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Everything posted by Delillo

  1. It's because players are classified as champions / elite. I don't have it on my bar. I don't want to get into the habit of using it in PvE.
  2. my minor quibbles would be to to go for the higher stealth levels over the reduced discharge cooldown. Also points into lightning reflexes over electric execution. A build like this was proposed in the shadow forums a couple weeks ago and I think one of the nice things about it is that you can single-mindedly stack surge.
  3. GeorgZoeller General Discussion -> Delays are gone! As you guys have noticed (and probably read in the patch notes), one major part of our series of ability delay improvements was patched onto the live servers with the maintenance last night (patch 1.1.0b). We decided that the improvements seen with this fix were significant enough for us to roll this patch out as quickly as possible instead of waiting for the next scheduled patch.
  4. Actually Maul seems much worse for me after the patch. I'm getting the stuttering animation and no maul sometimes even when behind incapacitated mobs. PvP actually seems more forgiving actually.
  5. good vid!- though I always prefer the vids that allow you to hear actual game sound. Just mix it at a lower level good sir. vid is a great demonstration of why sorcs should not have force speed. In skilled hands, it is incredible powerful for a rdps archetype. Stealthers really cant escape you.
  6. As someone who plays the game in order to PvP, I could care less if PvE players can run dungeons to get the same gear as me. As long as it isn't actually better, I don't care. I'm fine with everyone having the same gear as me. I want a game based on skill not grind. Skill is not more time invested - in any aspect of the game, PvE or PvP.
  7. Actually that change made me stay for a few more months since it meant skill became a larger factor in PvP. Gear was still huge. The WoW/Rift/SWTOR model is about grinding. Its just a question of degree.
  8. I'm planning on trying it at 50 at some point, but, on its face, it seems like a specialized 1v1 gank spec, since it is reliant on multiple DOTs ticking away. For something like Huttball, which is what I get more than 50% of the time, DOTs are not ideal for a melee train and the assassin tank options provide utility and survivability on a map which is very hostile to melee DPS. So its hard for me to see madness being that great in Huttball. DoTs in Voidstar obviously have their place. That said, I theorycraft that Madness would be a great 1v1 spec, but all the vids I see of Illum make me wonder whether there is even a place for a 1v1 spec in the game.
  9. I should hope some suspensions would be forthcoming from this video. Certainly anyone participating in something like this would be kicked from any respectable guild.
  10. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZRMMZcMfRrMkrfz.1 I would think this would be the 1v1 gank / self healing spec for assassin. The idea is that you want to keep 3 dots on your target at all time: discharge / crushing darkness / and creeping terror. You would want to prioritize +crit and Endurance above all else. The idea is that the 3 dots combined with parasitism and high HP pool might actually amount to something. This is actually closer to an actual "assassin" playstyle as you can DOT up your opponent and vanish and then re-engage. But this is just theory-craft...
  11. FWIW Queue times are improving but it is still absolutely necessary that Bioware find a way to respect a person's position in the queue even if they get DQ'd. I would honestly like to pause my subscription until this gets worked out because getting bumped to the end of the line creates obvious emotions of rage / murder / etc. mostly toward AT&T... but the problem is that I can't really turn off my DSL in disgust....
  12. I think this spec is pretty solid for what you want to do. People will criticize it for being one note, but thats the point and it will certainly deliver its share of kills. The points that I think are debatable are the 2 points in static charges vs. 2 points in Exploitive strikes for more Maul crits. I might also shift points from saber conduit to static cling since this is a PvP build and closing the gap is a major issue for all assassins. I don't have enough experience to know that true value of these charge bolstering abilities and I tend to discount them. It would seem to me that the value of charges would be bigger over a sustained fight instead of in a quick kill situation like you re going for.
  13. Good vid! I especially like your use of force lightning. I am completely neglecting it since I turned assassin and thats a mistake. It seems like you are using recklessness for the extra range which is smart. I think a more accurate "score" for you in this game is 14-4. Killing Blows will equal deaths in total but total kills are just the number of kills you contributed to. A 3.5 KB/death ratio is excellent. You just made me a better player. Thx!
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