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Posts posted by EXPORTERS

  1. Well, I took a break from this game since my class was nerfed heavily and decided to give this game one more try before I call it quits.

    To my imagine, my character is valor 100, complete EHW + WH gear and modded out...I am getting completely owned by valor 70 mauraders and warriors......that is all I have seen are warriors, maurders and assassins.

    Seriously, I had to try a hybrid spec to get heals for the excessive damage output.

    I recorded a 8500k smash in my face back to back and was dissolved in less than 8 seconds...really?

    Us poor Sages can't even master a consistent crit of 4000, not to mention a 5k


    Anyways, I supported EA - BW SWTOR game ever since it came out last year and finally made a decision to give up on my subscription.

    Honestly, the PVP is getting worst, not better. If only they can develop a system like Blizzard did and eliminate hybrid specs and better the balance.


    A final word to the new development team of SWTOR. Get your heads out of your ...( You know what) and make the changes to better balance damage output.....people are tired of your continuing FOTM club.

  2. Well, I took a break from this game since my class was nerfed heavily and decided to give this game one more try before I call it quits.

    To my imagine, my character is valor 100, complete EHW + WH gear and modded out...I am getting completely owned by valor 70 mauraders and warriors......that is all I have seen are warriors, maurders and assassins.

    Seriously, I had to try a hybrid spec to get heals for the excessive damage output.

    I recorded a 8500k smash in my face back to back and was dissolved in less than 8 seconds...really?

    Us poor Sages can't even master a consistent crit of 4000, not to mention a 5k


    Anyways, I supported EA - BW SWTOR game ever since it came out last year and finally made a decision to give up on my subscription.

    Honestly, the PVP is getting worst, not better. If only they can develop a system like Blizzard did and eliminate hybrid specs and better the balance.


    A final word to the new development team of SWTOR. Get your heads out of your ...( You know what) and make the changes to better balance damage output.....people are tired of your continuing FOTM club.

  3. Sigh, what a rip off - trade off from WH to EHW...somebody dropped the ball on this and didn't review the stats.


    Valor 100 people whom grind-ed back from way back are faced to an insult for our hard work to achieving this goal without a decent reward upgrade.


    BW please review the stats on EHW gear and compare them to WH gear and you will find it a joke.

  4. Voidstar


    When crossing the bridge to left door, stealth ops, when angled and position tight to objective, can activate door without breaking stealth.

    I have used my Ops and confirmed opening objective, but only on left side door when stealth.


    How can this be?

  5. I purchased the elite WH force master focus and found the expertise is lower than the WH force master focus.

    How can this be?

    The EWH 27 armoring versus the WH 26 armoring is less in stats on the focus. Isn't the EWH gear to be better than the WH in stats over all?


    Anyone else see any changes on the expertise and other stats on their EWH gear compared to the WH gear.


    Please add your comments

  6. The scenario i describe is NOT rediculous. It happens on a regular basis. If you refuse to acknowledge it then thats your perogative. Ignorance is bliss. But don't say it doesn't happen. If you haven't done it then your a CRAPPY marauder.


    If its just a root, why can't we attack or cast? Can u say the power is not working as intended or do you just want to defend an OP class?


    Stun=something that prevents you from taking any action. AWE stuns people. doesn't matter if it breaks on damage but i suppose that doesn't matter. As long as u can CC a group of players while you beat the weakest one into submission one after the other i bet your happy.


    Defending your class is fine, but don't pretend its not in balance with the other classes. No one is saying nerf your damage, just your UNCOUNTERABLE EFFIN ABILITY TO CC MULTIPLE PEOPLE.


    I totally agree withwhat he is saying. The AOE ability stun was designed for PVE mobs and not really intended for PVP purposes. BW couldn't implement balance in this situation with this ability, so they left as is.

    Yes, this is a frustrating ability, especially in Voidstar where people are spawning to stop the opposite team from capping the doors and being hit with this ability on stopping 5 people, then immediately getting hit with another stun.

    Personally, I think every class should have this ability since it doesn't serve a purpose in PVP as to the benefit usage in PVE.

  7. The quoted reveals the post as his opinion and thus should be ignored, especially since Valor = time invested and any scrub can hit Valor 100 eventually. Not a good way to tier it and BW has already gone with the ELO system, which is an actual mathematical rating system as opposed to the arbitrary "Draw lines in the sand at this Valor level" that he is advocating.


