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Posts posted by Genocidalx

  1. Then go back to WoW then. I guarantee you, the grass is dead and salted on every side of the fence.


    What? How dumb can you be? Your reply doesn't have anything to do with anything. I don't play wow.

  2. Because, instead of stopping people from doing what is wrong, you are sugegsting to reward/bribe people to do something they should be doing in the first place as a player.


    8 people walk into a zone with an implied mutual commitment as a team, and just because some of them are friggin' impatient, spoiled brats with no sense of commitment for the team who likes to just walk out in the middle of the game, ruins it for the rest of the people who stay behind to play the game out, while he himself just "saves time" and queues into another fresh new game/winning game to freeload onto an easy victory, we have to give even more rewards and candy?


    That's bullshi*. If anyone should be rewarded, its the people with the sense of responsibility and sportsmanship to play out a game to its bitter end that should be rewarded -- not the friggin quitters. What you are suggesting is plain wrong, and makes a mockery out of the rest of the players who play it through.


    Try candy-coat it any way you want -- the fact remains, that people who quit losing WZs are pieces of shi* who seek easy and immoral methods to gain wins and rewards which they do not deserve. Its no better than intentionally throwing the game, or rigging matches -- which, I'm pretty sure those brand of people would no doubt have been doing, were it only if they had some predictable method to play with only their circle of weasles. Fortunately, the randomness of queueing at least prevents that, thank god.


    I don't think I've ever seen a good player share your opinions. Only bad people want to drag others along with them.

  3. I couldn't agree with this more Catharde. I have thoroughly enjoyed player housing in other games including SWG, DAOC, and Wizard101. It's not at the top of my wish list but it's definitely up there. As others have said on the thread it's not in the near term set of updates but it still remains a tantalizing possibility for sometime in the future.


    And I love Darth Moonshadow's responses.B


    I bet if you guys took a moment to think about all the ways you could exploit your players with the Cartel Market in relation to player housing it would shoot up to the top of your list. Scum.

  4. Good idea. You have some potential. Maybe BW should hire you as community manager :-)


    You know what I can't stand? When you buy a bag of Salt and Vinegar potato chips and they don't have any vinegar on them so they just taste like burnt, salted potato flakes. Someone at Herr's should be fired.


    Ahh, apparently Bioware is arbitrarily deleting posts. I guess someone needs to act like they're earning a paycheck.

  5. two weeks ago I was playing my 20something sorc healer in a FP.

    we killed something and it dropped a customizable chest piece (looks like the ones agents wear on the creation screen). Our Jugg tank "needs" on it (didn't matter, no one in the group used cunning), equips it as is, and continues on to the main boss.


    by some miracle, i kept him and the group alive. i rechecked him before we broke, and it was still all cunning and no strength


    This is funnier to me than it should be.

  6. Here are the patch notes:


    New Feature Collections is a new feature which provides a one–stop interface accessible from the Inventory Window or Cartel Market:


    Collections will track most items available from the Cartel Market, Packs (Cartel, Contraband, and beyond!), Cartel Reputation, and even Friends of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Pre–order, Collectors Edition, live fan events and more.


    Rather than being limited to one character or Legacy, items tracked with Collections share across the entire account – all characters, all servers.


    Once an item or gear set has been acquired on a single character, the player can use Cartel Coins to unlock that item or gear set for all characters on the account, with the exception of level 15, 31, and 43 Adaptable gear and Cartel Reputation items.


    Notice the bolded part? That makes it VERY clear to me. Once an item or gear set has been acquired on a single character, the player can use Cartel Coins to unlock that item or gear set for all characters on the account


    It is very clear that in order to unlock that item for all characters on the account, it requires cartel coins.


    The operative word is "can" not "has to" or "is required." It could just assume players won't have BoL gear for the common way of moving bound things.

  7. Clearly you need a dictionary. If you think saying "crooked and despicable" doesn't mean maliciously -- you're an idiot. End of story.


