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Everything posted by Xanvai

  1. Heyyy, here's my Ashara Zavros cosplay I just finished. Only edit is blocking out the background, fixing the lighting, and the lightsaber effect. :] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/049/2/1/ashara_zavros_cosplay_by_lauraxavier-d4q6m7w.jpg
  2. Heyyyy, so, I thought I saw a thread or forum with cosplay as the main subject, but I couldn't find it and I guess it's not there anymore, BUT, I really really wanted to share my Ashara Zavros cosplay that I finished just this weekend. Only things edited is I blocked out the background, fixed the lighting, and then added the lightsaber effect to my little lightsabers [and yes, they're pink]. Anywho, here ya go. I'm gonna end up redoing the headpiece later on down the road, but for now I think it works. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/049/2/1/ashara_zavros_cosplay_by_lauraxavier-d4q6m7w.jpg Anyone else have a Star Wars cosplay or lightsaber pic? I'd like to see more! :]
  3. Ah! Well ty! Much appreciated. Still wish there was a target of target lol
  4. I've only played WoW, with a little of City of Heroes and VERY LITTLE Star Trek Online, but the original WoW's target of target was a small portrait and health/name bar right below the the target's portrait and health bar. Later on in the years, we were able to have addons, so I used an addon called Pitbull to change my portrait/bars, my target's portrait, and my target of target's portrait all to the bottom of my screen, all equally as big, and all right next to each other, so I was able to see it better. Wish I had a picture of the original target of target on WoW, but I only have pictures of my UI with the Pitbull addon on it. Of course, if SWTOR were to implement a ToT feature, I could see it looking more like the original WoW ToT, but of course changed instead of below your target's portrait, be just above and to the right, away from their buffs and casting bar.
  5. Can't say I played Vanguard, but I know with WoW and all the addons they had, I managed my entire UI to tanking. I had target, target of target, buffs and debuffs of targets and ToT, macros for my focus or ToT (which would be either me or the offtank) and all that at my fingertips. Not saying I miss WoW, I just miss being able to customize the focus, target, and ToT aspect of it like I have been able to the past few years of WoW.
  6. Sadly, no, it's not in SWTOR. It'd be great if it was, lol. I'm hoping maybe they'll hear enough about focus that they'll implement that aswell. Same with ToT, IMPLEMENT ToT
  7. Focus and target? Another thing we were talking about, was having a focus target. That'd be really nice so that i'd be able to have the offtank on focus, incase I needed to Guard him at some point, or taunt off him, or have a healer to do that same thing. While you have a focus, you're still able to select enemy npcs and attack them.
  8. You're not understanding what this means for a threat meter or a ToT from a tanks stand point. I had the perfect example of this yesterday, where I was in a group, we were CC'ing mobs, marking kill order, but you can only do so much until one stupid dps decides to do an aoe and break the cc. That's where ToT/threat meter would come in handy. They break the cc, I try and gain aggro on it (before i lose aggro on the mob we're working on), get aggro on it, lost too much time and threat that my threat on the main target at hand is slipping. I don't know how much threat I've lost, but I know i have to build it up again. While finishing off that mob, I have to regain and build up aggro on the NEXT target that was marked, while guessing how much aggro I have on the broken-cc'd target. I lose aggro again on cc'd target while trying to focus on the next target at hand. Switch off that target, back onto broken cc (using taunt), and because I have nothing to figure for towards how much aggro I had on the next target, it turns out it wasn't enough aggro and I lose the aggro on that target, of which I just blew all my high damage attacks on the broken cc BECAUSE I HAD NO IDEA HOW MUCH THREAT I HAD ON IT, and now I have NO IDEA HOW MUCH AGGRO I HAVE THE NEXT MARKED TARGET. Threat meter is not dumbing down the game, plan and simple. It helps better players to use defensive CDs, evasive CDs, and to get into the habit of keeping steady threat, rather than URRRRRG ZERGGGG liek those people you've been arguing about. Traget of target is not dumbing down the game, plan and simple. Helps me focus as to what I don't have aggro on, and if I'm keeping a steady pace of tabbing, how long I've lost aggro on that target. Damage meters, now THAT'S dumbing down the game. No one gives a crap if you had highest damage. And even then, if we did, how would we be able to keep that AWESOME dps from NOT dying and pulling aggro? Threat meter and ToT
