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  1. Tried to alt + tab my way to purple gear. Didn't work. Tried to solo a group quest. Couldn't. Conclusion: it's the game's fault!!! If you read my thread and this was your answer you really have a half working brain. i was just pointing out how booring ilum is and did i say so very booring. About solo group quest wasn´t really one of the bigger issues i just put that in there because i did felt somewhat cheated, since i did the objective it said. and just to put it in there i did farm warzones to rank 60. i do still have 4 centurion gear and implants and ear battlemaster and lightsaber battlemaster. The rest is champion im soon rank 63 btw.
  2. i start by login on at 1 pm gmt+1 since the pvp dailys restart. i go to ilum and put guard on a sorc tab out and in of game checking if guard still up. teleport back to imp fleet to win 3 warzones. i win 5 but got 2/3 done on quest. Finnaly now its done i return it get my 2 bags and get 3 champion tokens in both. This been happening 8 last days, no battlemaster token nothing. i log off and do the same thing tomorrow. to sum it up dailys with bugged warzone quest take about 2-2.5 hours to finnishwith ilum quest. 2.5x8= 20 hours so i been playing for 20 hours active (more if you count the random wz i do every now and then with guildies) and made no progress with my character warzone quest is bugged, maul i need to hit 5 times to make it go off, i get enemy below 30% i use assassinate while animation going on he uses a medpack *** nothing in this game works at 100%. i decided to make an alt to pass some time. run through a bunch of mobs, put mako on passive so she doesnt die. Next fight i put atack and she does. Enemy pack after that she decided to be passive again, i died. i got a 2 man heroic quest decided to solo it because it seemed easy. Did the objective that was said in quest instead of the quest being completed it just updated to do more without giving me any reward whatsoever. Second part of quest was impossible to solo so gave up couldnt find any ppl to join me either, tried it but elite killed me kept shooting me when i was dead so when i used medical probe i died instantly even thou i was in "stealth mode" since i just revived. I was now stuck on ground without any option to revive myself in anyway, /stuck did not work. tabed out of game closed it down. NOTHING IN THIS GAME FREAKING WORKS EVERYTHING IS BUGGED AND I DO MEAN EVERYTHING ITS LIKE WARZONE QUEST WORKS 60% OF TIME. MY ABILITYS WORKS 60% OF TIMES KILLING PVE ENEMYS WHILE QUESTING WITH A PROHABILITY OF DYING WORKS ASTONISHLY 80% OF TIME for the people to lazy to read all what i just wrote id like to sum it up: THIS GAME IS *********** ****. inb4 rage on grammar ps: almost forgot tooltip on my abilitys says INSTANT im pretty ****** sure they aint instant if theres a 2 second animation cast time on them.
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