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Posts posted by Bozse

  1. Binding is the only way to play games tbh but use TGFH rather than WSAD, it is far superior but is a little harder to get used to using.


    TGFH allows your had the use of the entire keyboard where as WSAD limits you to the left side. You can slso still use the ALT + functions with TGFH so you pretty much have access to twice as many key binds as WSAD.


    The WSAD fan boys will be here soon to try and prove me wrong but if you look at your keyboard not and put your hand on WSAD, check out how far to the right you can easily reach...for me it's "G" Now put your hands on TGFH and you will find you can reach all the keys around WSAD and as far as "K" on the far right, you can't argue with that :)


    I would argue for using ESDF instead, gives you the use of shift and ctrl as modifiers while expanding the buttons available on the left side of your hand by one step. To me it's more natural then your suggestion and the "normal" WASD position.

  2. Make it so we can use player made graphics for any and all UI elements, this would help a lot in giving the UI a good personal feel to it. Allow removal of portraits on UI elements in combination with the player made graphics.


    Another thing that needs to be changed is the ability to scale "Secondary UI elements", currently you have to do a global scale before changing the other elements to have them smaller than original.

  3. We all have choices in life; you made yours. It's not the dev's fault you chose to re-roll on different servers. QQ somewhere else.


    Actually BW decided where my guild was placed to begin with.


    Patience is a virtue that has been lost on you. Since your demand of instant gratification won't be answered, there seems to be only two logical conclusions.


    Waiting patiently for months to get transfers of a dead server isn't demanding insta gratification, we're past the point of acceptable waiting by now.


    You could kill yourself, or you can just quit the game. By your postings, it seems as though the plight of your life can never be solved by free server transfers. Therefore, I would highly recommend the former suggestion, rather than the latter.



  4. You quote it, but did you even READ it?


    "First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice."


    Two opportunities to move for FREE. Stop your QQ and actually read for once.


    I did read it, it isn't an option to sit on my dead server for a month or two while they sort transfers hence re-rolling, now where I re-rolled there won't be any free transfers, I'm quite sure, hence I would have to pay to transfer the characters off my old and dead server or simply give them up and waste 4 months of work on three level 50's.


    So as far as reading comprehension goes you might want to work on it a bit your self.


    Since you brought it up, WOW had this same problem early on as well. In 2006, WOW had a massive server transfer issue, and they wouldn't even allow for paid transfers until later.


    That was then, this is now, there should have been transfers at launch, no really. Now in the absence of that me and my guildies have been patient and understanding, that only goes so far though.


    We understand that you're new to this MMORPG thing, but this is the natural balance of things, and all things come in time.


    Have been playing MMO's for more than a decade thank you very much you condescending ... I'll save my self the warnings.


    As I've highlighted about your ignorance and inability to read before; they will be offering two opportunities for free transfers from low populated servers to other servers to increase server population. If you're on a low population server, chances are that you will have the opportunity to transfer your characters. Quit your whining, the sky is not falling there chicken little.


    As I stated above, neither of those transfers will do anything for me as I already re-rolled and as such need to consolidate my characters and legacies.

  5. Easily said. Impossible to achieve with existing infrastructure.


    Not to sure that's true, my entire server had less players at 21:00 than Dromund Kaas on Tomb, out of the 21 PvP English server there are, 1 is full and 4 gets to standard if I recall correctly, the 16 remaining is light, I don't see it as an impossibility that you could merge all light in to those 4 standard and end up with 5 full, while not the full 80% I have very little issues playing on Tomb that is full it would probably handle a bit more players if needed.

  6. *snip* Your arguments would be a lot more convincing if you addressed what I have actually have said, vs. what you think I've said.


    That's the thing though, you can't tell if 300 players on a full server decided to go play their old mains on some other servers for a while, the full server is still full and a few low might tip over to standard because of it. The flaws of using the Low/Medium/Heavy/Very Heavy/Full are many and can be very deceiving, without actual numbers you can only guess if the population has gone down or up.


    For my server I'm sure that the population has gone down, while 1.2 gave a little life back to it for a week or two it's since then become even less populated than before, anecdotal I know but many servers are like that so either there are a massive amount of players subscribing without actually playing or the numbers are down, I'm realistic enough to put my money on the latter.

  7. This is precisely why a free-for-all transfer system should NOT happen...


    As long as people can roll on said servers transfer or no transfer won't matter, you want to force people that re-rolled on a populated server to abandon their previous mains or pay transfer fees just because you don't want queues, people will balance it over time if given free transfers as some want the full server and some are more happy on a medium one.