  9. I completely agree with this. There's no way to figure what your threat is without something to base it off of. Here's a scenario: I'm tanking, I put my Guard on an Operative because I thought he'd pull alot of threat. Turns out the Assassin in my group is pulling alot more aggro. I switch my Guard on him. Turns out the Operative is attacking targets that are not within the killing order, so while I'm focused to keeping the aggro off the Assassin, I'm unaware this Operative is gaining aggro on a target I'm not nearly close to. Tabbing through and have a threat meter OR ToT to base if I have to divert my attacks to a different target would be helpful, so I don't have my groupmate getting killed. Here's another one: I'm tanking a boss, I got two melee dps. Numbers are flying up in my face, these melees are sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME (who the hell would wanna do that tho, the boss does a frontal AoE and they're dead). The melee I do not have my Guard on pulls off of me, and he's sitting right to the right of me. I can't tell if the Boss is attacking me or not until either 1. my melee dps is dead, or 2. I notice I haven't been recieving any damage. I have quick fingers, specially with my taunt button, and I am careful to time my taunt so it doesn't screw me 3 seconds later when it's on CD. If we had a threat meter, I'd be able to justify if I have to use one of my large damage attacks to gain the lead on creeping threat from my dps, or if I had target of target, make sure that if the boss DOES switch to my dps, I am able to taunt it right away.
  10. Alright, well I looked for where and what forum to post this under, and I really couldn't find anything. I came to general discussion, saw other threads talking about ui stuff, so I thought, hmmm k, I can post it here. Plus, to try and find threads about this exact subject? Very difficult, I've tried it before on the class forums with something else there and to sit and go through each and every page just to try and find something that's related to what you want to talk about, it's annoying, sooo I just said screw it, starting a new thread. And I'm seriously only interested in a ToT ui function, sooo starting a cliche "What do you want out of your UI?" thread wouldn't even get my messege across. We'd just get endless pages of people wanting random stuff of their UI lol.
  11. No I agree, but I thought "HEY, why not since i'm making a thread about ToT, add something like a threat meter?" because what i'm trying to get at is just something I can justify if I have aggro on something, either ToT OR a threat meter can provide that for me.
  12. I will gladly donate my time to make a workable ToT function FO' FREE for BW. Seriously. I would really really really like a ToT, and even tho I don't know much about game developing, I'LL MAKE THE TIME TO WORK THE CODES TO GET A ToT.
  13. If you read what I said, I know about the ALT function, I'm just annoyed it sets me off target. Plus in that time, aggro can switch in any second, between TAB + ALT T + TAB, I could have my target switching to a melee.
  14. Haiii, wondering if there's a way, with all of UI changes coming, if we could get target of target of some kind for combat. I'm a tank, been a tank in MMOs for 5, close to 6, years, and currently the only way I can figure out if I have aggro on something is by standing away from melee, and watching each and every npc to see if it's facing me, and if it's blaster/sword whatever is shooting at me. Besides the ALT function (which ends up setting me off target), it's annoying to try and keep aggro while fiddling with that crazy alt function, even when aggro could be lost in a split second. I had this discussion with a guildmate who's a healer, and he mentioned it would be nice as well, because alot of the times a mob that isn't getting hit on (ie. too far away, was cc'd, not in melee range of the tank) will have the healer's aggro build quicker than the tank aggro, and if we had a target of target, we would be able to tab through to see that "omg, this dude is hitting my healer!". Same to be said with dps. Given, I'm still tanking without it, I can still do it, it's just annoying. I'm use to having my screen scrolled a ways out so I can see all the enemies in one shot, and what sucks with that is the fact that now the enemy I'm wailing on and trying to hold aggro on, is covered by all the numbers from attacking him. So, I can't exactly see if he's facing me, hell I'm hoping he is, but I'm not entirely sure. He could be wailing on the melee dps standing right next to me, and I can't see because the numbers are in my face, and I'm distracted trying to watch all the ranged npcs to make sure I have aggro on them (or maybe not so much aggro, but they're atleast facing me, right?). So, with that being said, I'd really really really REALLY appreciate if someone could look into a SIMPLE target of target system. Even if it means just putting someones portrait with itty bitty name above and to the right of the target portrait, that works! That is all I need. :]
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