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Everything posted by Argomemnon

  1. This was a content creator giveaway code if I remember correctly. I have no clue if its still available but I would love for it to be a 7.5 pts reward since its 1 of the few jetpacks I don't have.
  2. Yeah I was going to buy this and noticed it wasn't on the front page or in decorations when I went looking for it.
  3. I'd be more active if I could do this I'm just buying augment mats atmosphere with frags cause nothing is really speaking to me as a need
  4. They need to take a good hard look and re-categorize what goes with what. there are plenty of platinum items that should be lower and lower items that should be higher. The reason they made them platinum is so they can get more CC when you unlock it since the unlock prices goes off the rarity. Either this or the need to make it so once you use it its already unlocked and add in more stuff we would actually want...
  5. The sad thing about all of this is players are saying they already don't like the content and the reasons why. Then precede to get punished for doing objectives. Its wild how this works out and really only rewards the Damage farms so people can get their medals needed for the season. I think there should be an objectives one instead of medals earned. This will hopefully stop the damage farms are go back more towards objectives the way they are supposed to be done.
  6. After doing what I could and ending week with 56 losses and 6 wins I finally got 4 weekly objectives done. So somewhere close to every 11 games 1 get a win. Does anyone think a less than 10% chance to win a match is fun honestly? I play video games to have fun not get beat down majority of the time. Life already does that, video games are supposed to be a fun escape from reality. Not a giant puch in the face to bring you back to reality.
  7. I'm at 84% collections so its a need to try and finish stuff I've not been able to with a few things since I have limited play time. But between the new patch and this pvp insanity I feel like they sold out to broadsword and they are going to milk us for every last dime we have. Not to mention this is starting to feel like World of Dailycraft just in a universe far, far, far, away... If Iam to be punished because cartel items don't sell for much any more and I refuse to pay to finish the seasons stuff then maybe it is time to move on. I used to really love this game but the creative direction and decisions has been going down. It's almost as if they are say this is how you have fun you should like it after we got used to the thing that made it fun. I don't want to quit but if the only thing I have to look forward to is be cannon fodder for the pvp crowd and they never do pve and get almost the same rewards as us what is the point? Ilvl cap is at 336 for them and is stupid easy to get to. Then you go in with 342 and proceed to get absolutely destroyed. LIke why does it seem like my white resolve bar means nothing 1v1 I'm stunned to death unless I pop my DCD for it. even melee as a shadow wrecks me we can skip how OP ranged is vs us that is a different conversation. Our cooldowns are taking too long to come back up or something watching someone heal back up to full and you are talented for pvp seems like it needs a looking after. I get SS is considered a dead / dying server but spending more time in queue to lose 11 games that depending on the mode can take 15 mins. is just short of 3 hours. Now add in the wait times we are looking at 15 hours or so a week dedicated to being in pvp add in the wait times id dare say 32 hours to do what I need to for both seasons. If I'm working 60-70 hours a week that is literally half my week is spent on a game and work. I want this to be fun not another part time job where I hate the boss, the work is boring, and the only reason I'm still around is I know the job pretty well. Please don't ruin something I have come to love because someone decided I'm not putting in enough effort, time, or money. I bought the Physical CE when it came out cause I believed in this game. I want this to be successful and keep and attract more players. I am here because I love Star Wars. Please come back and don't do us dirty.
  8. finished out the seek with 56 losses 5 wins... so nearly 11 games to win 1 now with that being said I got well over 1m cq and spent majority of my time doing pvp all week roughly 10 or so games a day minus this weekend
  9. For me the punishment as someone with limited time is I have to do the pvp chore longer before I can do the content I want to. This happens to me on satele shan server. That being said having to lose majority of my games each week is maddening. I swear I damn near lose my way to finish the weeklies. I prefer to do gsf or pve activities. I know they want us to do more to stay in game, but making my limited time and not being able buy the end of the season means I have to prioritize content I dont like to do. I just want a healthy "work" and play life balance.
