all, check that the digital expansion has correctly registered to your account. Log in to your account here, on the website, and check under Games (Download). The Upgrade pack should show there.


    If it does show there, then the wristband comes in a mail titled Digital Deluxe Edition Items containing:


    Training Droid

    Portable Holodancer

    CE Special Edition Flare Gun


    Longspur STAP


    These items, when claimed from the mail, go directly into your inventory.

    It also has the VIP lounge Wristband, this item goes into the Mission Items tab of your inventory. Check there.


    If the Upgrade pack does not show in your account, then check that it did actually go through (check your bank statements) and if you do find you've paid, then you will probably have to contact customer services.

  13. Shoot the Geonosians, they said. It will be fun, they said. The success rate of this serum is appalling, and they get bigger when the serum inevitably fails.


    So, I decided to waste some time and shoot the same Geonosian every time the buff wore off, and the serum failed eight times in a row. I think Dr. Tramulek is secretly working for Darth Malora...:D




    I was kinda sad when it finally worked.

  14. I like it so far.


    Not even sure if it's possible, but what I would like to see is a way to see a list of dyes when the dye slot is clicked on (or a drop down menu somewhere). Unless you have Artifice, you currently have to be standing next to the GTN to see a list of dyes, and sometimes not all of them are listed.

  15. Without knowing which of the four QT's you've found, I can't be any more specific than telling you to keep exploring: there are more than four, you might have missed a mission somewhere.


    Also, I think there's only 14 missions in total, so if you've done the weekly (for ten), then picked up the daily (for five), then you're going to have to wait until the reset to do the last one.

  16. Always, always stay in the purple circle of the one you are damaging. Even when you pull, run in and face pull the boss. Do not hit from range. Your damage will get reflected back to you if you are out of it. The amount of "well, sh*t!" moments I've had when watching those Heat Seeker Missiles go flying towards one of the adds at the exact same time I've been knocked back is not even funny any more. :t_frown:


    I also run the EC as a merc, although I have Lana in DPS stance (and she's lvl 50 and I made this strat work for me when I was in 248 gear and hell-bent on getting the Sprint Champion title). If you keep Lana in healing stance because you have lower lvl gear, or prefer to have your comp set to heals, this way does still work, it just takes a little longer. Make sure you stay in range of her so she doesn't have to move and drag her add all over the place to heal you and toggle off her healer stun. If it makes any difference, I've got Power Barrier and Pyro Shield from the Masterful skills and Trauma Regulators, Energy Rebounder and Stabilized Armor from the Heroic set. I personally don't use Kolto Surge but it might be a good option for you while you're learning the fight.


    This is how I do it: Stick the Brawler on Focus so I can see what he's doing. Send Lana in to the left add and have her beat it down. I run in, shoot the Brawler to keep him on me and start to beat down the right add, moving away from Lana so she doesn't aggro the main boss. Pop Responsive Safeguards and keep waling on the add. Pop my Energy Shield once I drop to about 60% and (if needed) Kolto Overload. I kinda cut it really close because I'm used to how much damage I can take. Use both shields pretty much on cooldown.


    I keep an eye on the debuff the boss gives me, pop hydraulics and run like hell when the stacks get high and the Brawler starts channelling "Untouchable" and use this time to heal up on the fly. The stacks max out at 30, but it's Many Ow's if he clobbers you at full stacks. The higher your stacks, the more it hurts when he punts you across the room as this is his "special attack" and that gets buffed by the amount of stacks you have. Staying away from him will slowly drop down your stacks, but be careful though, he does like to jump and knock down/stun you. I will use a kolto station if I need to, since this is usually the only boss that gives me enough grief to need them. Same as Highsteel- (above poster) I will use Unity, the Legacy skill that you get from having one toon reaching Light Side 5, and Polybiotic Med Units that heal me and Lana.


    Use Jet Boost to knock away your add when he goes all King Kong and starts chest-beating and a red circle appears under him: He's going to jump and knock you down? away? I can't remember off the top of my head right now. The added bonus to this is that you can then run to him and hopefully drop a few stacks of the Brawler's debuff while he ambles his way over to you.


    Lana has usually beaten down her add by this point and jumps in to help on the other add and finishes it off pretty fast. Once I only have the Brawler left, he starts channelling Untouchable. I have three options here:

    1) I let it finish and he punts Lana and me away and then starts to try to kill me, but my debuff stacks are reset.

    2) I let him almost finish the channel, pop hydraulics and only poor Lana gets booted.

    3} Make like Brave Sir Robin and run away. The downside here is that the Brawler stops channelling and leaps to me, knocking me down.

    However, he usually goes down super-fast with me and Lana beating on him.


    I don't use Heroic Moment with these guys, I'm always twitchy about having to move and whether any of the damage is going to be classed as "coming from range" and nuking me instead.


    Keep at it, this one is the worst fight imo. I'm happy to record a fast vid of me doing the fight tomorrow after the daily reset and PM you a youtube link, if you think it will help.

  17. Had a great one on my mando healer. Queue popped almost instantly, and as no one else accepted, I did a quick /who on one of the names. Okay, there's a lvl 70, a lvl 34 and a lvl 20 (all melee), but it's Cademimu, easy.


    Zoned in at the start and began to make my way to the rest of the group, they're almost at the first boss. First thing I notice is there is no trash. None. Nothing. All those mobs at the bottom of the elevator? Dead. Okay, fine. Can happen.


    First boss. Lvl 70 starts on Officer Xander, lvl 34 waits for the droid to activate, just jumping up and down like some kind of demented grasshopper. Lvl20 has no idea what to do and starts on the driod as soon as it activates. Long story short, Lvl 20 somehow gets themselves stuck in the box and the lvl 34 gets frozen, lvl 70 kills the boss.


    We get to the Wookiee, with our lvl 34 falling off of platforms twice and complaining when they have to run back from the spawn point, then faceplanting at the bottom of the elevator before the boss.


    On to the Wookiee. Lvl 70 mentions that it should be easy to keep the adds on the boss as they are all melee and the boss's flamethrower will kill them off quck enough.




    They spawn and the lvl20 manages to aggro them all. And off he goes, taking them all on a grand tour of Cademimu. Of course, with him being a low level, they make short work of him and he dies about half a mile away from the rest of us (and by the way, if you are reading this and recognise yourself Mr. Lvl20, no, the healer does not suck if they don't chase you to heal you when you decide to run away). Boss is dead by this point, but we have to wait for the adds to run back to us so we could kill them.


    Lvl 70 helpfully points out (again) that it's better to keep the adds on the boss next time, so they die quicker.


    All the trash has to die on the way to last boss, because reasons, I guess. Lvl 34 runs off of the edge of the elevator and dies, yet again. It is at this point I can almost see the will to live ebbing away from the other lvl 70.


    We get to the last boss and the lvl34 leaps in, locking out the lvl20. Our jump happy puller either doesn't see message to bring the boss to the safe corner, or just outright ignores it, so the lvl 70 and I just wait for the inevitable to happen. But, not only does our hero decide to stand in the fire, he actively runs into it, dragging the boss with him.


    Why? Because "the fire worked in manaan"



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