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Posts posted by stuartjs

  1. Don't see these on the map. Anyone know where to find the republic sergeant and jedi blademaster for the Tyrant of Ilum achievement?


    Several of the enemies needed for both the Tyrant and Liberator of Illum achievements are only found in phases for the Illum planet missions.

  2. Awesome graphic! Thanks for putting this together. FYI though, the Imperial Artillery Droid is broken. You will get credit for the achievement, but then a new uncompleted Imperial Artillery Droid entry will be left on the list.


    Also, the SIS Watchman for the Imperial kill credit is still MIA.


    The Imperial Artillery Droid is NOT Broken, just incredibly annoying. The first one to kill is the champion mob outside the Imperial Base. The SECOND one you need to engage a mob at the imperial base (my guild attacked the mob right by the shuttle) and an elite Imperial Artillery Droid will spawn, that when killed covers the other part of the achievement.

  3. Bioware, you changed the spawn rate of the mob and now it's not even a guaranteed drop? I've seen people kill her three times and not get the speeder.


    Are you sure they didn't get the mount? I killed her 3 times Saturday and all 3 times she dropped the mount for me.

  4. if you are a tank or healer its easy to get your way because they will usually have a hard time finding a replacement for you if they dont do what you want.


    now if im on my DPS only characters then i'll do ANYTHING the group wants to do


    Being a tank or healer doesn't always help. I've been both and have been grouped kicked because I wanted to kill all bosses. Most bosses in Flashpoints are unskippable, whether you have to use a console behind them after or there is a shield or door that doesn't open till said boss is dead. I would simply like Bioware to make ALL bosses like this

  5. Or you could ask the group what they want to do at the beginning. Every time I do a flashpoint, I ask the group if they want to do the full run or not, and act accordingly. If you want to do a full run and your party doesn't, then you can drop group and reque after the cooldown.


    So I should have to take a penalty and wait because 1 or 2 people don't want to actually run a flashpoint and kill bosses that are in our way anyways (they'd rather run by them, aggro them, and keep moving till they reset)? I'm not asking to run way out of the way for obscure bonuses, just take 2 minutes and kill the boss in our way. Some of us need and want the comms and gear that bosses drop, not to mention the achievements.

  6. Not sure if this has already been suggested, but please make bosses in Flashpoint (like Battle of Ilum, Taral V etc) unskippable like the bosses in operations. Nothing frustrates me more (especially since the legacy achievements came into play) than people who queue up to run flashpoints and insist and force a group to skip everything that's skippable simply because they want a speed run. If you're going to queue for a flashpoint please have the respect for fellow players who want to kill bosses and take the 2 minutes to kill them.
  7. I agree that there definitely needs to be a penalty for War Zone quitters. However I feel that your suggestions are too lenient on those people and would not stop people from quitting. Quitting a war zone should penalize the person with the lockouts to pvp as you suggest, but for 24 hours AND they should lose at least 5 levels of valor AND 1000 or more ranked and unranked comms. You choose to queue for pvp, you accepted the queue pop, now play the match you accepted, and if you quit the match well you are accepting these consequences.
  8. I agree that weekly caps are ridiculous. I hit the weekly limit for basic and elite comms in 1 day, 2 if I'm being lazy while playing. I still continue to play every chance i can, helping out guildies and having fun, but I'm getting irritated that I'm being punished for playing their game cause I can't get anymore rewards. Please remove the weekly limit, I like the overall limit as it reminds me to spend my comms.
  9. the third station is Belsavis...

    no real information, just a guess from all the secrets contained within it, and that the planet appears to some people as a giant machine

    this does make sense. during the sith inq story you meet a machine called 'the mother' that creates new species. the machine admits to making the twi'lek, zabrak, and many others. the rakata used the mother to try and find a way to cure their force illness.

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