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Posts posted by ArchivedData

  1. I noticed some slight changes to certain NPCs on Talis lately. There is an NPC who is dressed up like a Juggernaut, who used to have a single bladed lightsaber. Now, ever since one of the last two patches, he now carries a Saberstaff.


    Is it possible they are trying to tell us something? You decide.


    Hate to be negative Nancy here, but I doubt it. I personally don't see it as "fair" (I use that term lightly since it's an instant flame war on these forums) due to multiple now rolling on gear that used to be only used by one class and certain companions. The other thing to always remember is that NPCs usually don't reflect player changes.

  2. Gonna clean this up, but before I do, I'd like to say that the poster makes a few good points.


    This game has an AMAZING PvE and story mode. As for the end game content, do you all remember WoW back in the day? When you hit 60, there was hardly anything to do.


    Sure, PvP was fun, but you'd need to be on for hours everyday just to get a BRD run, and that usually meant spamming chat for two hours in I.F. And even after you got the group together, you usually failed because it was too hard!


    Then, if you were lucky enough to get into a 40-man raid guild, you would get kicked if you did not put in the 40+ hours a week for raids! And even after WoW added the Raid Finder, millions are still playing.


    People will always play casual games like this, because hardcore players are the minority of the population. Mostly because "normal" people can't dedicate that much time for raids.


    I'm sorry, but this is a very well balanced game, and I'm sure that later on, the end game content will be vast!



    For now, it's just finding its feet!

  3. Are you asking if they record which character was responsible how much legacy gained and if that character is deleted, whether that amount of legacy gained will be deducted?


    If so, I sure hope not.


    Not quite, I'm pretty sure I've seen in other forum posts that you can never lose legacy exp., regardless of how many characters you delete/create. I was asking if the perks you unlock for reaching level 50 with a character disappear if the character is deleted.

  4. I was curious as to whether or not it had been stated that if we delete characters post legacy implementation, if we lose the associated perks as well? For example, let's say I have a level 50 Sith Pureblood and a level 50 Human Trooper. If I were to delete the Pureblood, would my Trooper (and any future characters) still be able to use the perks that were unlocked (Pureblood for any class, Heroic abilities, any associated class buff, etc)?


    Just curious, because I wouldn't mind clearing up a character slot or two once Legacy hits.

  5. One reason this game does not feel like star wars is because right away there are wayyyy too many jedi, and far too many jedi with double bladed and double sabers. Those were in fact rare lightsaber forms.


    GREEEEAT job on making every single endgame character look exactly the same, because everyone who has worked hard to get to 50 really wants to spend their time grinding for the same armor everyone else has. NOT.


    Also, changing the name and the color of an armor set does not make it new. Same goes for charging 200 commendations for mounts which you changed the color of. You guys added nothing significant to this game.


    Does anyone see anything on this game they will enjoy paying for after all the single player stuff is done?


    BTW, I hate hearing my character talk, never saying what i want him to say. Huuuge waste of time and money on that. It would be quicker and less repetitive if the NPCs would just go after you click your choice, and you didn't have to listen to your toon say something he's already said 100 times. I think i got chills from something actually cool my consular said a whopping twice?? Failed.


    1. This is the Old Republic - a time when the Jedi Order had numerous people in its Order. It is NOT anywhere near the same point as the movies which featured a handful of Jedi. And whoever said that certain lightsaber styles were "rare"? A double-bladed saber is basically a staff modified for Jedi, made by joining two lightsabers at the hilt.


    2. Of course end-game gear looks the same. The only games I'm familiar with that have "different" end-game gear are F2P MMOs (and you have to buy the items from cash shops). Case in point, WoW's newest Shaman set looks the same for all specs. All Shamans who have the best gear look the same.


    3. This is fairly commonplace in MMOs. It's the simplest, quickest way to introduce new gear. And if you're referring specifically to modifiable gear, most people just pick a set or two throughout the leveling experience they like (some people pick more or less, too, obviously). If you think the different variant with slightly upgraded mods in it is stupid, don't buy it. Simple as that.


    4. I've invested roughly 15 days of time (through /played), and have barely touched upon the end-game content. I'm having fun scouring the world for codex entries, and looking for upgrades to my gear before getting into raiding. So yes, I'm still enjoying the **** out of it.


    5. Feel free to make an MMO that's voice acted that features 100% unique lines, I'd bet a rather substantial amount that you wouldn't be able to. Aside from difficulty (in terms of writing everything), you'd have to pay your voice actors more, which reduces the amount of cash they can dedicate to other functions of the game.

  6. 250 damage, per skill? add that up over time, then tally in the other dps in your team.

    It becomes noticeable. Some classes relied on the crits for their overall damage output


    So maybe the answer isn't stacking a stat that makes your crits more powerful, maybe you should try stacking a stat that increases the likelihood of getting a crit, or even the speed of your attacks so you crit more often in a given amount of time? Food for thought.

