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Everything posted by nyghtrunner

  1. I concur. I don't play/fly much at all anymore for various reasons, but this thread was never intended to be an area to resolve grievances. As such, I would prefer that this be moved elsewhere.
  2. Yeah, I was flying and ran into Korvith, and Beaker and formed an impromptu group for a few games. I tried to fly again the following day (or maybe 2 days after?) and after getting skipped 2 straight games, logged off... It was extremely frustrating, to be honest. It feels like if I'm on a toon that's a vet on any server anymore, it is nearly impossible to get a non-grouped game... Stupid queue just skips me over and over again. Still, it was fun to be back flying for the evening, although if the q remains as dead to me as it did the next day, I don't know that I'll be sticking around too long... Waiting for an hour and seeing game after game fire and continuously getting skipped isn't exactly my idea of fun. Anyway, I also wanted to give a quick shoutout to Averann. I hope I didn't make him too mad while chasing him around in a TDM that night. Just saw him on the opposing team and thought I should go say "hi!". Cheers!
  3. I'm not gonna lie. In light of things, I find this thread to be supremely amusing.
  4. Hey all, So I started this series a while ago, and kind of quit it when my HDD crashed pre-Christmas... Anyway, the idea was to start a brand new toon, and start a new T2 Scout from scratch, recording all the matches and uploading to YouTube as I went along. I figured I'd try to keep it at the "most efficient" way to level, which is to do the Daily each day, and largely leave it at that. It maximizes the req/hour, and while it takes more days to master a ship this way, it takes far fewer overall games. And I noticed I don't make people as mad at me, since it's just a game or 2/day, rather than 6 solid hours of Q. Anyway, here's a link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcQQquYT908&list=PLTbN1HcAhMrXQQOPy6togombLvSNn1h9W I apologize in advance for any harsh language and the inevitable rambling... Or if I ever sound arrogant, since that's not my intent. I'm not really used to doing videos or the like. Please feel free to comment here or on individual vids if you want. I'll respond as best I can, but my subscription is up in a few days (which is one of the reasons I decided to go ahead and post these), so that will limit my ability to respond here. Cheers! -Nyght P.S. - Links to scoreboard screens and notes on matches should be in the descriptions. Also, I'm not done uploading all the videos I have. Unless I reinstall OBS, and start back up, there should be a total of 15 when all is said and done.
  5. Not as impressive as yours, but... Here and here.
  6. That's nice, dear, but if you would please refrain while the grown ups are chatting. The kiddie pool is over there. That's a good lad. Just making a slight joke at your expense.
  7. I don't usually fly... But when I do, I fly JC. So the correct question is... Where the holy hell have YOU been? Off fraternizing with SRW, I heard. Disavowed your own server, they said. In truth, I don't fly too much anymore. Don't really do much of SWTOR-anything anymore... But I saw the challenge thread and acceptance a few days ago, and have been meaning to hop on to point out that the DPS number, while stupid good, is largely irrelevant. It's 1 match. The sickest part is that TSB does that shizzle consistently. But I have also been amused by some of the discussions of late. I may not ever post, since I never have my sec key-thingy, so can't sign in, but some of the threads lately have been the funnies.
  8. FWIW, I never quite understood the infatuation with DPS. Yes, the 279 DPS in any match is a disgusting number, but it's a single number from a single game. If I were to try to toot Tommm's horn, not that I think he would need me to, mind you, I'd be far more likely to point to this. That's average stats over 100 games in a Skybolt/Ocula, and as average stats with a T2 Scout... Those are sick numbers. Outside of that... Such the measuring going on. I is teh s'kerr'd.
  9. http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/Eyebrows+hey+everyone+i+just+wanted+to+let+you+know_5dee2c_4484863.gif
  10. I doubt I'll be able to make this one. I'm traveling on the 28th, and even if I end up making it back in time to get a few games in later, I don't think I'll much want to go right from spending a bunch of hours in the car to the pilot's seat. If I can't make it, good luck, though! Hopefully you'll get a good turn out!
  11. See, if I do it, and I'm actually recording, then my mic is hot, and I'm listening to my music. So I think it would be infinitely more enjoyable to hear all the versions of "NO!!!" or "****." or whatever else I say when I retrocide, than it would be to just have circus music going in the background. I may even slip a few random good Retros in there where I respond with things like, "You like that you summ*****?!" The problem is that I'm much better at Retros now than I used to be. So the number of pure "NOOOOO!!!!!" moments are more sparse...
