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Posts posted by pokota

  1. That is how it is right now, but my proposition is to give Cybertechs the ability to craft all augments. Synth and Armormech already have good cash flow from making gear with augments. Giving the ability to make the augments themselves to Cybertechs would give them an equally good way to make some credits and also fits well with he design of the profession.


    That's not how it is right now, Artifice and Cybertech cannot craft augments. At least, all the augment schematics I've ever gotten from Slicing have been Synth, Armor, or Arms. My suggestion was that the non-primary augments should be broken up among Artifice, Cybertech, and Armstech, with Synth and Armormech keeping the primary.


    Your proposition isn't going to happen. They aren't going to take augment making completely away from any crew skill. Besides, orange gear crafting as a money-maker is about to be nerfed big-time, with criticals losing much of their value. Synth and Armormech are going to be hit hard.

  2. The Augments are not crafted. They come from slicing missions. As far as I know, this is not going to change.


    Wha ...?


    Personally, I think the ability to craft augments should have been broken up among all professions. Seems like that would have been fair. Armormech should have Cunning and Aim, Synth should have Strength and Willpower, with the remainder being spread out.

  3. Not only that, but crew skills currently make the best gear in the game, that it takes other people days to gather the commendations for. Artifice can make Campaign relics, Cybertech can make Black Hole earpieces, and Biochem can make Black Hole implants, and all of those are without EVER having to do a raid. In addition, if you have done HM EC or NM EC, you can RE your campaign drops and learn those schematics too.


    And to the OP, the facts that I just pointed out means that crafted gear is currently THE most powerful gear in the game.


    Don't you think it's a bit disingenuous to imply that people are going to get schematics for Black Hole gear without raiding? Perhaps months after raiders have them, unless they are extremely lucky.


    BioWare doesn't want crafters to succeed in SWTOR, they want raiders who have crafting skills to succeed. A very real difference. It's just another way to force people into a particular play-style. Crafters can't make the best gear in the game. Raiders who craft make the best gear in the game.


    Which would be fine, if it didn't over-write what non-raiding crafters could do. When I first started SWTOR I could RE to level 49 purples, at tremendous cost and time spent farming elite robots for zal alloy, until I could produce quality pre-raid gear that people would buy so they COULD raid. Now that niche is gone. All those purple patterns are pretty much worthless.


    That is my problem. What I HAD was taken away.


    After I quit raiding in this game, I was quite content to make pre-raid tier items. Now I cannot, because raid-quality items are on the market. As I said before, my latest alt, who has never set foot inside a level 50 instance, has ilevel 25 mods. Pre-raid tier is gone.


    That is why crafters who don't raid-farm will be looking elsewhere for an MMO to play. And I don't want to hear from anyone about how such people shouldn't be playing MMOs. That's BS. People have their own reasons, their own play-styles, their own desires. Personally, I like being in guilds, I like talking to people while I play, I like helping guildmates, and I love participating in a player-driven economy. Those reasons are every bit as valid as any other. There is NO REASON why those things HAVE to be marginalized in an MMO. They can co-exist quite well, and have done so in other MMOs. In SWTOR's case, it's simply that they don't want that segment of the market.


    Which is fine. As I've said, it's their game. If they don't want that segment of customers, then so be it. I just don't understand why.

  4. It's pretty much true, crafting is an unnecessary credit sink for the most part. Even if you make credits in the long run, it's unlikely that it will be more than you could have made selling materials. This is especially true now that you can buy raid-quality mods and gear.
  5. BioWare's big mistake, as far as I'm concerned, is that they invalidated the traditional niche crafting has always occupied in most MMOs, which is the highest level of pre-raid gear.


    The first screw-up is easy to see. Daily questing offers equivalent or better mods to what base-level crafting can make, and better quality ear-pieces and implants. I started this game in pre-launch, and got my character up to max Cybertech before level 30. I remember how excited I was to get the schematics for the level 49 Armoring and Mods that I would need when I reached that point.


