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Everything posted by DarthZaneBX

  1. Can we reset LS or DS alignment? Its really hard to choose which is which sometimes.
  2. Thank you dude.. can he use lightsaber?
  3. What armor does KhemVal wear??
  4. what skill is best for Watchman PVE?
  5. nope.. did not work.. two chokes and smash dead..
  6. I am having problem killing Valis in Abandoned Mine.. He is too strong.. I am level 27 and Valis is only level 24 Boss. I tried Kira and T7, by the I am sentinel.. any idea how to beat em. Am I too early to go there or I need to purchase strong items?
  7. I hope this was not posted yet. On the ship of Jedi Knight by C2-N2: Everytime I see you return from a mission, I thank the maker I wasn't designed for combat.
  8. yah! tanx.. il just give it..
  9. sell other stuffs you crafted at galactic market for a higher price
  10. can I ask also?? what colors of crystal can I use to modify my saber??
  11. by the way the saber got high specs that's why I wanted to use it..
  12. thanx everyone. I am playing sentinel and all my companions are straight good side that's why I kept on choosing light.
  13. Currently I am Light 1. Am I able to get DARK 1?? I got a saber which requires DARK 1. I can not use it..
  14. everytime we logged out our character are just standing the whole time in a cantina..
  15. I think there is.. You need to finish that quest so you can go back to the fleet.
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