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Posts posted by Ezenthor

  1. So I'm confused. I've tried to do this FP 3 or so times since the expansion and after the issues with the first boss and turrets, it's smooth sailing until the last boss. The adds just destroy people. The last group I was in we had veteran players who ran NIM in KOTFE and we still couldn't seem to get the boss down. Am I missing something? Are the adds just not working well with bolster or what? Most groups quit this FP since xpac launch faster than Lost Island.


    What are we doing wrong?

  2. The sky in Civil War is apparently... Gone. It's not just me as everyone in both of my Warzone queues said they couldn't see it either.




    “A black star appears, a point of darkness in the night sky's clarity. Point of darkness and gateway to repose. Reach out, pierce the fine fabric of the sheltering sky, take repose.”

  3. Greetings,


    No matter what chestpiece is set to the Eradictor's Mask, the head piece will not uniform to the color. This includes any dye module and not just the default chest piece color. This is a unique bug found only on the Outfitter functionality. If you use any item in relation to actual gear and use the uniform color ability on your actual armor set it works as intended.


    This is kind of a let down as this is a long lasting cartel item that should work with ANY look. The oversight on this is quite honestly annoying.



  4. So I've been doing HM FPs since launch and I must be missing something on this fight. Either that or the fight isn't working as intended. It's probably the former. If I'm reading the tooltip correctly, if the blue circles overlap when Arkous uses his "Arc" ability, the blue circles die?


    Almost every single time I do this fight though, the walking carpet gets the blue circle when the bosses are stacked and a player gets the second blue circle. Darok then pulls the player with the blue circle in and Arkous does his Arc move and the player dies because the Wookie and both bosses are stacked in the middle where the player is pulled. Arkous is extremely difficult to move if not impossible and Darok isn't tauntable so I'm not sure how to re-position based on the idiocy of the NPC. Is Arkous' "Arc" move interruptable?


    Is there a way to avoid this? Or do Wookies just need to learn how to position blue circles?


    Edit: Clarification

  5. Fair question azudelphi! Since the change we are making is a global one, affecting all players and skills, we felt this was a better approach to the overall cost to players. As a result, we will not be providing refunds for the cost of training.


    Hope that clarifies our thoughts on the situation.




    So basically since we pre-ordered and supported your game AND have been a continued subscriber we get shafted? Last time I make that mistake.


    Buggy story finale which you still haven't fixed.


    Pre-orders spend over 1 million in credits on training costs, and you remove them from game thus letting everyone who didn't pre-order not have to spend those credits and will get to play a less buggy expansion.


    You'll forgive me if I'm upset that I was used as a glorified beta tester while you fixed your bugs and tuned your game all the while I was being promised that this was a "perk".


    This doesn't feel like a perk. It feels like subscribers and supporters of your game yet again get screwed over. I've learned my lesson. Buy artifact equipment authorization, warzone and raid passes, and stop subscribing and pre-ordering since you clearly care nothing about your supporters.


    Thanks Bioware.

  6. Greetings,


    A simple minor bug I wish to report as a result of Stronghold teleportation. After completing middle quests after the Agent Chapter 1 quest, you are given the quest "The Master Stratagem". If you use your Nar Shaddaa Stronghold to teleport to Nar Shaddaa, the quest does not recognize that you have actually traveled to Nar Shaddaa no matter where you go. You must board your ship and "leave" the planet on your ship and then go to the planet again before the quest understands that you have gone to Nar Shaddaa and lets you use the ships intercom to continue the quest. Given that you have to use your ships intercom in "Nar Shaddaa" space, the error is not entirely unexpected. Perhaps not even a bug, just more clarification on quest text is needed to not confuse people.


    As I said, a minor bug but one I figured Bioware should be aware of given the release of Strongholds.




  7. You actually got more than you were promised. The original pre order bonus was for the one crystal. The vendor wasn't added until much later. Used to be once you outgrew that original crystal, you tossed it aside like all other lower crystals, and never touched that color again.


    I'm aware it wasn't added until much later.


    Still doesn't account for the fact that the system is outdated. Those of us who pre-ordered the game did so when it actually costed money to buy the game. In my opinion, and most of the communities, that deserves a bit more than what we are offered now.


    The color crystal system is clearly out dated.


    Lets put this into perspective. All of us who pre-ordered payed at least 60 dollars. That's the equivalent to 7,200 cartel coins.


    Digital deluxe edition during pre-order is the equivalent to 9,600 cartel coins.


    The physical deluxe edition is the equivalent to 17,850 cartel coins.


    That's a lot of cartel coins, no matter what edition you bought, but especially the deluxe edition. Granted they gave cartel coins to those of us who bought the game before it went F2P, but lets face it.... It wasn't near the price ordering those was worth. Not to mention a lot of people who bought the game didn't pre-order. I'm not saying I regret my decision. I'm simply stating that for ordering said editions and supporting Bioware through all the multitudes of content push backs we have had for every major content patch and the numerous bugs and server issues we had at launch, I would like to be able to show off my support to the people who are just discovering the game.


    It's the principle of the matter that I'm being forced into certain color crystals which I have to pay yet MORE money for, and don't get to show my support for pre-ordering.


    It's not that I don't have the cartel coins or credits to buy these crystals. I have at least one color of every type of the level 10 crystals. It's simply the matter of "hey, look what I have".