    However, I never made a single one of them. Back then, mandalorian iron was selling for 15k each, while you could basically get the mods for free just by doing some quests. It was like some kind of vicious joke.


    Now, they've further invalidated that tier by allowing instance-farmers to craft and sell gear that obliterates it. I have a character that's never been inside of any level 50 group instances AT ALL sitting on Fleet with iLvl 25 mods. Seriously?


    Pre-raid tier has been bypassed by purchasable raid-tier. It's an absolute mess. There is no structure, no cohesive design.


    BioWare basically only cares about having you as a customer if you're a raider. Which is fine, it's their game. But that isn't what they promised as far as crafting is concerned. However, I quit raiding in SWTOR because, frankly, I found it to be boring. I turned to leveling alts, instead.


    I would have been perfectly content, as a non-raider, to craft high level pre-raid gear. BioWare removing that tier from the hands of non-raiders pretty much means that most people who play this game for crafting will eventually go elsewhere. I hope that's what they wanted, because that's what they will probably get.

  6. going by endgame and math


    armor - craft 5 items for yourself sell 1 or 2 items on the gtn (never same item to same person twice)

    armstech - craft 1 weapon for yourself, augments for all armor/weapons, sell 1 or 2 weapons on gtn a day (never to the same person twice) sell 1 or 2 augments on gtn a day (can be sold to the same person 6 times or more)


    as an added bonus armstech can craft "the chopper", which is the most sought after vibroblade in game and if you crit craft it, its worth a fortune (takes 3 biometric alloys to make)


    armor could be better than im saying because i havnt leveled my alt enough to remember what all u can make but im 99% sure armstech has a mathematical advantage


    Not sure what you mean by mathematical advantage. If you're going to count augment crafting, then the Aim and Cunning augments that Armormech can craft probably give it an advantage as far as Bounty Hunters are concerned. However, the reason I didn't mention augments before is that most people won't be able to take advantage of it while they level, not unless they have a Slicer somewhere.


    Also, Armormech has plenty of profit potential with custom orange armor and blue/purple tanking gear, and the highest level augments sell well. I don't see either side having a significant advantage there.

  7. Seems like Armormech would bring more to the table. You have gear covered for ALL your companions. Commendations will easily cover upgrading mods for your weapons. My first character was a Cybertech, but since I leveled up Armormech and Synthweaver alts, I barely use it anymore. If you're going to be a tank, or plan to use a tank companion, then there is no question.
  8. Nah, it's just that we realize that credit sinks are necessary for the game to function or inflation happens. If level 50s are crying about the game sucking all their cash then they must be doing something right. Usually people are level cap sit on stacks of cash meaning even level 10 stuff is priced the same as level 50. Which is somewhat true now, but at least it's affordable to even people with level 20 characters. If there were no money sinks in the game everything would cost crazy amounts on the GTN and anyone without characters making 7k a quest wouldn't even have a reason to bother looking.


    Inflation? Might happen? Our servers must be radically different. Right now, on my server, grade 1 materials sell for almost as much as grade 6. Inflation has already happened. Why? Why is the economy so inflated? Because you can do daily quests, earn hundreds of thousands of credits, and at the same time earn commissions you can exchange for gear INSTEAD of buying it.


    What we're talking about now isn't a credit sink, but rather a punishment for those who like switching their gear around. A credit sink would be something that affected all players, that is generally unavoidable, such as speeder fees or repair costs. Credit sinks shouldn't single players out. Buying the armor, buying the augment, buying the augment kit, those costs are enough by themselves. There is no need to throw a reoccurring barrier behind that. It's a punishment, that's all it is.


    Seriously, the idea that an economy bloated by daily quests is actually going to see any level of deflation because players who like variety in what their character wear have an extra tax ...


    There are enough reasons to quit this game. BioWare not wanting people to change the appearance of their armor is not going to help. It's just another reason to be unsatisfied and annoyed. It won't be a credit sink, because most players will just decide not to do it, and instead simply settle for being mildly unhappy.