    But, I'm seriously done arguing here. Clearly there is no point, because I started out trying to lay out what was happening, and it has turned into people screaming the same things back and forth.


    GUESS WHAT? Doesn't matter what any single one of us thinks. They WILL NOT give out reasons for specific people -- why? They can't. That is a privacy breach. If there is an exploit here, they will announce it. And whether or not you like it -- that means it is an exploit, and it was unintended. They have sole discretion to do whatever they please.


    Good resort to name calling. You may as well be done arguing because you're dismissed, anyway.

  8. Honestly, what was able to be duplicated and what wasn't and what was charged and why was not clear to me with the collections system. I didn't have the inclination to do more research than what was shown in the previews and press releases or experiement with it so I left it alone (good thing by the looks of it). I'm not a genius by any means, but I do alright in the reading and comprehending department. If it wasn't clear to me, I would be willing to bet there were others who didn't understand what was intended and what wasn't with it.


    Give people, both the players and BW, the benefit of the doubt till we know more.


    Bioware demonstrated no willingness to give a benefit of the doubt, why should we return the favor? Which, I think, is the whole point of the outrage here. They just mass banned people who used their feature(s), arguably in a gray area. And, furthermore, the people who were banned still aren't even sure why they were banned, and still there is no comment from Bioware. No warning, no benefit of a doubt, just bans, whether interpreted by a live person or a script is inexcusable - more inexcusable - than any of the mentioned usages of their features, whether accidental or intentional.

  9. Unlike you, I don't immediately think that this was done maliciously.


    It appears as if the person looking through the logs had too heavy of a hand -- and we've already seen a report of someone having the ban lifted, and gametime added to their account as an apology.


    Did BW make a mistake? Absolutely. It happens.

    Did they do it on purpse? Give me a break.


    I never said it was done maliciously. It was incompetent, crooked and despicable, yes. Clearly done ignorantly which is much worse than maliciously. Everything you listed; still not okay.

  10. For me it wasn't about me being banned, but everyone else whom may have been banned unintentionally or due to a mistake. I can take a hit or two and roll with the punches, my tolerance for it in regards to myself is high. As you can note in all my posts, not once did I mention my banning. It was always about others, which is because if I feel someone's being punished unfairly, I want to get that fixed as soon as possible, regardless of the cost to myself.


    Well, that's the reason most of us are here. Users like myself who haven't been banned but find this whole ordeal despicable (best word I can think for it) in the purest sense of the word. It was shady and crooked and the grief shouldn't befall the innocent to beg for solution. Imagine if it were just one user who didn't voice it. The only reason some may be unbanned is BW's attempt to save face. They're the only ones who should be serving a penalty here, and who is going to exact it?

  11. You shouldn't have to be a lawyer and study for hours to play a videogame. Neither should you have to guesstimate what is and isn't allowed if the methods are obvious. Finding datacrons could be considered an exploit because you're going into areas off the main path, areas you may not be allowed to go.


    I don't want to flinch every time I decide to do something. Bioware is despicable and... I'll stop there.


    Stupid filth.

  12. This is a Czech film...


    It's pretty cool to be arbitrarily banned without having the slightest notion why, especially by a company who you pay to provide you entertainment. And then, they try to squelch all dissent like it's some sort of communistic society. Something shady is going on and it needs to be brought to daylight, and I would encourage everyone to post about their bans/suspensions here and everywhere they can so people are aware of these malignant practices employed by Bioware.


    People don't need to be guilty until proven innocent, and shadowbanned and squelched like criminals, especially because, in many cases, many people don't even know what's going on (me included - though, I was never banned). If using a mechanic provided by the company is considered an exploit, well, that's 100% the company's fault and they shouldn't attempt to defer blame for their incompetence towards the general community.


    This is not a good way to run a company, and it emphasizes their pure nature of greed. I believe these outcomes are symptomatic of a greater concern growing within all big businesses among the world. Those of a fascist mind will certainly encourage and defend Bioware/EA for their latest efforts, but, in truth, people need to come together and bring this out into the light of day, and exact consequences so that EA/Bioware understand that they have tread dangerous ground.


