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Everything posted by crystalised

  1. na i can't because armorings are slotbound and there are only two slots available with dps armorings... and for the mods they all removed primary stats (aim) for secondary stats like crit or power. so all in all the itemisation seems not to progress... pretty annoying imho
  2. haha you're lucky, i just got two mini squirts just because they are augmented it looks ridiculous, but 140 aim on each weapon is more important then looks
  3. Dear Bioware Item designers, is there a reason why most items available from the new Denova Operation and/or Black Hole commendations are fitted with "commando armorings" (i.e. Tanking armorings) and tanking mods and usually even with enhancements which have more endurance on them then any any other stat? you know if i was playing a powertech in tanking spec I'd love to see tons of stamina on my gear, but since I am playing a Mercenary DD thegoal is to maximise Aim and the other stats relevant for DPS Please review the itemization stats, because so far the new gear once again is just a buff in hitpoints and NOT in dps.
  4. just out of curiosity just watched the end of the Guild Summit, did anybody there mention something about a possible interrupt for Mercs and Troopers?
  5. second that! and still lore is no excuse!
  6. so just because Star Wars was concieved in the 70ies and back then designed for just guys having something to ogle over it is supposed to stay like that forever?
  7. hey there, maybe i am just blind, but why is there a complete "slave girl" outfit available on nar shaddaa, but nothing for boys? you know there are other people then straight male teenagers playing the game give the girls and the gay guys something to drool over too! cheers!
  8. muss mich leider den vielen Beschwerden anschliessen. Wartezeiten von jenseits 30 Minuten sind nicht akzeptabel, und zur Zeit muss ich auf dem Server der unserer Gilde zugeteilt wurde teilweise jenseits von 2h warten, und nach einem crash des Game Clients befindet man sich wieder in der Schlange. ich hoffe ihr bekommt das gefixed, ansonsten wird das ein Fehlstart par Excellence! Gratulation
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