  10. im maxxed out on light / dark side been that way for awhile. I'm just saying that I can't get the cheevos to get more decos because the event is gone still.
  11. I get how some people are annoyed my non-pvp enjoy person can be on players who enjoy it. However for those is the back when doing a weekly you're lucky to get 1 win for the 12 matches, and you lose your way through arenas because they always seem to start 1 person short on your team that makes me hate it. I used to enjoy pvp as a casual but not it is such a blow out its just turning me into some who hates pvp and really at this point just complains about the 3 wins and 42 losses for the week. like why do I nearly have the weekly point cap done and still have 3 objectives to do? This to be frank pisses me of that there is a better solution to this problem. It sure isn't being done for GSF, I never see R-4, Dxun, or gods groups going because as of right now they are over tuned. The rewards are not worth the headache of trying to complete them and hardly anyone ever sees the end of them just and elite few. I have no Idea why PVP would get special treatment and GSF IS PVP. if you want us to play give us incentive to do it and not hate it. I swear it will make the player base happier. People who atleast think they have a chance to win will gladly join in the hopes of winning if they feel like they are always on the losing team what is the point of even trying and now you have a cynical person who is stuck doing content they now don't like and other people are now miserable too. This needs to be promptly spoken about. I'd gladly and freely offer help on ways to accomplish this. Adding an objective to WZ or getting x amount of kills in arenas would be a great start Capturing x satellites in GSF or Killing x amount of people in a match WIn x GSF matches Get x medals in matches I really don't think that this is that hard to implement somehow going forward at all.
  12. The only reason I am even willing to do this is for the decos and also to get the old decos I didn't get to finish the cheevos on. Until they fix this I think people are going to burn out and stop playing. This will make the problem even more severe on low population servers. I just want to have a fighting chance to win. Anything less than 50/50 chance to win from beginning isn't worth playing. Completing 2 weeklies and still not maxxing out pvp seasons a week is wild but I seem to always be able to do it. I spent 7 hours last week grinding out stuff so I could get the other 200 "free" points... That is no longer a game that is a part time job at that point. I play games for fun not to stay aggravated the majority of the time cause I can't win a game to save my life. Add in the fact that players will start to be mean and lash out cause its not on a personal level of how much time you invest in to the game.
  13. who ever get a key like any other SH can decorate it it stays with the guild weather or not the first GM is there or not. As far as tokens that is a possibility too...
  14. allow a minimum of player to own them already like a guild achievement 1. 5 members own umbaran train SH cheevo is call all aboard 2. Fleet 5 members own it and you get home away from home 3. Meksha own 5 members get Dumpster Divers 4. Copero own 5 members get My own private Island Its fairly easy since you would need someone to have it already id even be ok with a bar that fills up and you buy with season coins all or 1 or what ever the guild members would like to pay
  15. Yeah I agreen getting a tank and 3dps vs a healer and 3 dps is not the same or even close. Getting a team of all ranged and your team being all melee is rough too.
  16. Having just 1 place to decorate when you could have them all would be a great boon to the rp community. Id even be ok with giving up season tokens to buy the guild a deed and "gift" it to the guild. Having all of them unlockable would be amazing and I know there is many of us out there who would love to be able to decorate every one of them.
  17. Man, all of these wonderful suggestions on here. I'm so glad I have space barbie friend on here. It's like pokemon you gotta catch them all.
  18. Yes my Zoo needs more exhibits and make them have adult and baby versions of them too and allow us to use more than 1 of each if you make them mounts/ pets/ companions please!
  19. I didn't even think of adding these yet still on older planets making wish lists lol but I whole heartedly agree these would need to be added for us to play with.
  20. I love have more new decos that liven up a place. maybe a small book shelf that hangs or maybe a a potted plant as the book ends small flowers in them or something
  21. I would also like to see more Home style decos bathroom and kitchen like things makes the rooms come more alive when you see the same stuff mirrored from irl that humans need.
  22. I would love to see most if not all currencies be legacy wide so you dont have to remember what toon you did what on so you can go do it again. Anything over the max should allow us to get back as a temporary overage or converted to something cool or useful.
