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Everything posted by Ogien

  1. That explains so much, we could not find a replacement last night either. This needs to be fixed.
  2. I have a fairly new computer so I never noticed a difference. I am glad you can see better performance, that should make allot of people happy.
  3. Well I see many negative posts about Patch 1.3, I felt I wanted to give my point of view which is much more positive. First with the negative; I stopped playing SWTOR a few month ago and went back to WOW for 2 main reasons: 1. My server was empty 2. All the pugs were running BT HM 3. My guild ran Operations too early for me as I play later at night when my son is sleeping. Although I never cancelled my subscription I was not really playing with the exception of a bit of PvP here and there. The positive This all changed they day the servers merged. I found myself on a full server once more and I was actually able to find groups for something other than BT HM, so I started playing again. However it was still hard to pug operations and Daily Heroics. So this patch & server merges, finally gave me the game I always wanted. I can now queue up for an operation or flashpoint whenever I log in and get a random result. This means I don't have to do BT HM over and over again, and I can finally do some operations, which is great. Queue times: I play a tank so queue times for me are not an issue (its almost instant). For all the people complaining about queue times, all MMOs have the same problem. DPS always have to wait for Tanks & Healers because you have to be a bit more experienced to lead a group as a tank or heal. So there are less Tanks and Healers then there are DPS players, its just the way it is. You get the same problem in WoW and their LFG tool is cross server so it should be faster. If you hate waiting, re-spec into a tank or healer. Bugs: For the people experiencing bugs, well it does suck I get it, but I am a computer programmer, so I understand that these games are complex, and they have bugs. Blizzard seems to be better at quality assurance than Bioware, but Bioware had to rush out this content to save the game. So lets just put up with the bugs for now and give them a chance to fix it. The content debate Many people complain about lack of content in TOR. Being also a WoW player I am not sure if this is true. In WoW most people only do 1 raid (Deathwing) over and over again along with 3 Hour of Twilight Dungeons. These are 90% of the runs because they give you the best in slot gear. That should prove that a game does not need that much content to be successful. I feel like I have much more options in TOR end game than I do in WoW, at least until MoP comes out. Conclusion I know the game is not perfect but I like what I have so far. If Bioware can focus on eliminating some of the bugs and introduce addons so we can have DPS meters I think raiding can be just as much fun as it is in WoW. I hope we can all stay positive and come out with a great game at the end. Meanwhile I am loosing a ton of potential WoW valor points because I am way to busy in SWTOR
  4. That is sad, I hope this is not the tip of the iceberg for this game, I really want SWTOR to work out.
  5. Lol I can imagine how angry the Fatman server players would be if you nerfed them Server Merges would solve all of this without the complicated changes to experience gain, cross server LFG would help as well.
  6. It would be really interesting if (provided it could be balanced). I would add the following: The light side choice would have the two teams fight the end boss together making the boss easier, while the dark side choice opens PvP. Winning the PvP match should give the winning side Warzone Commendations or PvP gear drop. The winning side should continue to the final boss and have to fight him alone, while the loosing side retreats running into another boss. Both bosses should drop the same rewards. The problem I see here is that one team could finish the initial part of the FP before the other and you have to wait, or the other team can't finish at all because the lack gear/skill. Maybe the PvP decision should occur at the start of the FP. I can't see this being implemented without a cross server LFG though as you would need 8 players to complete the FP.
  7. WoW is actually better at servers then SWTOR because I can queue for dungeons with friends on other servers. I heard that BioWare may be working on the level adjust thing but I am worried that all this stuff is coming out too slow compared to GW2 offering all of this on release.
  8. This would save the game for me, I really hope so
  9. I just read an article about GW2 Server Guesting, basically the idea is if you have a friend that plays on a different server you can join him temporarily as a server guest. Furthermore GW2 will feature dynamic level-adjusting system that scales players down to the zone they're occupying, so level differences between friends are no longer relevant. This is a brilliant move that SWTOR should pay attention to; especially when you consider how divided the 1.3 mil players really are between all of the servers. http://www.moremmo.com/post/2012/05/09/Guild-Wars-2-Wants-you-to-Play-with-Friends.aspx
  10. I like the fact that even though the event is over you can still get infected. It has a life of its own now, I wonder how long it will last
  11. This works only on armor you got after 1.2
  12. I play both and I can tell you there are many, many similarities in gameplay mechanics. That is not a bad thing, I use the "It’s just like WoW with better graphics and no pandas" argument on many friends that play WoW with great success. There is nothing wrong with taking a good idea and making it better.
