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  1. Again this is not just regular directx dont know how many times I have to say that. This is an addon extra to directx people that I have talked to directly did not have this either. They have directx as did I hence why we can play this game and many more this is just an addon that helps.
  2. wow notice how i said that this isnt regular directx... can you not read did you not read it on the website its a different plugin that works in addition to directx specifically for gaming not just an all around plugin like normal directx holy **** people someone tries to help you forget how to read and think someone wants to destroy your computer
  3. Im running it and it works great. Ill tell you a little bit about what it did for me. Before d/ling it I was fighting and basically slamming my face on my keyboard hoping that I would win the fight I couldnt actually tell what I was doing in battle all I knew was I didnt die. After I installed this battles run smooth and I can actually develop a rotation and Im coming out of fights with much more health and finishing much faster.
  4. Download this from MS its a small simple way that I improved my frame rate greatly for some it will be little others big. Its a directx plugin if you dont know if you have it or not you probably dont. This is not directx10 or lower its a different plugin. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=35&WT.mc_id=MSCOM_EN_US_DLC_CAROUSEL_121LSUS007776
  5. Its in balmorra 12k credits in the cantina at the jukebox dude dancing there
  6. I just keep turning it off it hasnt turned back on for a few hours
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