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Everything posted by Nemysyss

  1. lolol! Castle Rock here, anyone from mind prison?
  2. BW people are probably looking at this flood of posts thinking we're desperate... NOPE just uninformed. Thanks for giving us EXACTLY what we paid for and nothing more... not even what you implied we'd be getting. Soooo BW when will you start selling cars? Ps should I be sucking up instead? Do those guys get early access for playing nice? Cuz I mean I have cleavage! lololololol
  3. This really is frustrating! I mean I get it... Y'all want to make your shiny new game sound even more amazing so you offer a preorder perk with game access earlier than most. Catch is your perk made all of us nerds think *hey! I might actually get my names!* and now we're all slamming at your doors saying *Hey! they're gonna hit 50 first, with MY name and I paid just as much as they did!" Well come on.. what did you expect? Did you ever consider announcing the preorder race... since obviously we are all competitive people and we might enjoy a little competition? Instead you treat us like cattle showing no more respect than a local sleazy outlet mall. Great job guys... It wouldn't be so bad if you had just told us. The most mature people in this thread are giving you reasonable reasons like *hey I took today off!* coming from people who grew up idolizing Star Wars this is a big deal and a lot of us made sacrifices. Throw us a bone.
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