    Did I quote something here?

    The ELO system was a bad design by BW and inaccurate to generate a positive outcome from randomization.

    The valor = time spent is just what you do to gain experience and gear to further your understanding of the games mechanics on each character played and fought in PVP. Your comments is selfish in many ways and shouldn't discourage suggestive ideas to assist BW on future patches.

    Time spent is what BW is looking for, not hand outs. Valor group numbers is a simple concept to interpreted and generate to deploy a even group in PVP cross servers when 1.4 comes out.

    You mentioned any scrub can hit 100 valor, well these scrubs have come along way to grind 100 and 99% of them are good players, since most scrubs can't get past 80, never mind 70 before throwing in the towel.

    On another note, arena style game play 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3 will not be in anytime put to thought until the matter of balancing is more hashed out in cross server execution.

    The developers at BW have there own servers that are already in testing for cross servers and in a month, we should hear more on their results.

    In the meantime, what was said in this post is a source from BW.


    Thanks for reading

  8. Valor is going to play a big part down the road in PVP, you are just observing the beginning of RWZ.

    RWZ is not individual stat obtained in PVP...just team ranking.


    Here is BW official cross server examination before the release of 1.4.

    The groups, 4 or 8 man will be done by valor rating and added into the system to generate a total from the total valor to equal a fair fight.




    WH geared player + WH gear modded out to maximize gear on WH player = Valor 85 - 100

    WH geared player, not modded out on WH Player = Valor 70 - 85


    How this system will work is by numbers, not gear...Valor will determine where you are in PVP with skill sets.

    Anyone who is valor 100 as another example, is considered to be an optimal player with excellent gear and should know the in's and out's of other class abilities, so if you have 8 players who are valor 100, that would equal 800.


    The total 800 is put into que, looking for a match on the cross servers for the same number or a bracket we will say for the range of valor 85 - 100.

    This system will separate the boys from the girls for team matching without to much over powering groups.

    1.4 will be the ball breakers on all class abilities in PVP where nerfs and buffs will come into play.

    BW is aware of the so called FOTM club and this will be dissolved and resolved.

    Class stacking will be no more with 4 maurders, 4 pyrotechs...etc. a spreadsheet will be developed so only again as an example, 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps can group for 4 man RWZ and 2 tanks, 2 healers and 4 dps for 8 mans.

    The system when que, will already know what part you are playing since it will reflect your talent points.

    On a final solution on hybrids...there is none, that will be taken away where they will force you to go 31 points in a tree where a 15% or 20% increase in bonus will force you to head that direction.


    This is the only means to accurately balance out PVP in a raid scenario and valor system.

    LFG (RWZ) will also be deployed by the valor system to making it fair among the cross server realm.


    If you feel this system is unfair, please speak out.


    Thank You.

  9. I see a lot of fails in WZ's that have the same rant as the OP...


    bottom line is when I see all the good players, (you know the ones on the top rated teams) they are always the ones doing top damage and top heals.


    Numbers don't lie, when you have dps on one team doing 800k and dps on the other doing 230k they are not lacking because of objectives, they are lacking because the guys doing 800k are handing them their butts.


    Sorry man, you're going to need to find a better argument. You have to realize that if someone puts enough effort into 800k dmg or healing then they are also putting effort into objectives and winning the WZ. It's people like you that are just not good enough that need to pretend you're "contributing to objectives".


    I think you need to re-evaluate what you just posted. Lets use an example.


    (Voidstar) if someone is pulling 800k damage = other team watched a sniper or pyrotech do damage without interruption. If you let loose a dps sage without combating, they will hit easily 700k damage...I know, because I have done it many times because the other team was inexperienced and focused only on healers and not interfering with dps.

    when I play against RWZ teams of 1800^, my dps is usually around 400 -500k on Voidstar, but if someone is doing 800k - 1million, means the other team doesn't know what priorities should be taken, or poor communication or they are brainless BOTS.

    I laugh when I observe SS of high damage when people post them, obviously noobs they are playing, but RWZ guilds of rank 1800 or higher, you will not see those numbers, not even close.

    800k damage is not handing them there butts, but taking advantage of noobs.