  7. Isnt that already the design format to some degree with heroics and normal modes?


    I think it's supposed to be. From what I've heard though, the HM/NM ops are currently bugged pretty badly. But you also have to balance difficulty in there, if I recall correctly, WoW's heroic raids just buffed HP and added a skill or two - nothing too challenging.

  8. Which comes down to the stigma of "casual". People (probably like myself) that dont have tons of disposable time to play a video game. So where's the balance? Is there one? How can you make an old school grinder but cater to the masses (which by the way are mostly casuals and wow is proof of that) at the same time?


    In MY opinion, I'd see two different end-game progression paths. It'd basically go like this:


    Max level -> Dailies/Crafting/PvP -> Hard Modes -> Path 1 OR Path 2


    Path 1: These could be essentially the "Tier 1" raids, not too difficult, not a cakewalk if undergeared. These bosses would have limited tactics/abilities, deal less damage, etc. Let's sub abbreviate this path as "a":


    Tier 1a (Columi)-> Tier 2a (Tionese) -> Tier 3a (Rakata)


    Path 2: This is the "hard mode" variant of the same raids. All abilities, full damage dealt, etc. We'll sub abbreviate this path as "b":


    Tier 1b (Columi)-> Tier 2b (Tionese) -> Tier 3b (Rakata)


    Colors correspond to gear equivalency. So the easier path still gets "good" gear, but the ones who take the difficult path ultimately get the better gear for putting in more work.


    Again, just MY opinion.

  9. I play on a PvE server these days, but I have played on PvP servers before. This is definitely a "griefing" issue, and you should report each and every one of those players. May take a while for a GM/CSR to respond (if at all), but usually games have rules prohibiting things like that.


    Beyond that, just try to get a group of 50s from your fleet (or in the area) to come wipe them out. Good luck to ya, I feel your pain.

  10. I can't see anything when i play the game, all i see is a yellow screen, i see mini map and tool bars and i can move, i see myself moving on the mini map..but i can't see anything its just all yellow.


    Definitely sounds like a PC issue. First off, are you on a laptop or desktop? Second, what graphics card (integrated or otherwise) are you using? Third, have you updated your drivers recently/ever?

  11. Why does a game have to be a time consuming chore? "Too easy" what does that even mean? Games are for entertainment not for clocking in and wasting obscene amounts of time on.


    EDIT: Arbeiten beat me to it, basically.


    Some people like the games that require a standard work-week to progress. Especially in the old days of MMOs. When it takes a long time to get a piece of gear, or title, etc., not only did you feel more accomplished, but it also made a statement to the community.


    Obviously, times have changed and the market needs to adapt to the "new majority" of gamers - the so-called "instant gratification" group - which means us veterans are left here, powering our way through content.


    Ultimately, it just comes down to tastes and preferences. Some of the playerbase will be more "old school" and like long, difficult progressions. Others like the more modern fast-paced, everyone should get a chance to raid, model.

  12. Im not saying to dumb it down to wow-type quests im saying expand on the character story to include more planets or leveling areas.


    This is pretty much what I said with my first post, so now I'm confused. We went full circle... So, to sum this up:


    You would like a faster method to get to maximum level;


    A more engrossing story with multiple planet options;



    Sometimes i think the whole story-based system needs to be deleted.
    is implying you DON'T want a storyline...



  13. I made the mistake of choosing the single most "idiotic" legacy name I could find because of a bet with a friend of mine, that Legacy names CAN be changed after you have chosen them, ignoring all kinds of notices you had put in the Legacy screen and everywhere around the forums.


    I WANT to say tough luck, just because there were tons of notices and threads about the subject, but I imagine at some point (probably not with 1.2) they'll offer paid changes, or NPC changes for nominal fees.

  14. Sometimes i think the whole story-based system needs to be deleted. It holds back the potential just like "lore" held back wow.


    So you'd rather have a pop-up with a bunch of text, without voice acting (so no incentive to actually read/listen), and THEN go grind the objective? I'll agree that voice acting shouldn't be necessarily the PRIMARY focus for leveling, but getting rid of an interesting feature completely is way too far.


    The lore in MMOs is what make questing enjoyable. Instead of just going to the next zone for the same types of quests with different quest givers, you actually get a sense of what it is you're doing. You're left with a typical Asian-style MMO grindfest if you take away enveloping stories.

  15. So you think that bioware wont take the same path as wow and make leveling faster in the future?


    Why would they? If you level too quickly, you'd end up missing out on potentially huge portions of planetary storylines - a major selling point of this game. The only thing I see them doing similar to WoW in the near future is multiple planets to choose from in the same level range. So you could go to Corellia or "Planet X"; Hoth or "Planet Y".

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