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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Necrosov

  1. I don't know why you guys like hybrid specs so much. Your better off specializing in a tree.


    Anyway, here is my PyroTech build I am going to do. I see people going for the extra aim which is nice for a flat damage boost but from my experience crit is better - especially with Firebug talent.




    You could go 3/3 in intimidation and 1/2 in Rail loaders as alternative. it might be better to do that since it boosts more of your attacks. Enjoy

  2. Use your CC breaker when they knock you down with hidden strike and melt their face -it's not hard. On top of that your now at a full resolve bar... GG
  3. Ah thanks for the information!

    About Op; i though they were going to be for me since i have been loving the stealth classes since as long as i can remember but in swtor its not my cup of tea i guess :3


    Yeah I played a OP to 50 in the beta I loved it but it absolutely has its quirks and you have to work a lot harder in the warzones than some of the other classes. It's frustrating at times ( like trying to backstab with all the lag >_< ). I think you will like Powertech a lot. If you go Advanced Prototype you are close to the playstyle of the OP but instead of stealth you have heavy armor and more surviability.

  4. Keybinds and lots of practice my friend. I have played online pc games for about 15 years as my hobby and the more practice you get the more you can accurately predict the behavior the other player is going to exhibit and understand how they think. It's not a bad idea to research other classes too. Knowledge is power
  5. The quality of PvP in this game is not accidental. Its exactly the same as what was in Warhammer. Its sad that people bad mouthed WAR because of lack of endgame. But every hardcore pvper who played WAR scens absolutely loved it, and its the same with swtor pvp.


    I'm not saying im hardcore but you ARE right. The players who understand the game mechanics and how the pvp works in this game are the ones having fun. Everyone else who can't grasp these simple concepts are the ones ************ on the forums. They think because they got 2200 or whatever the hell it is arena rating in WoW it makes they automatically pvp pros in SWTOR. If they get served in pvp then it's the game fault and not because they need to get better.

  6. They need to just hide your level in Warzones so you guys stop crying so much. if you actually understood how pvp works and the mechanics of the game instead of QQing on the forums so much then you would enjoy playing the game like everyone else.
  7. Guess Op is not for you then - cuz that class is awesome. I plan on rolling one after my PT gets 50. But back on topic, Yes you can level as Shield Tech and it works great. Takes a little longer to kill stuff solo but you can take a beating like it's nobodys business. In PvP it works great too as a support role. Toss your guard on teammates getting ganked and provide backup. I would suggest using mako for leveling and gearing her out - you'll be close to invincible.
  8. I love the pvp in this game so far and it takes some skill to be good at it. It is a bit frustrating at times with the current problems but they will tweak it. I hate all the QQer's on the forums saying blah blah this class is OP. Fact is they expected to slam their face on the keyboard and win. Everyone crying about sorcs and BH's ... HAH! Wait till you start seeing good concealment OP's bursting you down before you know whats happening. Least played class and it's one of the most powerful
  9. I know this is a big giant surprise to all of you, but bolster has been extensively tested in beta and is working just fine. If you got pwned, it probably wasn't because of the level difference. In fact, it probably means you just are worse geared than a high level player, or, as much as you'd hate to admit it, he's a better player than you. In fact, to give you some facts, bolster quite frequently places lower level characters as more powerful than high level characters. Yes, skills and talent points do make a difference, but that is your incentive to level.


    The current system matches players of even levels as best as it can and is working AS INTENDED, and it's great to be able to play with all your friends, regardless of level.


    I mean seriously didn't we have this conversation a billion times before on the beta forums? I think most people complaining don't even understand how warzones work in this game and try to duel everyone and get slaughtered.

  10. I love it when people who are level 15 complain about PVP balance or game mechanic's being "broken".


    It also makes it very easy to tell who was in beta and who wasn't.


    Yeah and every wave in beta the newbs QQ'ed on the forums about pvp cuz their lvl 20 got pwned.

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