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Posts posted by KarathAnno

  1. 2. My opinion: They don't make sense. I don't like them in "Legends" and I don't like them in TOR. Light (plasma) can't be black. But if anyone wishes to say "its a fake galaxy anyway what does it matter" go ahead.


    Not necessarily true.


    If they were emitting light outside of a visible wavelength and blocking/absorbing all the visible light passing through the beam then they would appear to be black; with maybe some red, blue, green, etc, light bleeding around the edge where some visible wavelengths are being absorbed and others passing through.


    Now I grant you that is not at all likely but light-sabers are fairly far fetched weapons to begin with.

  2. If the idea is to make story mod ops more accessible to the player base I'd like to see the lockouts changed (for story mode only).


    Ran DF through the group finder the other night, got through the first two bosses but the group fell apart on the third one due to some people not understanding the mechanics and so of course I cannot try again until the lockout expires.


    Ideally I think the (story mode) lockout should prevent you from receiving any rewards from a given boss kill more then once a week, but not prevent you from participating multiple time.

  3. For me its the Juggernaut tank.


    It has my favorite story and companions.


    I love how solid and powerful the animations and sound effects feel. Force Leap, Force Push --> Force Leap, and Intercede give it a dynamic and surprisingly mobile play-style. Also leaping into a large group of ranged enemies, hitting reflect, and watching the storm of incoming fire bounce back at them is the best thing ever.

  4. I recently speced into lethality and agree that this a very noticeable issue. At the end of my rotation I'll almost always have 0.7 to 0.8 seconds left till cull comes off cooldown instead of the expected 1.5 seconds to cast snip or some other quick ability.
  5. A few points that have been overlooked on the Guardian.


    Reflect is amazing. It is a wonderful tool to use at the start of a fight with most large groups to gain threat and reduce the damage you take. Also if you use your leaps and intercede you have really good mobility.


    I have leveled all three tank classes to 55 but the Juggernaut (aka the guardian) is the only one I play end game. It's not that the other two are bad in any way but personally I enjoy the Jugg/Guardian play-style so much more. Leaping around the map and throwing enemies attacks back at them never gets old.


    Having said that the stuns and knock-backs can be very frustrating as the Guardian/Jugg. You have the fewest tools to deal with them and are most dependent on being in melee range.

  6. I have to agree. I have been looking for a look for my mercenary for quite some time and was excited about the Mira's outfit because it perfectly fits her personality. I previewed it with all these cute dyes and was thrilled when it came out of a box. Then I realized, hey you can't dye this. At this point I wonder why you bothered with a dye system bioware? Seems anything that is really neat can't be changed anyways...


    I agree. It's like there is a faction of developers that secretly hates character customization and looks back fondly at WoW circa 2005 when every character dressed the same by the end of the game.

  7. I talked to our folks in UI about this and this is not a bug but an intended change. As some of you have seen, the dyes that are applied to armor show up in your item tooltip. We were having an issue where dark colored dyes were unrecognizable in the tooltip with the old tooltip opacity. Because of this we had to make a very slight change to the background opacity on item tooltips.


    However, I will be passing the feedback from this thread back onto the team. Thanks everyone.




    PS - In the future please avoid bumping threads. Fear not, we will see your thread and bumping threads is against our forum rules.


    This is NOT a very slight change. It makes it very hard for me to read items stats and it makes the game nearly unplayable for someone I know.


    Please either change it back or give us the option to disable this asap.

  8. /signed.


    My post from another thread:

    This is not at all how the system was presented to us before now and I for one am extremely disappointed.


    I really do believe that everyone at Bioware works very hard and wants this to be a great game... but honestly you continually fall short of that goal. I cannot think of a less user friendly or less useful way you could have implemented the dye and collection systems. They are both worse than similar systems other MMOs have had for years.


    I suppose it is my fault for getting excited about 2.1 based on the previews given your track record. But frankly this is one subscriber who is very tired of constantly being let down.

  9. Hey everyone,


    Make sure that you have equipped every piece of any armor sets you are trying to claim within a collection as they will not show up until all pieces have been equipped.




    This is not at all how the system was presented to us before now and I for one am extremely disappointed.


