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Everything posted by Temad

  1. Apparently the main cause the x-server haters had is that people would "ninja" and not be held accountable. Sorry to burst your bubble but "ninjaing" was in FULL effect last night with complaint after complaint in /General. Names were listed and it was meaningless. X-Server NOW.
  2. Facts require proof and you have none. I have Blizzard and Trion, two MMO companies saying that the ratios are not the same across servers. Even a minute difference in the ratio in a given pool of servers creates a huge difference in queue times. So shut it about your "facts".
  3. They gave you an answer twice, you just don't like it and they have made it pretty clear they aren't really concerned.
  4. Why do people insist on saying this? Each server has its own make up of Healer/DPS/Tank player base. Some have more healers, some have more tanks. X-Server absolutely helps to alleviate queue times and was proven in Rift and WoW. X-Server is needed and it was made clear as day yesterday. Not for necessarily for end game Flash Points but for under level 50...absolutely 100% needed. It isn't even close.
  5. It will have to go X-Server. Under 50 everyone on my very heavy populated server had to resort to using /General chat because there was no on in queue and nothing popped. Not only will it have to go X-Server if they don't make it so you can pick the Heroics you want to queue for it will be a total failure for under 50. It is beyond frustrating how it is set up. What were they thinking? They really didn't think that it would cause problems to force a random group together that are all on different heroic needs? It is shocking how badly this was done, even for Bioware.
  6. I am stunned by how poorly the group finder is designed. Most of the alts I visited tonight saw the same thing...people having to use /general chat to do any heroics. As most people probably are, I am on a very heavy server pop at the moment and 5 alts on 5 different planets including Dromund Kaas had exactly 0 or 1 person in queue for planetary stuff. Stunning. Beyond disappointing.
  7. It works for FPs, it is complete crap for everything else. I rotated through my various alts going from Dromund Kaas to Tattoine, Alderan etc and people were still forced to use general chat because the group finder had 0, 1 or 2 people in queue (very heavy server pop) and/or because the way it is designed with "planetary destination" is meaningless. Why not just list the available heroics for the planet and let people queue up for the ones they need? I am stunned by how bad this group finder turned out. Back to /General.
  8. Maybe it was the fact it only took him a few hours to figure out that the new perks are per character so no wasting what credits you do have, the LFG is bugged to hell and augment slots are bugged to worse than hell. All that glorious 1.3 content gone through in 60 seconds.
  9. What she said "That was fast.". Took what, a few hours and demand for 1.4 because 1.3 is such a total joke.
  10. Don't worry you will be able to buy every possible color combo crystal at the cash store that is most certainly coming before the end of the year. They won't take SWTOR officially "F2P" but they are going to add a cash shop that has the stuff people most want...like crystals in every flavor.
  11. You would do what the RP community would have done had Bioware opted to skip any RP labels(beacons), designate one as RP and commenced RPing. So, pick one, put in some effort (I know..what the hell) and invite others...and then RP. It really is that simple. I call BS, all of my characters are on RP or RP-PVP (US). There is no more Rping going on those servers as the one PVE (did it before transfers to have someone to play with). In fact, there was more RPing on a traditional PVE server than I ever saw on 4 RP designated servers. RP labels on servers have always meant one thing...Not so terrible names and after Mythic stopped enforcing that policy in Dark Age of Camelot the last MMO that had a REAL RP designation, died. Spare me what you think I am and understand that RP is and always will be from now on, what you make of it.
  12. So now that you know officialy from Bioware Devs that there are no RP rules, that RP is just a "label" (just as I said) and that RPing can be done anywhere, perhaps you all can pipe down and just RP on the server they gave you. Or perhaps some attempt at a witty analogy about clothes shops that has nothing to do with the situation will help here and save the almighty RP. RP is where you are, you either are into it or you aren't...server labels are merely a general beacon.
  13. All I see is a group of people who overplayed their hand. If the RP-PVP community was so large as to even register as a blip on the Bioware subscription numbers you likely have found a different solution. Unfortunately for you, it doesn't register and you got a bone thrown to you. Run with it and make the best of it. Its not like there are any enforced rules that RP brings to a server it is merely a beacon for a play style. It is still 100% player driven so if you drive on over to Tomb and keep doing what you are doing there should be zero issue. Keep saying it to yourself, the RP in any server designation means nothing official. It never has, it never will. It was a way to help RPers organize a bit. Since you all can only move one place that organization is no less.
  14. I am unsubbed and can post just fine. If you meant, unsubbed to the point of not having an active membership well duh, of course they are not going to let you post. They have no real leverage over someone posting who has no account to be suspended. They would just sign up for another forum account and continue being douche bags. Any company that would let non-paying customers post on their forums is a company I would find too idiotic to take my money.
  15. The OP might be a bit over the top but I did find something rather eye opening from the weekend. The number of servers this weekend after the transfers during prime time that ranked Full, Very Heavy or Heavy was 10. That left over 100 servers light or standard with the vast majority light. Consolidating 100+ servers down to 10, perhaps 11 or 12 when the second round of transfers hits tells a huge story about player number drop offs. Its massive.
  16. There is no point debating X-Server. It will come and it will come before the year is out. They won't really be given much of a choice. WoW wouldn't have done it if they had the choice, they had no choice. Rift wouldn't have done it if they had a choice, they didn't have a choice either. SWTOR won't and your deluding yourself if you think any differently.
  17. I got home late last night and did two transfers just to see how things would go. I play on an EST server and this would have been at 12:30 AM EST. They were instant. As fast as I clicked Submit and it refreshed back to my character transfer screen it was done. Now I know that this is due to the fact that all the servers were low but still pretty impressive.
  18. I have to agree with the learning to read thought process. In my opinion, SWTOR has been pretty much a total disaster. I am riding out the sub and saying goodbye for good before July rolls around. Bioware has shown unexpected incompetence at pretty much every turn with this MMO. One thing they were not incompetent with was explaining that the transfer process would start slow and be ramped up as they felt more comfortable with the volume. The explained you wouldn't get to just chose whatever server. They explained pretty much everything that happened today in advance over many official threads and dev posts. It is quite terrifying how stupid people really are...
  19. Actually, when the software you are trying to run on your PC is a video game, the coding has pretty much everything to do with how well it runs so long as you have minimum specs. If you don't have minimum specs these tips sure can't hurt but if you have 6+ GBs of RAM they will do very little.
  20. New space combat mission. Why is someone not fired for thinking spending one second of resources on this monstrosity is a good idea? All the things driving massive amounts of customers away that could perhaps keep them if fixed but no...lets release another 1992 space mission on rails! /facepalm
  21. You give away stuff when it isn't worth as much. Using WOW, a game that is now 8 years old sitting on cruise control until Titan comes out, as an example for your 5 month old game that cost more than any MMO in history is...stupid. This is huge news for them and not good news.
  22. Wow did it after 5 years and multiple expansions that made giving away the early content easy. Rift? You really want to tag SWTOR with Rift? Rift crashed and burned to a few servers in less than 10 months. Well, I guess that would actually make Rift and SWTOR similar. Going to free after 6 months for scrub MMOs is expected, not the Star Wars IP and not Bioware/EA's baby. Disastrous they have to do this so soon.
  23. More than a few of the people "let go" were story dev...don't count on it.
  24. Rift was not successful and WoW did it after what? 5 years? You keep farting sunshine and unicorns, maybe all that optimism will work out for you. Server populations say otherwise.
  25. Hahahahah....that was painful to watch. Free to 15 by July....Translation: Free to Play by Christmas.
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