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Posts posted by Dirtnose

  1. I have a level 50 Merc and I'm currently leveling a Smuggler and he is level 18 at the moment. The Bounty Hunter story line is ok. I can't compare it to others much because he is my only level 50. Phase 1 is good, Phase 2 is okay and then Phase 3 is a bit bland IMO. I like the smuggler story at the moment but I'm only level 18 so I can't really compare it to the bounty hunter story. I really liked the smuggler starting story though (1-10).
  2. James Ohlen said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "We want players to explore! The ability to summon limits this freedom"


    Explore? I love SWTOR but there isn't anything to explore. It's incredibly linear with hardly any exploration needed and if I do want to explore, I can't because everywhere I turn I run into 50 packs of mobs at once because this game has to many randomly placed mobs in random places.


    On top of that, Space is a joke, ffs it's a Star Wars game. Take notes from SWG BioWare.

  3. Kotor 1 is my favourite game ever and I prefer it, but Kotor 2 is a vastly underrated game as are Obsidian as a games company. Given the terrible time frame they were given to make Kotor 2 by LucasArts it's an amazing game and one of the best games ever made IMO. Kotor 1 just beats it though, only just. Both top class games. Amazing.


    However, I am yet to play Kotor 2 with the Restored Content Patch, I plan on playing it soon and by what people are saying about the patch, it may surpass the original Kotor for me.

  4. For those of us playing since release there is nothing more annoying & frustrating than someone who wont spacebar through the dialogue and even i would have voted in favour of the kick. My only suggestion would be to advertise for like minded people who want to watch all the content which is worth doing for the first time. But you need to bare in mind that of the 4 you more than likely would have been the only person who hadnt seen it all before countless times. And expecting the other 3 players to wait for you when all they want to do is complete their daily is asking to much.


    I've been playing since release and if someone wants to listen to the conversation, ESPECIALLY first time players, I let them, They should be able to enjoy just like when we listened to the story/conversation for our first time playing. Stop being so selfish.

  5. Not sure what game you are playing. There is music all over.


    No there isn't. This is my main gripe with the game at the moment. I'm a big music guy and a huge fan or the Star Wars music especially Kotor 1 and 2. There is literally no music playing in this game while questing. I posted a thread in the suggestion section weeks ago but got no response.


    I walk around in silence I wanna walk around hearing Star Wars music like all other Star Wars games.

  6. More planets with more open space instead of the corridor planets we have now. There are so many possible planets. Kashyyyk, Naboo, Lok, Rori, Bespin, Taanab, Felucia, Geonosis, I could go on.


    More Races, I know language is a problem but most can speak basic anyway. Cathar, Mon Cal, Kel Dor, Rodian and Nautolan to name a few. I would love a Wookie and my beloved Ithorian but I don't think it's possible with the language barrier. Also on top of this, more faces and customisation to current races.


    More Classes, maybe add a neutral faction? I definately see Bounty Hunter (which I play) as neutral rather than empire.


    Overhaul of space, James Ohlen has said many times there is a super secret space project, so something is going to happen to space anyway. If I could choose I would choose a change in space similar to that of SWG instead of just an on rails mini game.


    Pet mounts, Dewbacks, TaunTauns, Rancor, Bantha, Kaadu and way more are possible. Also more vehicle mounts, Multi-Passenger vehicles.


    More Class story to all current classes and increase in level cap to 55 or 60. Add more Warzones, Flashpoints and ops. Also, better looking end game gear.


    Thats all I can think of right now.

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