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Everything posted by Halfawit

  1. With 2 stacks of SRMP on your target being damaged then Triage, UWM, EMP. In that order over and over and throwing Triage in so as its up, I can usually keep someone up with 3 people focusing on him. If I can sit and heal uninterupted. I usually am very mobile running around boxes, pillars, walls, and ledges in Huttball. I find that the extra Upperhand will be somewhat ok of a buff to keep our +3% extra healing. Though I usually am blowing off my Upperhands as soon as I get them. That rocks that Kolto Cloud is getting that buff, I use it a lot more then you think. I am always spamming Diagnostic Scan, and will love the new buff to it. I feel that they should have made SRMP as only 1 stack that does the same as 2 stacks. I am pretty happy overall with the Sawbones class. Me and a good Jedi Guardian, or Vanguard absolutely dominates Huttball or Voidstar.
  2. As A Healer.. especially a scoundrel healer, I find myself knowing exactly what is happening at all times in my immediate battlefield surroundings. I don't need health bars to show me who is taking damage, I usually know before they are getting attack. The health bar only helps me see who I can't heal because they are to far away, or I can't see them. I easily see and know where BHs are because I try to stay as close as possible to them, because I know how easily tracer spam can out damage my heals. Keeping a BH interupted helps me to heal less.
  3. uh what class can clense dots? I spam my scoundrel triage which is suppose to cleanse dots, but it never removes them.
  4. I think scoundrel excels the most at huttball, Load yourself up with 2 SRMP, and Kolto Cloud as you grab the ball. Spam triage, and Surgical Probe as you run with the ball. Or do that to your ball carrier and run infront of him for a pass. Works great. Many times I have spammed SP to make it to the endzone.
  5. I call BS on this made up assumption that Scoundrels are meant to be a "HoT" class when my single target heals and surgical probe + purge are the bulk of my heals that get me to 250k+ heals every warzone. I don't see how you can see yourself as being so gimped. Screw kolto cloud its a waste of energy, that means DONT waste a point in it. I use emergancy medpac, as a way to help build up my upperhands to use my surgical probe more often. I immediantly spam surgical probe as my underworld medicine is casting, so Its a instant 1500-2300 heal on to my underworld medicine that seems to crit like every other heal for 3800-4200 then throw a purge for additional 200+700-200+1000 heal. I don't seem to have the "problems" with running low on energy either. I am constantly in combat at around 50% energy but normally I can build back up to 90% at most points during the fights. I place myself tactically with steath, and if I get a train on me, throw purge once and vanish, and move to a safe place to continue healing. Our interupt is our best friend, and I feel like many of us overlook it as well. Lastly Sorcs never seem to heal for as much as me, my damage is very low however, because damaging is a waste of energy for healing scoundrel. Best thing is that we don't look like healers, and our heal animation doenst really give us away so its easy to get away with chilling unsuspect while I am just spamming heals.
  6. I play a healing scoundrel, If I notice a rise into the air to do DFA I just interupt him or stun him, or kick him in the balls if hes close enough. Its a pointless and really crappy animation. Besides it being obvious, so I don't think you can complain much about that animation verses the MV animation.
  7. It is relevant because we are getting nerfed still based off of before 1.1, and for destroying low level players. I have yet to see a 10k crit from any class, and I would put my money, if you were to show me a video of a 10k crit pre 1.1 or post 1.1 it wasnt from a Operative or Scoundrel. But yes, you make lots of sense.
  8. I think random AE hits like this get interpreted by people as IAs/and Smugglers. So stupid. "I got hit for 8k, must have been the IA sneaking around here"
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWx_mcAQBY&feature=related I feel really sad that my damage is getting destroyed when there is classes like this. I have never once crit for more then 6.5k with all my buffs popped.
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