  9. I don't know about Armormech, but there is a link to a listing for all the Synth patterns in one of the stickies in this forum. Personally, I just got everything I could, until I was at the point where I could determine what I was missing, then I wrote that down on a pad. I keep that in front of me when I'm checking the GTN for schematics.


    The only tricky part is that some of the low level sets don't have a helm. 19 and under, I think. The level listed on the pieces corresponds with the UWT mission levels you need to run. For example, if I have the Hooligan Helm, which requires level 27 to wear, then I have to run the UWT missions in that level range to get the rest of the set.

  10. Is there a reason why people ignore the fact that you have gathering nodes in the daily areas?


    Materials are the main reason I still go to Belsavis. In all honesty, I don't need credits anymore, I have more than I will ever spend, but the place is an absolute treasure trove of high-end materials. Those are actually worth MORE than their market value, because you rarely see them listed on the GTN. I go all the way into the northiern dungeons, unlike most people who run in and run out. I'm usually in there long enough for most nodes to spawn a second time. As for the outside nodes, I usually pick those up four or five times.


    However, I don't see how running daily quests and crafting/running missions contradict one another. If I'm logged in, then I have five companions doing SOMETHING, whether I'm on Belsavis or standing around on Fleet.

  11. The misconception that just because a person gathers their own materials it's free is a very rookie mistake. Your time should always have a value to it; account for that value in the retail price of the finished product. I see this mistake made in RL as well.


    Exactly. It doesn't matter where you got something, if you picked it up for "free" or if you over-paid on the GTN; the actual value of an item is the current market rate.


    I'm not sure why people are OK with BioWare's desire to put huge financial roadblocks on armor switching, other than "I don't intend to do it often, so it doesn't really affect me". Personally, I think that's a pretty lame and short-sighted philosophy. I know that I would love the ability to switch armor often. Why BioWare is against that, I do not know, but it's just another negative in my book. I have nearly all Synth and Armormech patterns and my main has about two dozen orange armor pieces in storage. Not being able to change looks without a huge penalty is annoying to me.


    Also, I'm a bit confused on something. Why are people responding that the cost will be a savings because "50k is less than augmented armor sells for now"? Isn't the 50k simply the table fee, which does not count the price of the augment kit (which we don't know) or of the piece of armor itself (which will almost certain rise)? It seems quite possible that on many servers, getting an augmented piece of gear will end up costing MORE. Never mind that if you're an armor crafter you'll have to shell out money upfront rather than simply pay with materials.


    I really don't get it. It seems to me like they're trying to turn an incentive into a negative. Letting people change their appearance for a nominal fee could only be a positive thing on all fronts. Instead, most will simply stick with what they have, even if they find something they like better. I just don't see the value in having some players feel regretful without reason.

  12. Yeah, it definitely changes. Ugh. Sent a whole bunch of nice looking gear over to my new Republic Consular, and every single piece turned ugly. Especially the helm pieces. I guess I'm going to have to make one of everything. So far, it looks like Sorcerers win in appearance.
  13. im curious what faction are you?


    my agent is cyber but once i got my Jk to lvl 50 i suddenly realised id need some droid parts for the last quest.


    it was then i realised that if my agent made lvl 50 purple droid parts and then sent them to my republic characters i could sell them and make a ton of creds.


    And id like to point out that if the secret companion comes out in 1.3 then everyone will want high end droid parts.


    It shouldn't matter. Imperial players shouldn't have to create Republic characters just to see more utility from Cybertech. It's ridiculous that an entire subset of the profession is 95% worthless to one faction. Imperial Agent is the only Imperial class that has any real use for droid parts, but it's the least played class, and that companion isn't even used all that much. Even when it is used, Cybertech crafted droid parts aren't necessary, not unless someone really, really feels the need for an augment slot.


    I would LOVE to have a response from BioWare about why they decided to shaft Imperial Cybertech characters that way.

  14. Pretty sure I got mine from Underworld Trading. Extremely hit or miss, though. You have to farm the same level tier as the item in question and hope you get lucky. You might run hundreds of missions and never get it. Your best bet is to check the GTN every single day, and maybe advertise in the trade channel.
  15. But basically the idea is gathering normally beats missions?


