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Everything posted by Airishok

  1. Dragon soul may NOW be a snooze fest, but I bet you had some tough times when you first stepped into Heroic, say on Zon'ozz, or Ultraxion, or idk Spine/madness. Big factor, is you had to get the gear to do these encounters. You could pvp in this game and go into HM or NM EV and clear it without issue. Refute away, I'm not coming back. See I may have logged on today and complained on the forums, but that only took an hour of my day. Now since I don't have any reason to log on to the actually game, I'm going to go out and do something. So as you can see people who complain are already doing other hobbies so telling them to go away isn't very effective. Only takes a little while to read a thread and post a comment... Here is a better question than "why aren't the complainers doing something else?". Why aren't the defenders of the game, those who say it's just fine and there is plenty to do, actually playing the game instead of browsing the forums?
  2. People are okay with it in wow because it actually takes time to gear up and is actually challenging to do Heroic difficulty. You can do NM in tionese/columi mixed gear and gain nothing you couldn't get from doing the fights on HM quicker. Not much of a problem to me gear wise, cause I play to enjoy the fights, but I don't enjoy the fights being mindless. There is NO reason that a company can't supply content to people who want a challenge and content for people who want to mess around in their free time. Edit: I would like to add that I agree with the sentiment that we should stop side-by-siding WoW and SW:TOR, but they does not mean we don't have the right to ask questions or make comment on how we see the game. No one complains, and nothing will change.
  3. Let me give some of the "zomg make your own content" people a little story about why I agree with the complaining. I was leveling up my character and was in a cantina, I found the social item vendor, "oh kewlz" I said to myself. I right click on her and scope out what she has to offer. Lo and behold, slave girl cloths! I was very excited by this as they were also modable and only took social 2 to get. SOCIAL 2! Seems like a short hop from social 1 right? WRONG... I've been stuck at the same CENSORED social points since I hit 50. I run flashpoints and get no social points from the conversations, working as intended? I run operations, in which there are no social points to be gained, even though I'm running said operations with 7 other players. (makes sense, eh?) So I ask you if I can't do the content I tried to make for myself because the game came out unpolished and too soon, simply to beat the Diablo 3/ Guild Wars 2/ Tera release dates. (and it did come out too soon, even the Bounty Hunter story line was bugged and had been reported since beta.) I'm all for making my own fun, but when I try to make my own fun only to have random issues that I cannot overcome myself get thrown in my face, I'm inclined to rush to the word quit. I'm sure some of you will have "witty" bye-bye, or just quit then comments that will have all those who lay eyes on them holding their sides...but I do love star wars and I do want the star wars mmo to be fun. It's just at some point you can't close your eyes, cover your ears, and go LA-LA-LA-LA when someone bring up an issue they have with the game. There is more I could say, but I doubt this is going to reach the people it's intended to reach, so flame away and tell my I'm wrong. Though I know that some will read this post and know that what I'm saying is exactly what they are saying as well.
  4. I've been neutral almost all the way to 50, just barely LS now. It's not just the DS choice that's bugged the neutral leaves you with no Ilum quests as well. Guess I'll level another character till this is fixed . Signed, Another Stuck Bounty Hunter.
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