    Yes... This entire thread is an epeen thread, but I really don't think what I'm asking for is too much of a hassle.


    Edit: Grammatical clarification and typos.

  8. Greetings,


    Today I decided to create a new character, and thought how silly it was that my pre-order crystal is still only an endurance crystal that is outdated at best.


    Perhaps make the pre-order crystal more in line with how crystals from the cartel market have become. For example, take out all of the levels of pre-order crystals from the vendor, make one of each type of crystal, have the vendor sell it for a large price, and then have the item requirement for all of them be 10.


    I'm sure some people will be apposed to this. But consider this: there are already these crystals in the game. This would simply be the bonus that those of us who pre-ordered deserve. Lets face it, having pre-ordered now days has no benefit whatsoever except maybe having that color at 55. If people who pre-ordered are still playing this game, as I am, and have stuck through the game for this long... I'd say they deserve the above change that I suggested.


    I actually like the color itself, and am forced to use another color basically until 50 because now days not having a 41 power, crit, ect crystal in your weapon is just silly. This is why the above change needs to happen.




  9. Raider: "Give me more stuff to do. You can ignore everyone else as long as I have Nightmare mode raids to complete. It's all about me!"


    Basically this. As long as there's harder challenges for the 10% some why release new content? Nevermind the fact that 90 percent of the player base hasn't seen nightmare DP.


    I'm sorry. That was a baseless assumption... The above numbers are hypothetical.

  10. Ah, sorry about that.


    Ashley Lund once said the following about GSF....


    Some interesting points have been brought up on the PTS involving Galactic Starfighter. One poster refers to it as a let down, stating that it just doesn’t seem smooth. I’m sure everyone has played a game that feels just doesn’t feel right. Something felt off, whether the physics were floaty, the impact wasn’t there or there was no weight to the weapons, that sort of thing.


    Another interesting point that was brought up is that Galactic Starfighter has been making players too much money. We’re hearing as much as 30k per match which are only about fifteen minutes tops. Could this be a way for PvP players to make money without having to do the PvE dailies?


    Finally, it appears that many players would like to see some joystick support, and honestly who can blame them. Galactic Starfighter sounds like it could be amazing played with a joystick. Should Bioware add this in?



    No, I will not provide the source.





    If people want to make money, go for it. I don't give two *exploitative* about joy stick support. I've never been a fan of GSF. The devs need to go on vacation and play Eve online or fire up an illegal SWG server for all I care, just so long as they understand that their space PvP is terrible.

  11. I might have been harsh with what I said. In that case I apologize.


    If we do get an expansion this year, that would be awesome. My personal thoughts are now that GSF, Tactical FPSs, and Strongholds are out of the way, perhaps they will focus more on challenging PvE content as well as new ideas for PvP? Maybe 2.0 was simply one big giant cosmetic expansion and Bioware will focus more on things that really matter in the future.


    *crosses fingers*

  12. That is hardly fair. Argumentative, sure, post history stands in evidence. But Darth is hardly a fanboi. Again, post history stands in evidence.


    Though Darth and I stand on VERY different sides of the fence (and it will gladly likely remain that way) he is simply disagreeing with your contentions. And he posted a link to provide substance to that argument.


    If you indicate that he can reject your argument, you must also be willing to reject his without painting him as a biodrone. I do not believe he has demonstrated himself as a champion for bioware.


    Perhaps simply a champion for his own view, which any of us could be guilty of.


    I accept his difference of opinion, and I don't agree with it. Mainly because he didn't argue the original point (which was that they aren't delivering content fast enough). He actually agreed with me on the subject and proceeded to argue against what I said afterwords.


    All in all, a good debate. I wish none of you ill regards and look forward to our future verbal sparing matches.

  13. WoW... Just WoW.




    I never moved away from the theme of the post to imply you were either a fanboy, a bioware employee or any other strawman arguments.


    That's all you.




    There's nothing to comment that hasn't been discussed to the death in the last few months, which is why I mentioned early on you were late.


    You're right, that was a little harsh which is why I edited it. That being said, you're attempting to find errors in my logic about my responses after the original post. You aren't commenting on the original post. You're simply arguing after the fact. Quote from the original post or move on. I think you've said all you have to say about it, you're simply quoting quotes of quotes... Which is why I will be ignoring them in the future.


    If anyone else has anything constructive to say about the original post, I will be more than happy to discuss it.

  14. And how many you posted again?


    That's right: ZERO.




    By reading your OP, the arrogance was yours and yours alone.


    I gave my opinion, you disagreed with it, yet you're still going on about it. Again, either a Bioware fanboy or someone who just likes to argue. Either way, You're moving away from my original point about the article which makes you, the troll.


    Either comment on the original topic or accept that you've said what you needed to say on the subject and move on to other posts. You're not really being constructive anymore.

  15. I am neither, least of all the latter.



    Strawman argument yet again. You never seem to run out of those.


    Do point out where I'm defending them exactly.


    How is this different from anything you've posted? All I see is your opinion. You posted ONE quote from a developer on an expansion which hasn't been released yet. You want me to take you seriously? Find more quotes to back up the BS you're telling everyone on this thread, and while you're at it get off your high horse and treat people with respect rather than an arrogant droid.

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