    Once and one time only.


    Bring your complaints here, take them to reddit and every active website hosting an SWTOR community and, if you want to take it a step further, any forum concerning the activities and products of EA and Bioware.


    Everyone, you have my permission to copy and paste what I've written, to be used with or without credit.

  13. So, I have a major problem with 2.0 and the bolster changes (as they relate to gear).


    First off, I am not a proponent of expertise, or separating PvP and PvE gear (as this game decided to do from the beginning). I am 50/50 happy about the bolster changes that did much to remove the gear discrepancy between players. But, the sad fact is - it is part of this game.


    1. I think PvP being placed on even footing is good in the proper brackets (which are currently too broad).

    - The game has effectively removed the purpose of levels, stats, and gears (the trinity of an RPG), but only for PvPers.


    2. When the game was released I realized I had neither the time nor desire to gear my toons for PvP and PvE so I had to choose (because Bioware decided to make a each mode gear-exclusive) which I wanted to do. Well, PvP was the easy choice. I never liked the barrier.


    3. Now the barrier of entry has been removed for PvErs to participate in PvP, but not PvPers to join PvE. I've effectively sacrificed the entire PvE phase of the game in favor of PvP, and now I find myself excluded from the knowledge and gear to do the PvE. Why did they decide to suddenly give half of their game away? Due to the bolster changes, the PvP gear is only marginally better than PvE gear.


    So, the purpose of this: I think bioware should:

    a) Remove bolster and expertise from the game entirely or

    b) Bolster PvP suits in PvE environments to match the best PvE attire to remove the division between the two. PvPers get the short end of the stick with these changes.


    Lastly, looking at the new PvP armor sets, I noticed pieces now have to be upgraded from Partisan to Conqueror pieces of the same type (ie Vindicator for Vindicator / War Leader for War Leader / Weaponmaster for Weaponmaster). Given the newly marginalization of PvP gear in the game overall, I'm locked into a spec of which I choose. For example, If I want to play an Immortal Juggernaut, I probably need to buy War Leader. However, if I want to respec to Veng/Rage I'd probably want the Vindicator pieces. In an effort to bring some fairness to those who choose to PvP, and to bring less hassle into their worlds, I recommend removing the upgrade requirement of identical pieces, because it's too restrictive. There's no need to make people farm 4 tiers of gear to respec later.


    I would like to be able to, for example, upgrade from Partisan War Leader to Conqueror Vindicator, so I could respec and swap between them by keeping the mods and trading the shell. It's not complicated or unreasonable. What I find unreasonable is expecting me to farm through 4 tiers of average gear for a modicum of flexibility. It's the least Bioware could offer in deference to the latest changes.


    My solution is not without penalty: one suit I choose to keep is going to be a tier lower and I accept that as fair. What I don't think is fair is the big slap to the face Bioware has delivered to those of us who chose PvP. I think Marauders/Sentinels are the only classes who do not share this concern.

  14. Do you realize what you're asking to do? You're asking BW to remove expertise and make the gear that you can get by continuously grinding WZ's identical to gear that can only be obtained once a week if you get a few lucky drops in a timed lockout environment. Do you not see the issue? For one there is enough bad players in wz's as it is, much less forcing pve'ers to partake and clog up the queues so they can get their gear for NIM's more easilly. Is it a perfect system? No. But making the gear absolutely identical to the pve gear is not the answer, and expertise...resilience...what have you is, at the moment, the lesser of two evils.


    You've really been conditioned by the WoW era. There's no need to have specific functions of gear that discriminates against playing preferences (ie PvP vs PvE). It was a fabrication not of balance, but of creating a separate grind to keep you playing and subscribing for longer than you may have otherwise. However, Bioware/EA has proven this is not the way to do it. Their scheme didn't keep people p(l)aying longer because of the grind. People will play your game if they like it, not because of some greedy, under-handed psychological manipulation.