  23. I want this too having max light and dark toons is great but newer players will have a significantly harder time unlocking opposite factions classes if they can't max out the light dark choices.
  24. Republic side We have a fully unlocked Flagship decorated as a swanky illegal pleasure liner. Has plenty of vendors and storage close by and GTN's to take care of most of your needs. We have a few bank tabs with free cartel items in them to take. We don't require you to do anything other than log in once in awhile to keep active. With roughly 6 active people in the guild we are quite small but still manage to hit 2m CQ a week. Finding a member online would be easier towards the evening. Since we spend so much time on Pub side we have not done as much with our Imp side guild as of late. Find someone on Pubside and can possibly log over to get you started there too. Alot of the same perks are there minus the flagship ones are there. Hitting a certain amount of cq will allow you to get even better CM items the GM buys and puts in to the guild bank.
  25. Skipping the fact that I'm at 26% wins in arena and 48% in war zone for now. I have noticed many matches are complete blowouts. No longer do you really see close matches up till the end but matches decided almost within the first minute you know if you are going to win or lose. And its a country mile on how close things are at the end. Add in the fact teams can start with a player short its nearly an instant loss. The PvP seasons objectives don't have enough variety of stuff to do other than slog through hoping to win. for me that is at least 16 arenas @ 26% to finish that weekly objective. I get wanting to make us play longer because it you are in the game longer, however this hurts the players with limited play time. I spent 7 hours straight trying to get 4 weekly objectives done and barely got it done. Personally I don't find that fun. Often times the wait times to get into the match on my server is longer than the match itself. I understand its supposed to be a challenge. Making players dependent on others play and their reward is a bit harsh sounding to me. I have a few proposed changes that I think players would be happier with. I think I'd be happy with a mix or even a single one of these fixes. 1. Increase the weekly point reward for objectives. I think 150-200 per would make it less daunting for players to complete the season. 2. Lower the points needed per season level. I think this would make it easier to complete the season with. 3. Reduce the number of wins needed or medals needed. Losing and not getting the 7 medals even if you were the mvp of the team means you get discouraged to play more. 4. If teams have an uneven amount of players the last player on team who joined to make them leave has to wait till teams are even to join. make them wait to join their team. 5. Maybe have a losing streak buff for players who are just getting destroyed. If you keep losing and getting grouped with a lot of the same players you had you know you will lose the match. I personally know players get frustrated when you can't do anything to stop a player from joining your pvp match. Weather they afk, don't do objectives, or die on purpose to lose faster isn't fun. 6. Make GSF a part of PvP seasons again. This gives players a different option to do PvP and they might enjoy it more. I know I'm not the best at PvP. I love GSF however. Queues are 45 mins plus half of the time I swear on my server if it ever pops. 7. If players who are not good at something and are only there for the rewards and they spend more time there it affects the normal PvP'ers. I know if I'm getting argry of constantly losing over and over the veteran PvP'ers are getting annoyed at the very least. More time spent on something that you don't really want to do makes it unenjoyable for everyone involved eventually. 8. BRING BACK THE LEADERBOARDS. Possibly making a seasons previous winners display on the fleet and the current seasons standings would be a great thing to add back to the game. Who ever has the most win loss ratio for x games for the season, or highest kills per match or overall, or the most objectives. Maybe giving a title for getting within certain %'s and the best overall you can title as would be great. I love the decos from these. I want to get them all. Is making other people play with me and I'm not a very good PvP'er a punishment to make me stick around longer to finish or making it easier to finish? I personally prefer PVE. There is no season for that unless you count Galactic Seasons I guess. Getting a chance to finish up deco collections is what I'm up to. I don't think its fair to others to make them pay for my less than stellar game play. I'm trying to get better, but alas its still a slog for many of us completionist players who are trying to get it all done. Thank you for your time in reading this. Here is hope a Dev will read this and see its not a complaint piece and more of a way to make all parties happy in the end.
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