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Posts posted by noodlehaus

  1. The ASUS Gaming notebooks are very capable for swtor, just need to lower some of the settings. My friend plays it on a G53. which runs on an Nvidia GT560m. Another friend of mine plays it on a 15" Macbook Pro, the one with the 6770m 1GB graphics chip.


    For ATI-based notebooks, I suggest you get one with a 6750m at least. For nvidia-based systems, try looking for a 555m at least.


    Good luck and happy shopping.

  2. It's cheapest to level up a cybertech, or have a cybertech friend. Otherwise, just ramble on the best you can, picking up new armorings as you get the commendations, and not worrying if mods/enhancements fall a bit behind. As a DPS guardian it won't matter too much anyways, as virtually nothing matters stat wise until you're 50.



  3. Noticed that might mods/armoring/hilts are not always available in commendation vendors. or if they are, they're a level behind compared to their guardian counterparts.


    GTN doesn't always have the might stuff for my level. Having mostly orange gear makes things even worse. It's very hard to keep up with the modifications. Especially for a DPS guardian, who only has 1 saber.


    I'm wondering, is it cheaper to level up with just modifiable gear (given you already have them and don't need to buy them, except for the mods) or to just level up with just blues and maybe an orange weapon?

  4. I encountered a trooper in ord with a similar problem when I was in ord. I couldn't figure out why his character was weak. Gave him some greens (crafted from my main) then we went on to try out some strong mobs.


    I told him what to do, skill priorities, etc. He so slow at killing and always almost close to dying. We were both level 10 and he wasn't idling in combat either.


    Then I asked him, have you upgraded your skills from your trainer? He said "we have to do that? how?".


    Showed him where, then he told me SWTOR is his first MMO. After training, we went back to the quest and he was not having problems anymore.


    So we shouldn't assume that people know how to play this game from day one. A lot of concepts in MMOs are strange to new players.

  5. all i'm wishing for is that they be as agile and responsive as blizz when it comes to releasing fixes. this game has the key ingredients that made wow succeed -- big lore/story behind it, a solid fan base, it's own universe.


    oh please BW, don't screw this up.



    Hindsight makes the crapstorm that existed during Vanilla's launch much sweeter than it actually was.XD


    Believe me, SWTOR's launch, at least some of the vitriol thrown around about certain missing features, slow-to-come fixes, and complaints about content being devoured too quickly, gives me deja vu for Vanilla WoW.


    Some of it has been eerily close to post-vanilla chatter.

  6. BW adding a "very low" shader setting and turning off lasers that should be firing aren't really solutions to the problem. it's just them saying "ok, nothing's really wrong with the engine, but your performance is still crappy. let's just turn off some bells and whistles and make this game really look terrible but playable so you can still enjoy it.".


    not really a fix you know.


    That is an inaccurate statement. They have admitted to many things since launch and have taken steps to make improvements AND are still doing so. Stating that you have a dedicated team working inside Bioware to address FPS issues IS an asmission on their part that they not only acknowledge there are issues, but that they are committed to working on them.


    You are exaggerating to justify the disrespect you throw at them in virtually every post you make.

  7. what I hate about combat logs and hence, meters, is that they create a chicken and egg scenario. you're not allowed to join runs cos you're under-geared, hence, capped DPS. you can't raise your DPS cap cos you aren't allowed in runs, hence you can't gear up.


    meters will unavoidably be abused as tools of elitism/discrimination.

  8. Included this in my CS thread:




    Whenever the scene gets a lot of smoke and dust, the fps just goes downhill.


    Nobody really pays attention to how smooth and foggy that smoke or fog is, or how well spread those blast particles are when playing the game. Not especially when you're too busy not getting killed in a warzone or smacking mobs while questing.


    Whey the hell did they implement those things with such realism? Can't they just make those out of several sprites that are 2D and loaded as textures?


    BW should let us f*cking toggle atmospheric effects and adjust particle details in-game.

  9. There are no spells here. It's not WoW (or whatever random fantasy-setting clone of it)


    I play a special guardian class exclusive to me. It has spells on top of abilities/skills. You get this if you get the "Uber Elite Edition" of the game.


    Now share something constructive and stop being stupid.

  10. I play on an iMac with the default wireless keyboard and a regular USB mouse. These are my bindings:





    Alt W = autorun


    Top Bottom Quickslots: Sh = shift


    Sh Q

    Sh E

    Sh R

    Sh F

    Sh C

    Sh V

    Sh 1

    Sh 2

    Sh 3

    Sh 4

    Sh Wheel Up

    Sh Wheel Down


    Bottom Bottom Quickslots:












    Alt Q

    Alt E


    Right Quick Slot: (only 2 buttons are bound, the tilde key)



    Sh ~


    The way I position my skills, I put the frequently used ones in the most accessible positions.


    "oh ****" buttons usually go to the 2 keys in my right quick slot or on the normal number keys. stance spells, vehicle are my click-only buttons.


    "buff me up" spells (relic, CD) are grouped in my mouse button bindings (shift + scroll wheel).


    Stuff that I use offline like self buffs and regen spells are in the shift+number buttons.


    I try to avoid as much as possible number keys from 5 up, cos they are too hard to reach.


    You'll have to remap some of your UI keys here (chat reply, character panel, expand comp bar, etc).



    Share yours so we can adopt good bindings from each other :)

  11. Yeah, the combat abilities are a bit too many, but with good bindings, you can have all 2 bars accessible to you (which is enough).


    If you're a button clicker for your active combat abilities, yes, it's going to be very hard.


    Macros should make this easier, somewhat.


    What I really hate though is having to watch my bars for procs. This is where I miss the flexibility add-ons bring, just like in WoW.


    It'll come, just have to wait.

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