  8. Torstatus is not anecdotal, in fact it is the most representative data there is. One just has to understand what it represents, which is a relative rating of server load (Full, Very Heavy, Heavy, Standard, Light) – no more, no less. But it's definitely data. In what way is it anecdotal?


    Those numbers mean nothing, a Light server can have 1 player or a few hundred, it's still classed as Light, you can have 10x Standard servers that just went standard by 10 people over light yet you would give them a much higher value than Light.


    But seeing as you are the expert here, what number of player is required to go from Light to Standard or Standard to Heavy, please do tell, I'm quite sure there is a number of websites that would love to know exactly what they represent to provide factual numbers instead of pure guesswork which Torstatus is.

  9. Even before this game came out I disliked the idea of having to rely on companions in order to get things done, and now, three months later I STILL feel the same way..


    You don't have to use them at all, I leveled a character to 50 without ever using a companion for anything but professions.


    Posted about it here with links to videos for proof of concept, total played time at the end of it was less than 7 days with a fair bit of time idle doing profession stuff.

  10. As much as I'd like to see transfers come rolling out, what about faction locking? Some servers are incredibly imbalanced. If they allowed people to transfer their characters to those servers, wouldn't it just push the faction balance even farther apart?


    Possibly, any directed transfers, faction locks, server locks and such can be done after an initial period where everyone that re-rolled are allowed to consolidate their characters and legacies though, with the current path they announced that doesn't seem to be an option.


    Not to mention that the system needs to be in place, like yesterday, really should have been at launch already as we wouldn't be in this mess now if it was, not like it was unexpected in any way that transfers would be needed in a multi server game.

  11. 4. Allow free transfers and consolidation of characters and legacies first and foremost instead of the current plan with directed transfer being the only free once.


    5. Close down / merge some or all of the low populated servers.


    6. Get transfer system online like yesterday.


    7. Get transfer system online ... you get the point by now.

  12. I am on one of the least populated servers in EU. It wasn't always like this, after launch we were in the top five. Nowadays we'll have 20ish people in the fleet at peak times. It's the same on both Republic and Empire.


    I tried re-rolling on a populated server and have a level 50 on it. The difference is staggering, but on my original server I'm almost legacy level 40 with nifty buffs and legacy abilities all unlocked. Not to mention that my main is quite geared. If we didn't have 1.2 changes and the legacy system I'd probably abandon my original server, but ironically since I've already unlocked so much, I'd rather quit instead of playing without the legacy rewards (I know it is not the most rational idea).


    I am sure I'm not alone in such a position, when do we get server merges or transfers?


    My whole guild is in a similar position and a bunch of us canceled after BW announced that we will be forced to pay to consolidate our characters, unless we're extremely lucky with the free transfer destinations. No idea what they where thinking but I for one won't be charged for population issues nor will I leave 4 months of effort behind.

  13. Is there any chance you will change your minds regarding free character transfer destinations?


    I have re-rolled characters on a high population server and I don't find it fair nor acceptable that I would be financially punished just because of it nor do I want to leave a lvl 38 legacy and 3 lvl 50's behind and waste the effort developing them, not to mention the millions of credits spent on the legacy.


    At the end of the day active players isn't changing, only amount of characters available on said server, doubt I'm the only one in this boat that needs an answer to this as soon as possible.

  14. Less than 200 people in total across both factions on my server at 21:00 tonight, canceled sub when BW slapped us in the face saying we can't re-roll and get our mains transfered for free to our re-roll choice once the feature is done.


    Not like active player populations would change at that point in time if we re-roll now, they seem to just want us to wait patently for a month or two on our semi dead to dead servers while they make the feature.

  15. the fleet isnt a good judge of how many people are in the game...just how many are on the fleet...lots of people actually play the game instead of sitting idle on the fleet


    At around 21:00 my server had 120 people in total on empire and 64 on republic, how's that for judging.


    And yes you can know with that small numbers as 'sith' or 'jedi' doesn't even cap the 100 search.

  16. Or you could give them time to figure out "such important issues," yes?


    It was a complex thing to design...2 months ago, if they don't have a clear design set in stone by now how much more patience should we have, I have payed and given BW my support for 5 months and now they are telling me to wait a month or two more, during which me and my guild can't re-roll to keep our selfs occupied and later have our legacies and mains transfered to the destination we choose, instead we are supposed to sit around doing nothing or PvP vs the same 20 people.


    Before you say that they can't allow transfers anywhere, if we re-roll on a high population server today and have our mains transfered there at a later date will not change the playing population on the heavy server in any way shape or form, it simply changes the number of characters available to us on said server. To do that though we would have to pay extra...for a feature we effectively payed for already through our continued support by subscribing to the game.


    It's a slap to the face to say the least.

