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Posts posted by Zachajariah

  1. Someone mentioned clicking in SC2. I have that game and never saw any other way to play but click. Same for any RTS really.


    Lol, just.. Lol. Maybe you should do some research on top tier SC2 gamers? You're just spilling out nonsense with no actual facts.

  2. if thats how they choose to play who cares?

    and to say it is less efficent you should see my wife.. shes a clicker..and one of the best healers i have ever seen. and in pvp shes always hovering around the mid range of players in a game and she doesnt even like pvp i drag her along to heal me...


    so some clickers can get pretty damned efficent with clicking


    You're biased because it's your wife!


    I've been in many top end raiding guilds, even a top 100. The recruitment officers would sometimes get so anal they'd require video proof or screenshots if they heard you're a clicker. A bit extreme if you ask me, but the point is still there.


    I do however think that clicking is suitable for casual non PvP related gameplay.

  3. I've been wearing the same exact brown robe as a Jedi for 27 levels now, orange of course. While the leveling gear looks downright terrible, I much prefer republic gear. The only set I love empire side is inquisitor PvP.


    I honestly see no appeal as being empire at all, except maybe a BH and Op. I don't like the red and black theme at all. Also, the sorcerer was kind of a joke to level. The lightning got very old, very fast. Especially because ecery single ability you get is lightning. However, I wish we had sith style face masks if we went dark!

  4. Erm no actually I love REAL world PVP, hate warzones, cant stand this system, and tbh would rather know i was part of a win because of skill and tactics, as opposed to, I leveled my entire toon getting Champ bags that give me an advantage..


    Any real PVPer would welcome the idea to at least remove expertise.....!!!


    Please see previous response.

  5. LOL


    Again, did you Level in PVP on a PVE server, you and the 2nd poster are the exact problem with the entire system....Are you going to tell me that a player who levels in PVE and has acquired Columi Gear should be at a disadvantage in PVP....ROFL


    Absolutely. PvE is NOT PvP. Are you alright in the head?


    Serious question.

  6. Which patch did they add a community? I have never seen one. You mean the community that rolls for gear for alts? Maybe the community that races speeders around the fleet like they just got a bigwheel for their birthday. Yeah, and the current LFG tool, GENERAL CHAT, which isn't working at all. Btw, your community drops group immediately after a FP is completed.


    This is the community WoW has handed us on a silver platter. BioWare hopefully is trying to break people of their bad habits.

  7. This is a joke, right? No sane person can be against cross server pvp.

    In "that other mmo" at any goiven time the longest i have to wait for a wz is 2 minutes.

    AT ANY GIVEN TIME! It doesnt matter if your server is small, it doesnt matter if it 2 o´clock in the night. So with cross server wzs I´ll be able to VPV whneever I want and that is a bad thing? Gosh pople REALLY will whine about everything


    Then why don't you go play "that other game"?

  8. Just to add a useless anecdote to this thread:


    On my first character, I managed to do most heroics and hit every levelling flashpoint.

    On my second character, I didn't do a heroic after Dromund Kaas and hit most flashpoints.

    Doing my third now, no heroics after Dromund Kaas and no flashpoints after Black Talon.

    I'd like to do fps and heroics, but I have spent hours typing "LFG..." with no result.


    Supposedly, my server (Shadow Runner) is lightly populated and is haemorrhaging players. Supposedly. I can't say for sure. What is for sure is that people who are there are so put off by the drawn out and disappointing search for groups that they do not bother with group content. I'd ask those who are concerned about the impact on 'community' how they think such an impact could occur when people barely interact in group content to make that community.


    I've seen posts asking for server merges and posts asking for a x-server LFG tool. I think that both will likely prove to be necessary.


    It's a good thing they've already announced a same server LFG tool then, eh? Hence the toppic of this thread..

  9. Yay, the debate is over! According to you, x-realm isn't for raiders, so mmos with x-realm must not be for raiders either. If it has x-realm, then its a game for you. If it doesen't have x-realm, then its a game for me.





    I'm not the one who is asking online game makers to develop their games to fit into my schedual and real life needs as though they are the same as everyone elses, you are.


    You say theres "various legitimate reasons" you can't get groups in this game but at the end of the day theres only one reason, your own priorities. In your last post you made it clear that procreation is one of your priorities. You also made it clear that it takes a mmo village to raise your children as you're finding yourself "punished" over your own priorities I.E. children when developers of these games don't fundamentally change the purpose of their game to include a CoD style lobby and that magically "won't effect anyone what so ever anyways." Thats like being the man/woman at work who thinks they deserve dibs schedualing requests up and over your co-workers because you have kids and they don't. Many of us have seen that person at our jobs.


    You say "lets find a compromise" but you don't really mean that as your arguments are disingenuous and absolutely self centered. The only compromise that might leave both of us playing the same game for any long period of time is if they set aside a small minority of servers to not go x-realm and they don't start nerfing all the content associated with the tool. I won't use x-realm, and if it effects my game like you've promised it won't, I'll be part of a demographic BW can't keep while catering to you.


    I completely agree with you.