    10 million people played WoW because they enjoyed what WoW was (I was not one of them). SWTOR went free to play because it was not otherwise sustainable because people didn't enjoy what SWTOR is.


    No decisions wrought of financial greed will ever mask the underlying problem and fact: a game must have soul and its content must be enjoyable to keep people playing, not the effort to crush content for silly rewards.


    So, you talk of rewards and for some reason distinguish between PvE and PvP, I do not. There is only the game and your character. DAoC had it right. I PvP'd in that game for no reward at the end. The reward was the PvP experience itself. If I didn't feel like PvPing and wanted to go raiding... well, I used the same gear and raided. Playing the game was the reward. I don't understand your/this mentality of needing incentive to play a game. The game itself is the incentive.

  15. So if I'm not bringing a premade into a wz, I'm a bad player?


    Please, come and hit that 750k in 10-29 bracket. Have been spending time there with my operative and I'm really feeling a need for an insta-heal, since people keep dying when I've almost casted my big heal.


    I didn't say that. I never play premades. I only play with one friend and less than half the time I play am I with him. My healer is fine solo or just better with him.


    Though, if anything could be inferred by what I said, then it would be flipped to say "Maybe you're a bad player, maybe you should consider running in premades."


    Some people don't realize they have faults until every excuse is taken away. And, sometimes, not even that is enough. Well, the cries of "gear" no longer apply. What's next? Bolster? Everything being even is something to complain about? No, I don't think so.

  16. I'd like to see a dev response to the TTK issue. There is absolutely no point to being a healer in this game currently.


    Why not? Healing is more fun than ever, especially with the bolster that increases your alacrity, power, crit rating and all the essential things healers love. I routinely heal between 750k and 1.3 million per warzone, and my power only amplifies if I have a guard and/or a second healer. My numbers are almost guaranteed to eclipse any numbers DPS are putting out.


    Healers are fine. In fact, they're probably overpowered. However, if you're the sole healer and you have no guard, and you solo queue, yeah, you're probably going to die fast and often. But, you know what? You should. Learn to play.

  17. Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco



    I must state that I never liked the concept of bolster, or expertise, or saw the need for the endless farming of gear tiers (which are easily solved by soft and hard item stat caps to make all gear equally viable in all forms of gameplay). What I mean is to say there was, is and never will be a need to separate PvP from PvE. WoW's solution (whose example this game follows) was not the proper or necessary solution to gearing mechanic. A game that had it correct would be DAoC prior to Trials of Atlantis expansion where you could farm gear, or have it crafted. The raid/farm gear usually had cosmetic appeal to those who found that important, and that was the purpose of getting it - to feel exclusive. For those of us who were more interested in the min maxing or technical aspect, we could throw our resources into the crafting aspect to reach the same balance.


    Bioware clearly had a purpose in following the framework of WoW in this regard, obviously with the intent to create a grind which lead to an obvious money grab. People who are always chasing a carrot, they believe, will continue to play while they chase the carrot. This is a cop-out for developers and games who realize their content alone isn't interesting enough to achieve the same goal.


    With these ideas in mind I realized in early release, due to the fact that my time is limited, and desire as well, that I would have to choose whether I wanted to play PvP or PvE. The easy choice was PvP. So much so that I have completely ignored all PvE content simply because I can't do it. My free time was completely claimed by PvP goals (gearing/comms/improving). Now I realize since PvP has been given an easy playing field, I'm a year+ behind in gear and experience for all PvE content. Why would Bioware give away all of my progress?


    Can I we get a PvE bolster that caps everyone naked in whatever top tier PvE gear is available now? Can we just make gear irrelevant in all ways but cosmetic? I think I would like to now try getting into the PvE side, but I'm not going to invest another year of my time and money if Bioware is going to make my progress irrelevant at some point.


