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10 Good
  1. Thanks for the help wish me luck lol
  2. If I press sell junk nothing happens, I am able to send her to gather salvage via the crafting screen and I get the items when she "returns" but she is still not around and no summon option. What is the quickest way to get a extra companion?
  3. Hey guys, new to the game, was questing and joined the PVP queue and when I finished the match my companion was missing and the companion bar, tried to follow guides on this (Press N key) but there is no option to summon her back (Relogged, rebooted etc) N screen image https://ibb.co/iYAjY5
  4. never indicated that it was advertised as having a great space sim but this looks like a straight rip from a mini game from http://www.clonewarsadventures.com/ at least with galaxies they left it out until they got it right. I played SWG for over 5 years and 90% of my time there was in space as I loved the X-wing Vs Tie fighter experience. Here it seems for daily mission I may as well go for a beer and let my 5 year old click on the yellow targets lol
  5. OK loving the game so far and finally reached level 15 (Was taking my time to enjoy the story) so got my space craft and after playing Star Wars galaxies was looking forward to a great space sim, and what happened? The space missions seem to be on the likes of a crappy point and shoot free flash game? How can you make such a great game and leave space so..... indie?
  6. A option like when I bought windows 7 would be nice a 3 time use family code, costs a bit more but then you could have the wife and kid playing
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