  13. I guess I get this for the PvE armor it’s the same as pre 1.2. PvP armor is all new anyways so everyone got all new armor post 1.2 that can be changed to orange. I also get that some people pulled their mods post 1.2 without knowing the sets would not transfer, although I remember seeing a ton of posts in General warning about this.
  14. So if this is true, what is everyone complaining about in this post?
  15. So let me just make sure I undestand this before I waste100K. PvE gear (Columni Rakata) even if purchased after 1.2 will not transfer set bonuses into Orange gear? PvP gear Battlemaster/War Hero if purchased after 1.2 will transfer set bonuses into Orange gear? Can someone confirm if I am correct?
  16. Here is an interesting interview with BioWare’s Daniel Erickson at PCGamer.com. In the article we learn that SWTOR subscription numbers have not dropped, however concurrent players at peak times have declined. Daniel goes on to state that for this reason server mergers are on the cards, but not a priority. What is a priority is an improved group finder. Enjoy http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/04/23/bioware-doing-anything-and-everything-to-keep-players-logging-in-to-swtor/
  17. Recruit PvP gear can be bought with credits (320K) for everything. Once you have some pieces you can start working on your Battlemaster PvP armor (which is not bad for PvE). You can do the Dailies for extra credits (15K per mission) and daily commendations/purple 126 mods. PvP armor is by far the least amount of grind.
  18. I play a Dark Charge Tank Sith Assassin with Survivor Tank gear. I am often first in PvP but not always. I find that Tank Sith Assassins are not great at DPS. Your strength is in having lots of abilities that help with the map objectives. Here are some tips for Sith Assassin Tank PvP. 1. Use Guard ability on the healer. Preventing damage gives you lots of medals and keeps the healer alive, which keeps you alive to win. 2. In Huttball, use force pull and knock down on the ball carrier, Guard ball carrier or be the ball carrier and use your massive survivability to score. Yu can also stealth camp ball respawn preventing the other team from getting the ball. Knock back is good for this. 3. Defend capture points and keep enemy occupied by surviving until your team gets to you. 4. Even though you will not have a ton of burst DPS you will earn the 75K medal by just dealing constant damage. You will also get kills if you keep attacking the same target as your team (taking out weak players first like in PvE) 5. Be a target. You can survive so be a nice juicy target. Piss off the other team, attack multiple targets with abilities like knockback, if you can tie up 3 enemy players for 2-3 min, you did your job. That’s 2-3 minutes that the enemy is outnumbered at an objective. 6. Survive, if you are about to die, stealth and heal up, then come back to be the target again.
  19. I really dislike people that do that.
  20. Great post, I would just add that PvP gear is a good way to get gear faster. If you are only doing BT HM you only get 6 Columni commendations for dailies, plus your weekly. This is a huge grind to get a full set of Columni gear. PvP Battlemaster gear is much faster. With PvP you can get around 100 commendations for every win and around 50 for a loss (as of this mornings patch). The most expensive Battlemaster gear is around 1500 commendations with many pieces costing 500-600. A full Battlemaster is going to be comparable to Colmni gear but so much easier to get.
  21. Thanks for the guilde, very nice, I tried this on HM, died on the second boss 10 times before we called it. I was the tank with 21K HP Champion/Columni Gear. None of us had any Rakata pieces. I know the FP is possible to do but, how do I get better gear if I already need the better gear to finish this FP. I guess its back to doing BT HM over and over again? I should be able to do these FP to complete the columni sets. Right now I already need at least Columni to possibly finish this FP if lucky. Great video though, I will show it to my guid members for the next run.
  22. The boost to commendations sounds great, was that part of this morning patch?
  23. I like that you get more medals, I hate that you don't get any commendations for loosing. Many people just leave your team when you are not doing well, and jumping into a loosing Warzone does not give you any benefits. I don't mind that you would get more commendations for winning but 100 vs. 0-20 is just rough.
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