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  1. Well, I'll be. IMDB does have it and says he voiced someone called Hunter. It doesn't say who voiced Numen Brock, so it still could be him. Thanks for the help.
  2. So, I just met Numen Brock in the Smuggle story, and I swear he sounds like Axel from Kingdom Hearts 2. Do they have the same voice actor? Does anyone know? It's really bothering me all of a sudden
  3. As with most MMOs, people are in the cities, not the zones. Also, not everyone who preordered is in yet.
  4. Asking a GM would probably be better then a forum thread. See if you can make an in game ticket or something.
  5. It also says limited quantities available, fyi. Just be patient. Also, it doesn't say anything about WHEN you can play, but hey, that's advertising.
  6. Indeed Bioware and the SWtOR team, THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME!! I played one Beta weekend and loved it so much that I preordered. It was wierd, never before have I cared about quest characters as I only thought of them as 'hubs'
  7. Anyone else annoyed with all these QQ'ers and trolls complaining about this being a terrible release? I am completely satisfied with the way this is being handled. I for one understood that being able to play "at most 5 days early" meant I could likely not be able to play early. I am happy that I will likely get in tomorrow on Friday, four days before the game comes out, when I was expecting to only get one early day to play, as I ordered just last week. I am also happy that the prerelease started TWO DAYS earlier then they originally announced. I am also grateful that just because I ordered a physical copy of the game that I will have to wait to recieve, I will be allowed a two day grace period to play this game before I have to input my CD Key. I just want to say, thank you Bioware and the SWtOR team working on this game release. Thank you. Anyone else agree? EDIT: fixed some grammar and spelling
  8. Isn't there also a Color Crystal vendor you get access to by preordering? I recall seeing a vendor but for some reason I couldn't interact with them on the Beta (I hadn't preordered or redeemed my code then)
  9. From my experience with WoW and what little I had with the Beta, these mean simply: PvE: These are servers that typically focus on PvE. This means that in the zones you quest in, if you find a character of the other faction, you cannot kill them, unless they are 'flagged' for PvP. You can still do the PvP that requires queuing, which is what I believe you are asking about (I forget what they call it in SWtOR, in WoW it was Battlegrounds.) EDIT: Warzones. They're called Warzones. PvP: These are servers that focus on PvP. This means that while questing in most areas, you can fight and kill any opposing faction member you wish. Flashpoints are still available like they are in PvE servers. RPPvP and RPPvE: These are servers that are either PvE or PvP with a more specialized community. The idea is that you aren't playing a character, you ARE that character. You don't have to, but the community on these servers ideally like to focus on Role Playing aspects. EDIT: As for the region thing, it doesn't matter, but I believe on in your region will typically be faster to play on, and more likely to include people where you live.
  10. Sorry to hear that man. I'm in a similar boat because I ordered with Gamestop for a physical copy, only to realize I couldn't get a code. Took me a week to cancel it and I went to Origin for my physical copy, so I won't be in until tomorrow as well. It sucks, but oh well, it's only a day.
  11. Oh thank you! I have to wait to recieve my physical copy in the mail, so hopefully I get it soon enough for uninterrupted play. If not, oh well.
  12. Why do you want your money back so bad?
  13. If it's the same as in the Beta, you equip it to him. Easiest way to do that could be to open up his character sheet and right click the item in your inventory. You can do that with anything you want to equip to a companion as well, it's handy.
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