    When I see a sniper in the corner, taking shots, I DOT them and CC them, If I see a PT, I DOT them, CC them....if no one attacks them...yes, they will crush the meters.

    Its all about awareness, communication, prioritize targets and being multi-task.

  10. People have hybrid operatives in ranked warzones? I don't think so, lol.


    To the OP, lethality can produce a lot of damage, but it is more effective as a sniper in PvP. However, concealment is phenomenal for PvP if you know what you're doing.


    My bad...thought you would of figure it out...hybrid Sorc/ Sage

  11. Operatives are a good class for healing or DPS. They have been nerfed, but that doesn't mean they are bad.


    Did I miss something here? They got nerfed?...I don't think so...they got buffed ..Top dps classes and healing class are Ops/smugglers/Snipers.

    Most top RWZ guilds are running one Ops healer and one hybrid...more or less...7 dps and one Ops/smuggler healer....healing shows on average 500k up to 800k for good Ops/ smuggler....on our server, one ops healer did 925k healing, while the hybrid did 375k healing.



  12. 1) Get these :





    2) ???


    3) Profit.


    3 Healers - (2) Ops (1) Sorc......thats if you choose this way.


    This is the real way to go.


    2 PyroTechs

    2 Snipers

    1 Assassin

    1 Maurder

    Hybrid Spec Sorc - Healer/DPs

    Ops Healer

  13. Let's start with the healing on the fly, scoundrels have it because they have no other real escapes on low CD, a sage has sprint + pushback. Hybrid healers even have 2 sec stun on bubble burst & 5 sec root on pushback.

    The thing most sages think is that that bubble makes you invincible and you can just stand there & heal. which is not the case, you need to run, LoS & heal.


    Now for your second satement. Soundrels get 2 stuns they can use in combat. A 4 sec hard stun (doesnt break on dmg) & 6 flash stun that breaks on dmg. So i don't know how you get stunned for 16 secs, but i call BS


    Maybe if you read this, you would see there was 2 Ops...not one...so i call your BS on reading..maybe I short changed myself on 4 secs...maybe 20 seconds

  14. Sage/Commando healing was entirely bashed on 1.2 because BW had to figure out how to balance PVE from PVP.

    My question now is, how did BW balance smuggler/ops from PVE to PVP? They didn't...they increased there healing, so now every pre-made is standard with one or two of these classes which are stupidly OP.

    I watch 3 dps sages trying to burn down a smuggler which almost took 25 seconds to do, where as a sage healer would die within 8 seconds with 3 sage dps on them...how is this balanced?

    I wish sages could heal on the fly, but only have one cast, which is a HOT...commando's...forget it.

    There is no skill on being a smuggler/ops healer. they have the least amount of buttons to press among all healing classes with unlimited healing abilities, over -powered stuns....etc.


    I watched one RWZ where the opps team had 2 smugglers, where one stun was 8 seconds on a character, and right after then stun dissipated, the next smuggler stun the same guy and was out for another 8 seconds...that was a 16 second stun in total...***?


    BW has to many monkeys on METH working in there labs is why this game is so screwed up.

  15. BW will not change the coin-toss on tie games. If they gave both groups equal amounts of comms and ranking on ties, then organized teams would just sit and not fight and collect freebies...
  16. I have discovered an increase on every match showing power techs, maurders and assassins as the group compositions...why is this..hmmm..lets see...they are all OP.

    The alliance side with slow animations INSTA's doesn't help, but the burst damage from the Sith side are not equal.

    People say the abilities are equal among sides...this is clearly not correct.


    When pyro techs post damages above 1 million tells me there is something wrong with the output.

    Maurders can take a beating for 20 seconds with 3 sages on him full-time....what? seriously...this is stupid

    Assassins...well, we all know these classes are right out to lunch.


    You ever notice the complaints are always redirected to the Sith....again, the balance between the alliance & sith are unbalanced...this is why the Sith out number the alliance 5 to 1 on servers...why, because they have to many OP classes.

  17. I found 2 that really needs re-rounding


    Pyro Techs



    TBH, these classes don't need skill, BW gave them OP abilities without testing in there shop before releasing 1.2.

    Either BW enjoys this flavor of the month or they are not educated enough to understand class balancing and just shuffled the cards and see whats happens.

    Sounds like the designers of BW are poker players then programmers

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