    So far the following skills in consideration are...


    1. Slicing (for sure)

    2. Bioanalysis

    3. Archeology (most likely not in)

    4. Treasure Hunting

    5. Scavaging


    If you're starting out, yes, gathering wins. However, if you have the capital to absorb the overhead associated with mission skills, then they can earn a LOT of credits. It's an example of "it takes money to make money". Underworld Trading can generate as much profit as anything else in the game; you just have to pay up front and earn your money back on the GTN. If you want straight-up credits, though, then gathering is a much safer path.


    Looking at your list makes me wonder why you're down on Scavenging. What makes it such a good skill at low levels is that three different crafting skills depend on it, and two different crafting skills depend on Archeology. That's a plus in my book.

  16. Slicing is really best when you have multiple characters, and already have some of your bases covered.


    For instances, let's say you already have a Cybertech character with Underworld Trading and Scavenging. If you made an Armormech character, you could get Slicing, since you already have two of the support skills elsewhere, and Slicing would round out your Augment crafting abilities and give you a more complete Armormech catalog.


    If you want Slicing and a craft skill on your main, then I'd definitely recommend creating an alt with the necessary Mission skill. Mission skills, unlike gathering skills, work well on GTN alts, as you don't typically need as much of the materials generated by Mission skills to craft with.


    Either way, if you want both Slicing and crafting, you should have another character that can make up for what you're missing. My first character, way back in pre-launch, was Cybertech/Slicing/Scavenging--I loved Slicing, but I quickly realized I HAD to have Underworld Trading, so I made an alt for that purpose, and it worked out perfectly. That alt eventually became my second level 50. Having multiple characters lets you have your cake and eat it, too.

  17. So slicing is a must, gathering good too.


    Might take biochem as a third.


    However, I`m not that familliar with the GTN.


    Do I have to go to the fleet to check on it?

    How do I check how in demand they are at the time?

    In terms of the long run do you make more credits off of gathering materials off the world or do rewards from missions (for example lockboxes in treasure hunting) do better in the end?


    Also, if I remember right both slicing and treasure hunting have lockbox missions, in that sense would having both as crew skills be pointless or does one skills lockboxes have stuff the other may not? Or would it be smart to take both so I can do more high leveled lockbox missions when one skills lockbox missions are all taken?


    The best way to handle checking the GTN and putting your goods up for auction is to get an alt character up to level 10 or so and park them on the Fleet. That way you don't have to go back and forth to buy or sell. You just mail items from one to the other.


    As far as gathering versus running missions goes, keep in mind that you have to pay to run missions. That's overhead that has to be considered. When you pick up something in the wild, it's basically free, so it's total profit. Personally, I do both, I gather while I'm questing, and I send my spare companions out on missions for stuff I need to craft with or for materials that fetch a good price. You should gather everything you run across. I keep Resources checked on my map and check it often for nodes. If you're low on credits, then you should probably not run missions, as that can bleed you dry fast.


    Also, remember that if you take a crafting skill like BioChem, it's going to be worthless without the gathering/mission skills that support it. Check your codex for an explanation of what supports what.

  18. Schematics for Cybertech? There are only a few. Grade 2 and 4 ship upgrade parts, the top level purple ship upgrade parts, and then the three speeder schematics. And yeah, I can't believe you sold the speeder schematic for that much. When servers had higher populations, I used to sell them to the vendor for like 900 credits.


    There are a few lower level blue earpiece schematics floating around out there, but they're not really worth worrying about. There are also some earpiece schematics in Ops.


    Not sure what you mean about knowing what blue and purples are, unless you mean what results you can get from REing? Read the RE sticky for a detailed description of that. With earpieces, REing a green will give you a blue with one of three stats added: Critical, Power, or Defense. When you RE a BLUE into a purple, you can get one of five stats added on top of that: Accuracy, Alacrity, Presence, Surge, and Shield.