    I really do believe that everyone at Bioware works very hard and wants this to be a great game... but honestly you continually fall short of that goal. I cannot think of a less user friendly or less useful way you could have implemented the dye and collection systems. They are both worse than similar systems other MMOs have had for years.


    I suppose it is my fault for getting excited about 2.1 based on the previews given your track record. But frankly this is one subscriber who is very tired of constantly being let down.

  10. Armstech, Synthweaving and Armormech all make augments. Which for my Sythweaver and my friends Armstech have been profitable, as in selling more then the mats alone would.


    Biochem makes reusable items which if you are running endgame stuff save a lot of credits over time. Also there is always a market for Stims and Medpacs which last time I looked was profitable.


    Cybertech may be in the same situation as Artifice, I don't have that crew skill at a high enough level to know.

  11. Dit dit dot dot dot dot dot ... Breaking News!


    Raw materials sell for more money than the final product! This is a new fact that only applies to Artifice and has never been seen in this game before today!




    Then why would you advice someone make and sell enhancements and hilts when they will make more money selling the mats directly? Why would you possibly think that losing money counts as a useful feature of artifice?


    As I said in my first post augments kits and reverse engineered drops from ops are, for now, the only way to make money with artifice (this may change with the dye system in 2.1). If for some reason you want to take $10 worth of mats artifice them up and sell the final product for $8 that is fine but don't pretend it is a good business strategy. :rolleyes:

  12. This is silly. Artifice can craft low-endurance grade 28 enhancements, which are frequently better than the endurance-heavy grade 30 enhancements found in Black Market gear.



    On my server it certainly is true. The purple 28 enchantments sell for 40-45k each. They require 2 Mytag Crystals which sell for 28k each. So you can sell the mats directly and make 56k or turn them into an enchantment and earn 45k if you are lucky. The value added from artifice is negative 13,000 to 18,000 credits.


    Even if you want them for yourself it is far smarter to sell the mats and buy them form other people off the GTN.

  13. Not very helpful but none the less true answer: dump artifice and train up a more useful skill.


    Slightly more helpful answer: make and sell MK-9 augment kits, run 55 ops and hope for a rare drop you can reverse engineer.


    While not totally useless Artifice is probably the worst off crew skill right now.

  14. Just popping Saber Reflect alone gives me 8.5k threat (logged number) on every mob within 30m of me. Healers would have to heal well over 17k to pull off you. Also, never lead with an AOE taunt, you need to gain some threat for taunt to multiply against.


    Do you know if its possible for the threat from Saber Reflect to miss? I ask because I though this was how it worked but I have repeatedly seen ranged mobs ignore me and shoot at my healer after I leap in and use saber reflect which is why I've gone to Saber Reflect+AoE Taunt.

  15. That was a very disappointing post with a lot of information that was simply wrong.


    Alacrity is not good for the Juggernaut at all, I don't believe it is good for the Marauder either but I don't have enough experience with that AC to say for sure. It does not reduce the channel time of Ravage or increase rage generation except by allowing us to spam our weakest attack more often. Switching out any DPS stat for alacrity will result in a loss of damage (with the one exception of accuracy over the hit cap).


    Also while the Immortal tree is vastly improved it still has no answer to the vast amount of CC most of the trash mobs have in this game. It can be unbelievably frustrating to play now.


    He also fails to mention that Saber Reflect scales negatively for tanks; meaning it gets worse as your gear, specifically your defense rating, improves. I find this a mindbogglingly bad design choice that I hope is reversed soon.

  16. In 2.0 I have noticed a couple of things that scale negatively (get worse) as as relevant stats improve. I assume these must be bugs because what design team in their right mind would put systems in place that punish players for doing content/using better gear.


    Here are the things I have found so far. If anyone knows of more please note them.


    1) Archeology (and I believe Bioanalyst) gathering missions. When that crit they give Mats that are not of any use.


    2) Saber Reflect. Prioritizes defense over reflection so well geared tanks are more likely to waste the cooldown when they use it. If for some reason it is intended that this ability be less beneficial to tanks this is not the way to go about it. No ability should get worse as your gear improves.

  17. If it didn't happen something like that, the other choice is that they were added intentionally as a credit / time sink by Bioware.


    A credit sink that punishes you for running better missions and having higher affection. Which would normally be ridiculous but Reflect also scales negatively with some stats so that seems to be a theme with 2.0.

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