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Everything posted by ForceValor

  1. I used to really love these classes but since the class reworks their rifle just became a unused prop. They stockstrike or stab and that's about it. LET ME USE THE GUN AGAIN! For more than just base attacks.
  2. Has nothing to do with versatility on each ship. If you can perform well and consistently you can be considered an ace even if it's on a single favorite. Though the Flashfire and similar ships are a bit cheesy so I wouldn't count getting kills in those to be any great accomplishment. I have a video on youtube where I went 20+ to zero. I stopped using them after that. And if you want something concrete, how about a consistent 7 to 1 kill death ratio in games? 7 kills makes an ace in real life after all.
  3. The female reproductive system? https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/10982480_10153092510066726_7364900933675269854_n.jpg?oh=2972ebaf2b16339432d88fa241a35d5c&oe=5591B364&__gda__=1435312754_cd80a621fca8337f8d5f843c07ffbd8d http://anthro.palomar.edu/biobasis/images/female_reproductive_organs.gif
  4. I know some people might call "lazy" on you for this but I would really love to see some uniform items made adaptive that are already in the game but currently have no moddable versions. For example the camo armor worn by Republic soldiers on Taris. The armor worn by imperial scouts with the vaguely Scout Troopery helmets. So many cool outfits and weapons that are currently only found in green items or worn by NPCs
  5. Hah, thanks! I just wish I'd noticed before the picture was snapped that my camo BDU pants were showing. I fear a more serious renfair person would probably die of an anachronism induced heart attack.
  6. So one of my characters finally ended up in a relationship with somebody. My Commando alt with that Sergeant Jaxo. I'm wondering though, if I should go complete that or not. If you do, do you ever get to hang out with her again? I was thinking I may want to keep that one active.
  7. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/20556_239279701725_738671725_3173805_5840625_n.jpg Renfairs are fun!
  8. My framerate is acceptable for most of the game but in most pvp zones it suddeny becomes nearly unplayable. Any helpful explanations or advice would be much appreciated.
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