  19. Eh, I find making 3 of everything for every slot, every few levels a job in itself and those mats you have stacked will quickly run out if that's your plan. I love armormech and synthweaving because it lets me quickly outfit my characters, I don't plan to bother with augmented orange stuff til 50.


    I mostly agree. I always make boots, gloves, belt, and bracers with Synth or Armormech. It's just so much simpler and less time consuming to deal with. I just make the upgrades and have them sitting in the mail for when I level. As for my companions, they level with Synth/Armormech gear entirely.


    I do level with orange augmented legs, chest, and helm, though, but comms and quest rewards usually take care of that pretty easily. Almost every planet has heroic 2+ quests that you can eventually solo which give mods as rewards. I try to do my space combat missions everyday, which is an excellent source of exp, so I'm generally always a couple levels ahead of content.

  20. All the crafting skills can earn you credits. Every single one of them. The thing that people mix up is that they go in thinking that it's the job of those skills to earn you those credits. It's not. The role of crafting is to craft. The role of using the crafting skill to generate profit is up to the player.


    Craft skills are blind. They don't measure supply and demand or test the market. You have to do that yourself. I have four crafting skills maxed out, and there are avenues of profit for all of them. Right now I'm concentrating on Synth and Armormech, but I can play around with Cybertech and Artifice and still move products. It's just all about looking at the market and the GTN BEFORE you start crafting. There are holes everywhere, unfulfilled demand everywhere.


    Of course, the major problem isn't with the system at all, but with other players. Nothing BioWare can really do about stupid people. Most markets aren't ruined because of the skills themselves, but because of undercutters. That's another part of looking at the market; sometimes the demand is there, but the profit potential has been crushed by idiots. For example, I recently undercut a guy buy 250 credits on ship upgrade parts. His response? He undercuts me by 5k. Then ANOTHER moron comes along and undercuts him by 5k. Suddenly, because of two idiots, the market turns from profitable to breaking even. Ugh.


    So, yeah, it's all about analyzing and paying attention.

  21. In all fairness, those professions SHOULD get the ability to craft the augment kits, because 1.3 will render crit crafting for those skills all but meaningless. Almost all the augmented gear I sell is to level 50 characters who want to change looks, which means all of them will have to add the highest level of augment slot, even if it's already slotted. They're basically taking away what 1.2 added, so they had to replace it with something.


    Cybertech needs something in another direction. It SHOULD have been given the ability to build the crafting parts/mods for the ship robot--which would have let people on Imperial side actually USE that aspect of CT. It should still get new speeder models, and some type of robot pet would be awesome. Personally, I think CT should get "quality of life" gadgets that make things more convenient, like secondary Quick Travel teleporters or field repair kits--basically, stuff CT should get is going to be used to buff Legacy instead.

  22. Completely depends on the companion in question. Xalek, the last companion for Inquisitors, gets pretty much nothing from conversations. Blizz, on the other hand, the Bounty Hunter companion from Hoth, gets affection from almost everything. Some are just harder to please than others.
  23. Ok, apparently investigation works better with armstech then UT right? Why is underworld trading better for armor mech then it is for armstech?


    Lastly, how do i send items to other alts?


    You have to mail material and items from one alt to another. A Dev said that they might address other solutions in the future with Legacy, but it's not a priority, so it'll be awhile. You can mail between alts regardless of faction.


    Slicing is a good skill, but it's not a priority in anything. You won't NEED it unless you go heavy into making augments, and augments themselves aren't vital. To clarify which profession can make what, Armormech can make Cunning and Aim augments, and I think Absorption and Shield, while Armstech can make Power, Critical, Endurance, and Surge. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about Slicing if you're going Armstech, because you won't be able to make your own augment-slotted gear like you would with Armormech. Slicing is best when you have a skill you need covered by another character.


    Of course, you can always try Slicing, and if it becomes a problem not having Scavenging or Investigation, you can simply drop it. It won't really hurt you much in terms of credits being lost, because Slicing basically pays for itself.

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