    In fact, there's no reason for the "level" concept to exist in this game especially. You can leave in the normal quests and storylines just as something to do between raids and PvPing, if you wanted to strip the game down to its very essence. With each patch this is what bioware demonstrates very clearly, that all of the RPG mechanics are absolutely pointless in this game. The only point in levels is to advance, however, they strip away all purpose in advancement each time they make a move. So, let's just boil away all of the game's flavor and let people do their raids, hunt for easter eggs and achieve achievements, and remove all the advancement of quests, armor, stats and levels.

  18. Ok I'll bite. So let's say OWPvP was encouraged. How much comms/valor will be awarded for a kill or quest? Since there will NOT be a separate of PvP & PvE gear AND the best gear can be achieved from either endeavor how will you be gaining said PvP gear? How will you match the progression with PvE and how will you ensure PvP players not facing off with other players with vastly higher gear? It wouldn't do to have PvE progression buffered so they can actually overcome the encounter and not the case in PvP.


    Will there be points where players can stop and come back another day to continue where they left off? How about stopping to get the team filled back up when someone drops? How you guys deal with afk players? You know someone to constantly runs into a corner and stays there for the entire raid. I wonder I wonder I wonder...


    I've played 3 characters to valor rank 60+, one is 85. I've never noticed but maybe 2 AFKers in my matches. And they eventually joined in. They could have been answering a phone, getting a drink, using the bathroom, or dealing with a real life issue momentarily. I think there's a culture exaggerating the AFK issues or, less likely, my server is just exceptionally awesome.


    On the other hand I've noticed countless players who were just so horrible that I wished they'd go AFK because they were actively detrimental to the game.

  19. No offense dude, I'm really not trying to be unproductive, but if you don't plan on playing anymore and you don't even know if you're own suggestion would make you play, then why are you even posting on the forums? The ONLY reason to PVP is because it's enjoyable. The gear progression gives you something to shoot for, but it will ultimately be cross-server ranked WZs that will keep people playing. If you don't like the current system, at least make a suggestion that you are willing to stand behind or else that suggestion becomes worthless. If this setup isn't working for you then I can understand that and wish you luck in whatever game you move on to.


    Look, don't be mad because I don't like your game. I made productive suggestions to improve the game, and I was even able enough to do it objectively and remove myself from it. I shall move on. But, before I do, I was offering a helpful suggestion so SWTOR doesn't become merely another title in the bin of memory that drove my favorite genre into copycat stagnation. If they want a game that will be memorable and stand the test of time, then they have to exhibit the courage to walk in uncharted places. I think my input could be valuable to them, depending on their purpose.


    My input was or could be productive, whereas your response was not. And, by virtue, this response is not. So, in the interest of keeping this thread on topic, there's no reason to express your displeasure because a game you like isn't for me. I don't know why it's so important to you that I like the game, anyway. I'm just a nameless, faceless thing giving some final feedback. It shouldn't impact your identity whatsoever. If you like the game, keep playing it and let that be enough.


    I only wrote what I did because it was once a game I WANTED to like.

  20. Just to be clear I don't really disagree with you, but what you're arguing/suggesting is pretty much Candyland. What we have been handed is not the game you've envisioned, stats aren't capped at a reasonable amount and players are expected to grind through one level of gear after another. This is the game we are playing, is it ideal? Maybe, maybe not. We aren't playing an oldschool sandbox game, in games like SWTOR gear is the driving force of character progression.


    Would I prefer to see a system similar to the one you've presented... of course... Even among modern themepark MMOs some have tried that sort of system only to convert away from it. LotRO once had a really interesting and flexible gear system where there really weren't set in stone "best in slot" items. The gear cap was relatively easy to hit so people mixed and matched their gear to do whatever specific thing they thought was of value. All of this was removed when they dropped stat caps and the game essentially turned into one more gear grind. This is unfortunately the trend, and in part that trend is fueled by the ridiculous demands of the current MMO player.