    And the reason it's so hard to find groups in this game is because of the mentallity people coming from games like WoW have. If BioWare sticks to their guns and refuses to implement cross server, I think, well, I hope, the habit will be broken. Communities will grow and people will again be much happier to respond to requests.


    However, the low pop server absolutely needs to be addressed. I have 10 people max on any given planet, no matter what day or time. And yes this includes the fleet.

  10. Agreed.


    Shouldn't have rolled a faction that 75% of the other kiddies rolled as well.


    I 300% agree with the OP. this is game breaking for me any many many others I know!


    It's a shame the path the PvP team is taking in this game, darn shame. But what can you expect? They've already admittedly said the ONLY world PvP area has gotten the shaft...It is my opinion that world PvP and a good community died when blizzard made it insta queue instances and not all open world areas to run to.

  11. ITT: Armchair developers who don't a thing about the real world.


    Does it smack you in the face when you realize they are making millions, and you're making what, 50? 60? K a year...


    Right, these guys don't know anything about this do called "real" world... Hey, look down, there's a storm, your parents basement is flooding!


    Edit: Oh ya, and they also know how to make complete sentences! That elementary education tough these days?

  12. The Group Finder feature we've discussed for the near future is definitely single-server only.


    This is good news, but what about the PvP community? I've gotten to know a lot of great players over the past few weeks because we don't have cross server PvP queues!


    The mind set of some players in a match these days is hard enough to deal with as it is. Make it cross faction and it will go to "mid camping" like in World of Warcraft. I guess trophy farming in swtor. If people know they will more than likely never see their group members again, what makes them want to listen to directions or communicate at all? We have these problems already, cross server will only intensify the issue.


    This will also just destroy the community. With a complete lack of world PvP how else are starting guilds going to meet new people and recruit for PvP for when ilum / areas are added in? I personally don't want or need insta queue games being priority over an active community and immerse world, but unfortunately it seems being completely phased out. Game breaking for me.


    How long do we have to wait for these things? 8 man rated war zones only? Are we supposed to crap on our war zone rating getting used to having 4 new players in a match we are not used to having? Without any practice in regular war zones? Win : loss ratio means a LOT to some people, myself included, and if this is the approach, its a really bad one in my admittedly non-professional opinion!


    Also if you do decide to bring ilum back, start from scratch. Hoth, tattooine, and ilum are hideously ugly maps with the terrible "snow" and "sand" textures and non-active planets( another issue entirely ). Voss is a beautiful planet, I think you should make it look like that.

  13. On the minimap.


    I wish there was an option for 'auto-rotate'. I'm not great with directions and I seem to constantly have to open my map to see which direction I'm supposed to be going in.


    Also, red dot indicators for mobs that are not yet in combat. I've lost count of the times I have run around a corner into a group of mobs...or been attacked by a patrol who's walked up behind me.



  14. The only True answer is for Character Server migration, hopefuly this will be implemented soon.


    My friend has 3 lvl 50 on a 'dying server' and cant wait for it to start, as for rerolling aint gonna happen.


    All MMO's go through this kinda thing, they are probably waiting for GW2 and The Seceret World et all to come out so they will have a good idea of their 'true' customer base.


    just an opinion.


    This makes sense.


    I am going to play gw2 but also this game, but I can see how many don't have time for both.


    My idea was to promote community, also. People can meet and make plans to level together, etc.

  15. Ever get tired of the typical "re-roll and suck it up" response when suggesting something be done about low pop servers? Ya, me too!


    I honestly don't even see the point in telling people to re-roll off of these servers when we should try getting people on these servers! I'll bet 9 out of these 10 people with the rude re-roll responses wouldn't do it themselves! If you have 2 or 3 50's on a friendly server with a great community and good ops teams / PvP groups ( when they actually happen ) why would you want to leave this!


    Here is my suggestion on an incentive to get people to join... Not leave, these servers!


    Create another forum category. Have it list all the current low pop servers. People who are unhappy with their current server can post about themselves so people can browse through. The topics can also include community info, win:loss ratios for imperial to republic war zone matches, what guilds have downed which bosses, etc.


    While this does just sound like server forums, it's not. It's a place for people who are interested in re-rolling, for whatever reason it may be, to meet and get info about other servers.


    Opinions would be great!

  16. This is a multi-part question thread!


    I. Macros


    Ive heard they declined the idea for macros completely, but will soon be integrating Mouseover macros.


    1. True / False?

    2. Have they provided their definition of Mouseover?

    - for me, as a healer I like to be able to shift + right click on the ops frame to cast deliverance, and shift + right click for benevolence, etc. Is this how it's going to work?


    II. UI customization mods.


    Are they going to have more UI customization than scaling and moving?


    1. I hate the blue.

    2. I hate having the minimap a circle, I'd like a square.

    3. Window borders

    - I'd love to have customizable thickness based borders. Ex:

    A. Spell icon black borders, minimap borders, chat pane borders, etc


    Edit: custom textures as well. Anybody at the guild summit who could give input would be awesome!


    Please if you could respond with actual sources that would really help, thanks!

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