  17. For those that played Star Wars Galaxies, the final mass loss of subscribers started with the free transfers. What happened there was that everyone transferred to the fad Server of the Moment and they the lag drove many of them from the game. I can very easily see this be repeated if SW:TOR were to add free and regular server transfers like SWG did and Rift does.


    Just allow transfer of the full legacy, all characters, and have a 6 month lockout, problem solved.

  18. Wait, you really expected something different? It's kind of how almost every title in the industry handles population-based transfers. It's kind of expected.


    Well it's either sitting around doing nothing until transfers come in as rerolling is impossible without free transfer to consolidate my chars and legacies or simply quit the game, you can see where it's heading with this announcement.


    Thanks, that's a good one; I needed a laugh.


    Get it through your head: that's not how the real world works. They develop content, and you pay to access what they develop. If you don't like what they develop, you stop paying. In no way are you entitled to anything as a subscriber other than the ability to log into the game and play your characters.


    Rift has free transfers, to be fair WoW is probably the only subscription based game that reliably gets away with charging for transfers. but I know, with people like you standing ready with wallet in hand expecting to pay for something that should be free, the rest of us gets shafted.

  19. First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice.


    You have created this mess and now we're supposed to hang around until early summer where you choose where we go or we have to pay to get to a server we choose to re-roll on in the meantime, I'm sorry but not going to happen, without the ability to consolidate my characters and legacies for free I don't see me being patient and understanding any more.


    Edit: Not to mention that we pay a subscription for this game, in essence paying for the development of the transfer feature so why on earth should we be charged for using it.

  20. Of course, our general policy is to not talk in detail about specific features until we are 100% sure that it is on its way. You can imagine what would happen if we gave a specific date, months in advance, only to come up against an unforeseen obstacle that causes us to delay a particular feature. This is why you'll see many replies by us and our developers that simply say "soon".


    While I can understand this when it comes to most features I can simply not accept this when it comes to transfers, you should have expected the need for that feature months ago and had it done by now, lacking that we should get detailed information on how the feature will work, cost or no cost, any server or restrictions, full legacy move or not (characters) and so on to be able to make informed decisions about how to proceed.


    Just so you can see where I'm coming from, currently at 23:50 I'm sitting with 17 in fleet and 28 in WZ, 50 and 10-49 bracket combined, going by last weeks number I'll have no WZ and less than 20 in fleet within 2 hours. With this low activity our US players that play with us have very little to do and as we have literally no information on how transfers will work we can't make any decisions to roll an alt on a future destination, level an alt to transfer once it's done or worst case scenario where you are planing on charging for transfers and we have to find a new game to play.

  21. Is this possible that once per every 1000 use of CC abilites something is not working as it should? Of course it is. *snip* Does it mean that resolve is bugged and not working system? I think not.


    Actually that is by definition bugged if it can fail at a high frequency as 1/1000.


    I personally don't think it's necessary a bad system, it needs tweaks though and anything but slows needs to be included in the resolve system in some way, even if it's just roots being ignored while full resolve, same as I think warrior charge being exempt is beyond ridiculous (and no others stacking up resolve isn't not a valid argument, see knock backs), if not possible to have warrior charge add resolve at the very least it should be unusable on targets with full resolve same as agents in cover.

  22. Do you believe in everything you read here?


    Of course not, it's BW's job to figure out whats what though, and again if there are enough accounts for some issue, real or just perceived then there is most likely an issue that needs to be sorted some way, if that is changing how resolve works, changing the visual presentation on the UI for CCs or simply educate the players is another matter but it's not less of an issue overall.


    Why exactly complain from someone who has no clue what he is talking about should be treated seriously?


    If you are referring to the OP in this case I don't care if he's right or wrong, the generalizing statement "provide a video or you are lying" is what I'm opposed to.

  23. It takes 30 seconds to file an in game bug report. Not much of a time donation considering the potential benefit in the event the bug is real. The forum is for discussing things, you are claiming things and refusing to provide the necessary backup for a discussion. You may as well just post spam or trolling for all the benefit you have provided.


    Bug report what, "I stunned a guy and it didn't work", I'm sorry but that's not even remotely helpful, I can however say that there is an issue on the forums, not why that issue is there I do not know and unless payed it's not my job to figure out if it's the UI failing on occasion, an ability not working as intended, sync issues server side or just the resolve system not taking some things in to account.


    If the forums are for discussing things not related to bugs or issues with the game it self then you might want to have a chat with CS that directs the player to them for that very reason.


    As for your decision to not actually help anyone track down the bug, you may as well state that you don't want to be murdered, but it isn't your job to report a murderer you saw since it only randomly happens.


    Bad analogy is bad.

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