    Side note: LoTRO now has expertise, its almost an expected result when a game switches to the gear grind model.


    When people demand "more" end game they're not demanding more diverse and flat "options", they are demanding progression, new tiers that make the old tier irrelevant and so on. This makes it frankly a nightmare to balance the PvP game while continuing to offer "progression" in the PvE game.


    TLDR: I like the idea you presented, however we're not going to get that. I'd rather the expertise system than a gear grind without PvE/PvP gear being separated. I'd love the game you're imagining, but we aren't playing that game.


    Oh no doubt. That's the reason why I won't be playing after my free month is up. I'm not sure I would continue to play even if my imagined system were implemented, but I think I might. I don't play it much as it is. I'm realistic. I know it's not happening and I know the reasons why. Ergo, I know in 30 days SWTOR and I part ways forever. It will probably survive, and perhaps thrive despite me. But I can't, in good conscience or ethics, on principle, support such a game, because in doing so I validate the greed (and lack of imagination) behind it.

  21. Not needed: make the progression for PvP the same(ish) as PvE, that way Raid PvE'ers couldn't come in and roll everyone, because PvP would have the same type(ish) gear. I know, it would make PvP about skill:eek:


    If expertise was really needed and game breaking, then it would be in pre-50 PvP as well.


    Yes, you get it!


    Simple and elegant, is it not? But, as I said, it's not about this simple solution, it's about forcing you to grind so you keep playing and, most importantly, KEEP PAYING.

  22. Sadly I'm going to go with "It is needed"


    All those claiming expertise is just for WoW kiddies or some similarly inane catch phrase, keep in mind that we're totally playing a WoW flavored gear grind of a game. Ultimately this is the reason expertise is needed in SWTOR, all new content is going to mean new gear, new gear is our only carrot to chase and having PvE gear and PvP gear separate makes the game easier to balance in PvP without having to damage people's PvE play.


    I'd love to see them get rid of expertise as I personally feel the system is lame and dumb, but doing so imo would require much more than a few minor system changes. It'd require a change in the basic design concepts of the game. The legacy of tiered gear, raids and "end game" is what makes stats like expertise necessary.



    No, it is not. Read my post just above yours. It's really a very simple fix. Almost, dare I say, OBVIOUS. But it's obvious if Bioware's methods are in the best interest of the players. But, they're not. They're in the best interest of their bank account. That's all it comes down to, yet you all have convinced yourselves that it's necessary in the interest of some phantom "balance" issue.

  23. needed. I don't want to have to raid to be able to pvp.


    Well, if you could use your imagination, you'd see otherwise.


    It's definitely not needed. It was a lazy, "new" solution by developers with no foresight or reasoning abilities to create a balanced system. However, the solution is quite simple, and comes in 1 of 2 forms: Cap stats in a manageable way to create more gear versatility, or offer comparable or universal results from "grinding" (ie make the same gear obtainable through either path: PvP or PvE.) SWTOR has even less of an excuse to utilize expertise as stat due to their modding system and orange/purple armor shells. Make the gear itself secondary to the Armoring/Mods/Enhancements/Augments which can be obtained through crafting (GTN), or the commendation system they use for PvP and PvE already. Just make tiers of universally applicable gear. Remove the PvP tiers entirely. It's an ignorant system, anyway (and worse the gear LOOKS like trash to a piece).


    Bioware is trying to harness too much control over a world that is supposed to be shaped by the players that inhabit it. If crafted items were endgame-useful, the economy would thrive and be completely self-sustaining. Removing expertise from the game and implementing my concepts would make the game superior to its current incarnation in EVERY WAY.


    But, the point of all of this isn't the interest of PvP v PvE balance, it's about developing timesinks to keep stringing us/you along so there's the illusion of progression. It's an educated money decision on Bioware's part. They want you to keep playing, chasing the next carrot, so you're never "satisfied" with where you are. That sort of manipulation is more damning than anything else I can think of, and I will be done with it soon.

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