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEpsVSdtfcc&t=22s
  13. If you gave Sabo Probe a similar lockon time to Clusters, they would quickly, I think, become better than Clusters, and I don't think it would be close. If you're late on a double cluster volley lock, and eat the first portion of it, you eat ~400 damage, and keep on going. It might kill you here and there, but it's not the end of the world. It's honestly not the end of the world if you eat a full double cluster if you're in good health. Timing on Sabo-probe is extremely tricky, though. Or at least it has always seemed to have very close to a 0 travel time, so you have to be extremely on top of your missile break timing. Being able to land a Sabo probe in the middle of a turning war is effectively giving your target a death sentence. The reason this is relevant... There's a sort of circular logic here, because the T2 has access to Sabo Probe. So you'd be largely just shifting laterally, and the trump still ends up being BLC in the T2's favor. EDIT - But yes, it's OK to dream. For most games, someone has already decided to run their scout with Booster Recharge, but that's because he loves him some Retro, and doesn't want to sacrifice mobility, and outside of multi-premade scenarios, doesn't miss the additional burst. And when the multi-premade thing happens, it's honestly just best to have 2 specialized builds on your bar, since that's where the hybrids start to show the corners cut for pet component choices. But that's a completely separate discussion. Suffice to say that I honestly do believe that most times, Booster Recharge is an important part of the best multipurpose dogfighting build in the game. Certainly debatable, but I would argue strongly that it is far from the garbage component it sometimes gets the rep for being.
  14. I don't think this is correct, at least if you're referring to more or less head to head, and not as a choice between the two when choosing your ship for a match. The T1 is simply an inferior dogfighter when compared to the T2, and it's not because of the evasion or because of TT. It's because the T2 has access to BLCs and Clusters, which are simply better dogfighting weapons than anything the T1 has access to. BLCs in particular are THE trump in dogfighting. They're so good that they give even the slow turning boat that is the T1 GS a bit of dogfighting game, and IMO allow Troll Shield to even be a viable component on that ship. I wouldn't give a damn about troll shield if not for the fact that I simply HAVE to respect the Troll with a follow up shot with BLCs, meaning I can't always just rely on being able to out turn the Gunships (hooray for high deflection shots!). Not to say that I don't think some of this is interesting from the idea standpoint, I just don't think the portion I highlighted is actually true under almost any circumstance. I will note that I think removing TT from the T2 scout (I assume that's what we're still talking about? I only skimmed the last few entries) would largely invalidate the QnP T2 Scout build, giving the T2 more of a focus on dogfighting. I guess you could run Blaster Overcharge with something like Concentrated Fire and be good for killing a gunship every minute or so...
  15. I've been recording a lot lately... Maybe I will try to put together a retrocide montage.
  16. And I'm not sure you could call what I did "singing"...
  17. I'll give that a shot. Or I may just get a new keyboard. I did find find it to be somewhat amazing how much of a difference swapping out the keyboard made. My hands/muscle memory are just so used to one of the "Natural" split keyboards, so when I plugged in my basic keyboard, I was fat fingering all my abilities and totally losing my WASD hand placement. But it was way better than the drunk keyboard, which would hit shield power and hold "A" every time I tried to boost. I had to hold D in order to boost and fly without rolling! I found the entire experience to be pretty hilarious.
  18. EDIT - After watching the video again, now that I'm no longer a bit loopy , I've decided to take it down. It was meant to be humorous, but there's a bit more profanity and trash talk than I'm comfortable leaving out there in a public forum, even if I do feel it was good natured. Apologies.
  19. This. Just to make clear on #2, though, you don't have to buy the other side at all. As soon as you unlock the level, you have access to both options.
  20. Yeah. There are some serious grinds in there... I won't deny that I cheated on the Saviors a bit, and would just hop in a Bloodmark and toss out a healing drone, and rub shoulders with satellites and asteroids to boost my healing numbers! Seriously, though... The worst was the bomber Elite... 250 games in a bomber was a lot for me. And I had to make 2 toons dedicated to Gunship play in order to get my Elite Gunship.
  21. Don't disagree in large part, but the whole "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me" thing applies here. And honestly... I've gotten to the point where most of the #random offends me (especially when it comes to monetization of it). It's not that I take some moral stance against it, I just think it's incredibly lazy implementation. That was one of the things I liked about how they did the first GSF stuff (that I'd apparently forgotten about). "Want a ship? Or Black/Red blasters? It will cost you $X." Leave it up to me to decide if a Mailoc or Skybolt or whatever is worth ~$20. Anyway, this is all off topic. I'm just glad there's still a way for me to purchase a Skybolt directly without having to buy their silly little random drops.
  22. I thought maybe they would have things in those packs, and, while that might be A way to get it... I'm 100% done buying BioWare's lottery boxen. I don't mind spending money on things (just ask my RSI account...), but I like to know what it is I'm paying for. Made a drunken decision once going after a rare mount, and after 2 hypercrates of not getting the mount I was after, decided I would never again participate in the lottery BS.
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